

A Study on the Health Concept and Sports Lifestyle of College Teachers in Henan Province

【作者】 王妍

【导师】 王新平;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会的发展,经济和文化生活水平的提高,人们的生活方式正在发生着巨大的变化,人们的生存观、价值观,健康观、休闲观、体育观都在变化。但同时,人们的生活方式也存在着许多问题,在不同程度上影响着人们的健康。因此,生活方式和健康问题引起了全世界的关注。高校教师作为一个社会阶层,有必要了解他们的健康观和体育生活方式,以便更好地进行体育生活方式研究,从而促进体育生活方式理论的发展,使人们的体育生活方式更加健康合理,进而提高教师的整体健康水平,提高他们的生命质量和生活质量。本文的研究目的是:利用健康心理学理论,结合社会学生活方式有关理论,了解河南省普通本科副高及以上职称教师的健康观和体育生活方式现状,发现其中存在的问题,在原有体育生活方式理论的基础上进一步阐述笔者的观点。本文运用文献法、问卷调查法、访谈法、数理统计法等研究方法,以河南省普通本科副高及以上职称教师为研究对象,对其体育生活方式和健康观的现状进行了调查分析,并对一部分教师进行访谈,以求更深入全面地揭示以下问题:一、对河南省普通本科副高及以上职称教师健康观和体育生活方式现状进行描述、分析,讨论该阶层人群健康观与体育生活方式的特征,记录现阶段河南省普通本科高级教师体育生活方式的实际状况;二、揭示健康观与体育生活方式的内在联系,指出正确的健康观不一定会形成良好的体育锻炼习惯和体育生活方式;三、分析讨论健康观与形成体育生活方式之间的瓶颈,为建构和谐的体育生活方式提出建议。本研究的主要观点在于:体育生活方式作为人们追求美好生活、享受生活、发展生命的重要内容,必将随着社会的发展进程而发生深刻的变化。了解与把握这一变化特征,乃至能够预测这一变化特征,将为我们制定高校教师体育生活方式的政策提供重要的理论支撑。本研究的创新之处在于:一、提出“现怠健康”和“现待健康”的概念,从新的角度揭示健康观对体育生活方式的影响;二、通过实证分析健康观与体育生活方式的关系,证明健康观作为体育生活方式的重要影响因素,影响体育生活方式的形成,但不一定能导向与健康观一致的行为。通过研究,本文得出以下结论:一、河南省普通本科副高及以上职称教师的健康观比较全面,并且对心理健康非常重视。二、副高及以上职称教师的体育锻炼态度比较积极,但是经常参加体育锻炼的比例不高,这与认知和情感对行为所起的作用及影响程度有关。三、副高及以上职称教师的体育锻炼动机以选择健身防病、爱好兴趣和缓解压力为主,体现了教师体育锻炼追求实效。四、副高及以上职称教师在健康认知和行为之间处于“现怠健康”和“现待健康”的矛盾之中。五、高职称并不一定形成良好的体育生活方式和体育锻炼习惯,因为体育生活方式的影响因素太多,其中,时间和惰性是影响体育生活方式的重要原因。综上所述,根据存在的问题,提出了相应的建议:一、加强健康教育,改变健康观念二、调动教师的积极性,培养锻炼兴趣和热情三、结合高职称教师的锻炼动机,开展教师喜爱的感兴趣的体育锻炼活动四、从细节着手,克服多方面的影响五、解决“现怠健康”和“现待健康”之间的矛盾

【Abstract】 With the development of society, the improvement of economy and culture living standard, people’s life style is changing enormously, people’s existence view,value view, health view,the recreation views,sports view are all changing. But at the same time, people’s life style has a lot of questions too,is influencing people’s health in varying degrees. So, life style and health problem have aroused the attention from whole world.University’s teacher is regarded as a social stratum, it is necessary to find out about their health view and sports life style, in order to carry on the life style of sports to study better , thus promote the development of life style theory of sports, it is healthier and rational to impel people’s sports life style,and then improve the teacher’s whole health level, improve their life quality and life quality.The research purpose of this paper is: Utilize the psychological theory of health, combine the relevant theories of life style of sociology, find out about health view and sports life style current situation of the ordinary high professional title teacher of undergraduate course of Henan Province, find the question existing among them, explain the author’s view further on the basis of original sports life style theory.This paper uses research approaches,such as document method ,questionnaire investigation method,interview investigation method,mathematics and physics statistic law,etc., consider the ordinary undergraduate course in Henan Province and the above professional title teacher as the research object , has investigated and analysed its sports life style and current situation in the health temple, and carry on interview to some teachers, in order to announce the following problem more deeply and overall:Firstly,describe,analyse high professional title teacher’s health view of ordinary higher learning school and sports life style current situation of Henan Province, discuss the characteristics of this stratum crowd’s health view and sports life style, write down the real state of the ordinary high professional title teacher’s sports life style of undergraduate course in Henan Province of the present stage;Secondly,announce the health view and inner link of the sports life style, point out that the correct health view perhaps will not form the good physical training habit and sports life style;Thirdly,analyse and discuss the health view and form the bottleneck among the life styles of sports, put forward the suggestion in order to build and construct the harmonious sports life style.The main view of this research lies in : The life style of sports pursues bright life, important content of enjoying life , developing the life as people, will change deeply with development process of the society. Understand and hold this change characteristic , and even can predict this change characteristic , will offer the important theory for the thing that policy that we make university’s teacher’s sports life style is confirmed to support .The innovation of this research lies in : Firstly, put forward " now idle and healthy " and the concept of " treating the health now ", announce the impact on life style of sports of the health view from the new angle;Secondly, analyse the relation between the health view and sports life style through the real example, prove that the health view influences the forming of the life style of sports as the important influence factor of life style of sports, but perhaps can not lead unanimous behavior .Through studying, I have made the following conclusion :Firstly,Title high in Henan Province undergraduate teachers more comprehensive concept of health and the mental health very seriously;Secondly,high-Title teachers more positive attitude toward physical exercise, but participation in regular physical exercise ratio is not high, and the cognitive and emotional behavior and the role played by the extent of the impact;Thirdly, the high title of the physical training of teachers motivation to select fitness prevention, and ease pressure on interest-loving mainly reflects the effectiveness of the pursuit of physical training teachers;Fourthly, Title teachers in the high cognitive and behavioral health in between "are negligent health" and "health is to be" the contradictions;Fifthly,high titles does not necessarily create a good lifestyle sports and physical activity habits, lifestyle, sports because too many factors, which, time and inertia effects is an important reason why sports lifestyle;In sum,according to the existing problem , have put forward the corresponding suggestion:Firstly,strengthen health education, health concepts change;Secondly,mobilize the enthusiasm of teachers, training and tempering of interest and enthusiasm;Thirdly,the combination of high teacher training titles motive favorite teachers interested in sports training activities;Fourthly,the details begin to overcome the impact of various;Fifthly,Solute the contradiction between "to what is healthy" and "is to be healthy" .

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】G807.4
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】657