

A Study on the Late Qing Intellectuals’ Enthusiasm to Join the Army

【作者】 王莹莹

【导师】 薛学共;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 中国近现代史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 甲午战后,知识分子掀起了一股从军的热潮,儒生士子纷纷焚笔毁砚,不作秀才要扛枪,“投笔从戎”成为清末社会里的一种时尚。清末知识分子热烈从军既有湘淮军系文人士子从军热先例示范的影响,也有清末社会转型期提供的特定原因,如:严重的民族危机下,基于尚武救国、军事救国的共识而从军;为武装反清、革命救国而从军;科举制度废除后谋得新出路的考虑,军人经济、政治地位的改善以及清末开展的军事变革的需要都是投笔从戎的动机。知识分子热烈从军,首先使清末军事变革获得了大批人力资源,军队社会成分来源的改变使军队建设呈现出新的风貌,从而有力的推动了军事近代化的发展。不仅如此,它还对近代中国的民主政治、社会转型产生过深远影响,由于这一现象产生的特殊历史背景,不可避免的存在着局限性。

【Abstract】 After Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, the intellectuals raised an upsurge of joining the army, numerous Confucian scholars had burned the writing brushes and destroyed the ink stones, and do not want to be a scholar but to pick the weapons. "To cast aside the pen to join the army" is became a fashion at the end of the Qing Dynasty.This thesis is divided into three parts. In the first part, it introduces the various phenomena that the late Qing intellectuals’ enthusiasm to join the army. In the second part, it studies the reasons why so many intellectuals want to serve in the military, and it summaries as follows: the follow-up impact of intellectuals’ enthusiasm to join the army, during the 1850s and 1860s; the grave national crisis of the late Qing Dynasty makes "warlike people save the nation, military save the nation" became a consensus knowledge to the intellectual group; "To avoid being carved up, we must overthrow the Qing government first.", the corruption and incompetence of the Qing government forced the intellectuals took the revolutionary road to save the nation; the improvement of late Qing soldiers’ economical and political status, did make the military career attractive; after the abolition of the imperial examination system, in order to find a new way to success, many intellectuals decided to join the army; the needs of a large number of intellectuals in the army is the new requirements of the modern military revolution.In the third part, the author gives an assessment to the phenomenon that the intellectuals’ enthusiasm to join the army. Intellectuals serve in the army provided a large number of recourses to modern china’s military transformation, thus effectively promoted the development of military modernization. It also has a far-reaching impact on the democracy and social transformation of modern China. However, considering the special historical background that this phenomenon occurs, it inevitably has some limitations.
