

Research on the Problems and Strategy of Changsha Business Management without License

【作者】 罗予武

【导师】 周经伦; 刘耘;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 公共管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 无证无照经营现象的存在,对正常的市场经济秩序造成了较大的冲击,并因此被国内外社会各界公认为“经济黑洞”,一直以来困扰着政府的管理工作,威胁着国家经济秩序、社会安全与和谐发展。本文以长沙市无证无照经营现象为实例,对我国无证无照经营问题进行了深入剖析,试图研究和提炼科学治理无证无照经营行为的对策。首先,采取实证分析方法,就长沙市城区无证无照经营现象进行综合调研。通过事实和数据分别就长沙市城区无证无照经营现象的现状、特点和社会影响进行了实证例举和分析。其次,运用公共管理学理论和社会伦理知识,对无证无照经营现象存在的社会基础及其对经济社会带来的危害进行表理性原因分析;运用经济学、社会学的分析方法对无证无照经营行为现象进行内质性原因分析。第三,通过浅析我国建设和谐社会的基本内涵,认为无证无照经营现象正是目前经济社会发展中不和谐因素所造成的外在表现形式,是政府实现社会和谐发展必须要面对和解决的主要社会问题之一。国外的治理经验由于缺乏中国国情基础和本土的实践参与,对指导具体的国内管理实践少有借鉴价值,因此,尽管目前国家提出了科学发展的思路,但由于一系列相关配套的保障制度和措施缺位,无证无照经营现象事实上还是比较严重的,这样的事实也充分暴露政府政策制定与差强人意的治理效果的矛盾,政府行政行为陷入了比较尴尬的局面。第四,面对新形势下党和国家对政府工作的新要求,研究提出科学治理无证无照经营行为的对策。近几年来,各地方政府都在积极地摸索整治对策,并在实践中积累了丰富的经验。运用相关案例对我国治理无证无照经营行为的工作效能探析,并提出有关对策。综上所述,无证无照经营是一项需要综合治理的系统工作。提高我国清理无证无照经营行为的效果,要从法律制度建设、社会保障体系完善、培育多种就业途径和培养社会主义市场经济下的价值导向等多个方面加以改进和完善。清理无证无照经营工作,任重而道远,应从长计议。在全社会形成尊重劳动,重视弱势群体的理念,最终实现社会和谐发展,才是研究无证无照经营现象的目的之所在。

【Abstract】 The existence of the economic activities without license gives great impact to the normal order of the market economy. It has been puzzling the administration of the government and threatening the order of the national economy, the peace of the society and the harmonious development.The thesis takes the phenomenon in Changsha as the example, anatomizes the issue of the economic activities without license and studies the scientific countermeasures against this problem.Firstly, it uses the positivism as the analysis means and made an investigation on the phenomenon in Changsha urban area. It particularizes the actuality, characteristics and social influences of the phenomenon.Secondly, the thesis uses the theory of public administration and the knowledge of social ethic and analyses the exterior and the interior reason of the social groundwork and the harm that the phenomenon does to the society.Thirdly, the thesis analyses the basic connotation of the construction of the harmonious society of China. It ruminates over the existence of the economic activities without license and figures that the problem is the exterior representation of the disharmonious ingredients in the social and economic developments and that it is one of the main social issues that the government should face and solve in order to realize the harmonious development of the society. The overseas experience is rarely used for reference because it lacks the foundation of the localized experience and the situation of China. At present, China lacks the guarantee system and the absence of the concerning measures. On the other hand, the problem is comparatively serious and betrayals the unsatisfactory effect of the solving.Fourthly, based on the new demands by the CCP and by the State on the government work, the thesis brings forward the scientific countermeasures to solve the problem of the economic activities without license. In recent years, local governments are actively groping for the solutions to the problem and have accumulated rich experience for practice in this field. It uses some cases as examples and analyses the effects of the hard work that has been done to solve the problem and puts forward the countermeasures.To summarize, to solve the problem is an integrated system work. It needs to be improved and completed in the construction of the legal system, the perfection of social security system, the creation of more jobs and the cultivation of the socialist value. It shoulders heavy responsibilities and further thoughts need to be given to the matter so as to gain good efficiency. The final goal of the study of the phenomenon of the economic activities without license is to let people respect labor, respect disadvantaged group.

  • 【分类号】F203;F279.2;F224
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】221
  • 攻读期成果