

Design of Network Experiment System and Control of Inverted Pendulum Based on Genetic Algorithm

【作者】 柳志远

【导师】 张湘平;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 控制科学与工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 倒立摆是一个非线性、多变量、强藕合、不稳定的机电系统。作为一种被广泛采用的控制对象,倒立摆系统即可以检验许多控制方法的有效性,也可以将控制理论的许多抽象概念如控制系统的稳定性、可控性和收敛速度等直观地表现出来。因而它在控制理论的方法及实验研究中具有很重要的作用。本文以XZ-Ⅱ型旋转式倒立摆为研究对象,在分析了旋转式倒立摆结构的基础上,建立了旋转式倒立摆的数学模型,并将遗传算法引入到旋转式倒立摆的PID控制算法研究中,利用改进的遗传算法分别对旋转式倒立摆的单回路PID和双回路PID控制器参数进行寻优。仿真结果表明该方法具有较好的控制效果。并在此研究的基础上进一步实现了旋转式倒立摆实物系统的基于遗传算法的PID控制。另一方面,从构建网络自动控制实验的需要出发,完成了基于C/S结构的旋转式倒立摆网络教学实验系统的研究与设计。该系统由旋转式倒立摆、网络服务器、应用程序服务器、数据库服务器、图像服务器、远程客户端等部分组成。用户可在所设计的支持多用户的管理机制下,通过远程客户端访问倒立摆实验系统,并以远程设置控制参数—本地实时控制—远程传送试验数据的实验方式完成相关实验。

【Abstract】 Inverted pendulum is a non-linear, multivariable, strongly coupled, unstable mechatronics system. As a control object which has been widely used,inverted pendulum can not only prove the availability of lots of control methods,but also display various abstract control concepts conspicuously such as stability, controllability and convergence speed. So it has very important effect in the experiment method and research of control theory .In this paper,we take the Rotary Inverted Pendulum XZ-II as a research object. On the basis of analyzing it’s structure, we establish the mathematical modle of Rotary Inverted Pendulum , and introduce Genetic Algorithm to the research of PID controller. We use the improved GA to respectively search the optimum parameters of single and double loop PID controller. The simulation result shows that the PID controller based on GA has a good control effect. Finally, on the basis of simulation,we control Rotary Inverted Pendulum system successfully.On the other hand, to construct the network automatic control experiment,we finish the research and design of network teaching experiment system of Rotary Inverted Pendulum based on the client/server structure. The system includes a Rotary Inverted Pendulum, Web server, application server, data server, image server, and remote client computer. Users can conveniently visit the experiment system under the management mechanism of supporting multi-user and implement control experiments according to the experiment mode which has three steps including to set parameters at client, to control inverted pendulum at server, to transmit experiment data through network.

  • 【分类号】TP13
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】214