

A Cost-Revenue Analysis of Recruiting College Graduates

【作者】 侯永平

【导师】 易金务;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 政治经济学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 军队“征兵难”尤其是征集高素质兵员难,是近年来困扰我军现代化建设的一个重大问题。形成这一问题的主要原因之一,在于近几年来大学入学率的不断上升。高等教育的大众化,使得更多的年轻人有机会上大学,从而,一方面,大学毕业生的数量连年猛增,出现了大学生就业难的窘境;另一方面,使得军队可征集的高中毕业生规模不断缩小,军队征集高文化素质青年的难度不断加大。但是,军队“征兵难”尤其是征集高素质兵员难与大学生就业难这“两难”问题的同时出现,却为催生新的兵员征募模式提供了难得的契机。征募大学毕业生服兵役便成为“两难”背景下的现实选择。征募大学毕业生服士兵役,必须坚持“以募促征”的原则,强调军队以平等的身份在大学生劳动力市场中的参与竞争能力,让参军服役成为大学生重要的就业选择。为此,必须在兼顾军队利益和大学毕业生个人利益的基础上,建立完善的征募政策制度,包括:改革完善现行兵役制度,制定大学毕业生的征募制度规定;强化军方的市场参与行为,加大军方的获取成本投入力度;改革完善兵员的薪酬待遇制度,为大学毕业生士兵提供工资待遇;改革完善生长军官培养选拔制度,从大学毕业生士兵中大量选拔生长军官;制定完善退伍安置的优惠政策,解除大学毕业生士兵的后顾之忧。文章在问卷调查所得数据基础上展开研究,共五章。第一章是征募大学毕业生服役问题的提出,指出在“两难”现状下,参军服役应成为大学生重要的就业选择;第二章分析了征募的成本问题,包括军方的成本和大学毕业生个体的成本;第三章分析了征募的收益问题,包括军方的收益和大学毕业生个体的收益,同时,在成本—收益分析基础上探讨了大学毕业生个人的服役决策问题;第四章进一步从经济效益的角度,对各种征募高素质兵员的模式(包括旧有的以及新的征募大学毕业生的模式)进行了比较分析,得出征募大学毕业生可以有效地替代其它模式的结论;第五章具体给出了征募大学毕业生的一系列政策建议。

【Abstract】 Today the Army has being confronted with recruiting difficulties, especially recruiting the high quality youth. One of the main reasons is the continuous raise of the college enrollment rate in recent years. The popularity of higher education makes more youth have the chance to enter college, consequently, on the one hand, it makes the number of the college graduates rapidly increase, this straightly result in college graduates’ employed difficulties; on the other hand, it makes the recruiting scale of high school graduates continuously shrinks for the Army, and it is more and more difficulty to recruit the high quality youth. But, the concurrence of recruiting difficulties and college graduates’ employed difficulties could provide a scarce chance to spur new recruit model, thus recruiting the college graduates may become a realistic choice under the "two difficulties", it will be helpful to resolve the college graduates’ employment and the Army’s quality simultaneously. The study will be deployed at this point.It must adhere to the principle of "promoting conscription by recruiting", to recruit college graduates, and emphasize the Army’s capability of enlist and competition in college market by equal status, and makes military service become an important employment choice to college graduates. Therefore, it must build consummate recruiting policy, based on balancing the benefit between Army and college graduates, it includes: innovating and perfecting actual military service, constituting policy and law for recruiting college graduates; strengthening the Army’s market enlisting behavior, increasing the Army’s obtaining cost; innovating and perfecting the enlistees’ wage system, paying for enlistees who have college diploma; innovating and perfecting the cultivating and selection system for primary military officers, selecting primary military officers from enlistees who have college diploma; constituting and perfecting the preferential policies for retirement enlistees, eliminating college graduates enlistees’ worries about their future.The paper is based on the data of questionnaire, and comprises five chapters. In Chapter 1, we advance the issue of recruiting the college graduates, and point out that entering the service will be an important employment choice to college graduates under the "two difficulties"; Chapter 2 discuss the cost of the recruiting, comprise the Army’s cost and the college graduates’ cost; Chapter 3 discuss the revenue of the recruiting, comprise the Army’s revenue and the college graduates’ income; Chapter 4 compares the economic efficiency of different recruiting models of high quality enlistees(include the old models and the new one, which is, recruiting the college graduates),and concludes that recruiting the college graduates could substitute for other recruiting models effectively; Chapter 5 advances a series of policy advices to recruiting the college graduates concretely.

【关键词】 大学毕业生成本收益人力资本征募
【Key words】 college graduatescostrevenuehuman capitalrecruit