

On Management Model of Higher School Sports Community in Henan Province

【作者】 李巧灵

【导师】 曲天敏;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 高等学校体育是学生接受体育教育的最后阶段,是学校体育的最高层次,是学生学习和独立运用的衔接点,对学生踏入社会后的体育观念和意识起着承上启下的作用,地位至关重要。高等学校是为国家培养高素质专门人才的阵地,健康体魄是高素质人才的物质载体,高校体育是培养高素质专门人才的重要环节。据2005年国家公布的体质健康测试数据显示,20年来我国青少年学生的体质持续下降。2005年5月27日,教育部在《关于进一步加强高等学校体育工作的意见》中明确提出,高等学校体育工作仍然是高等教育中最为薄弱的环节之一。2007年中共中央国务院《关于加强青少年体育增强青少年体质的意见》(以下简称《意见》)中要求高校学生要每周至少参加3—4次的课外体育锻炼。高校体育社团是大学校园中最活跃的学生社团,是高校学生社团的重要组成部分,是高校学生参加课外体育锻炼的主要组织,为丰富学生的业余文化生活起到了很大作用。高校体育社团的良好发展是促进高校学生进行课外体育锻炼较为有效的组织,它将成为大学体育的重要组织管理形式之一,成为大学生养成终身体育锻炼习惯的主要阵地。因此,研究高校体育社团对完成《意见》中增强青少年体质,促进高校课外体育的发展具有重要意义。本研究以河南大学、河南师范大学、郑州大学、河南理工大学、许昌学院等12所本科院校的单项体育社团负责人以及社团成员为调查对象,运用文献法、调查法、数理统计、逻辑分析等方法进行研究,在现状调查基础上,以管理学相关理论为视角,从组织资源来探讨河南省高校体育社团的管理模式。结果表明:(一)河南省高校体育社团是高校校园文化的一个重要领域,是河南省高校课外体育锻炼的重要组成部分。(二)河南省高校体育社团的规章制度完善,社团活动有监督机制,社团会费收取金额得到大多数社团成员的认可。(三)河南省高校体育社团多制定有学期/学年活动计划,社团组织活动有固定的活动时间和活动场所,组织活动的内容丰富多样,基本能够满足社团成员加入社团初期的动机需求。(四)河南省高校体育社团部分社团成员选择不继续加入社团,原因是社团活动内容单一、社团活动次数少、学生业余时间少和学习压力大等因素。(五)河南省高校体育社团存在的主要问题依次是经费紧张、学校不重视、场地不足、学生入会积极性不高和缺乏专业指导教师。(六)制约河南省高校体育社团发展的因素依次是经费、学校重视程度、学生参与、活动场所、运动项目的吸引力和学生的余暇时间。(七)完善河南省高校体育社团组织资源配置的对策是充分发挥人力资源优势,改善社团骨干培养机制;加强社团金融资源的管理,增强社团运行自主性;健全关系资源运行机制,促进管理部门工作协调;丰富社团信息资源,组织活动形式多样化;改善物质资源使用现状,突出体育项目特色。为促进河南省高校体育社团更好的发展,根据研究结果提出以下建议:(一)高校体育社团是完成2007年中共中央国务院《关于加强青少年体育增强青少年体质的意见》对高校课外体育锻炼要求的主要途径,河南省教育行政部门和河南省高校体协要重视体育社团的发展,将高校体育社团作为大学生充分展现技能和才华的一个舞台。(二)河南省高校学校体育部应将体育社团的发展纳入体育部教学工作计划,体育专业院系可培养学生时尚类运动项目技能的学习,同时,可将社会相关专业技术人员聘请为指导教师。(三)校团委、学校体育部门、挂靠单位和学生社团联合会作为高校体育社团的主要管理部门,应加强部门之间的协调工作,充分利用体育社团组织资源。

【Abstract】 Higher physical education is the final stage of students received,and is the highest level of school sports.It is the connection between learning and independent application for students,which forms a connecting link on their sports concept and awareness after they enter into the society.Institution of higher education train high-quality position of specialized personnel for country,health physique high-quality material carrier of talent,it is the important link of training the high-quality specialized personnel to study sports.According to the constitution and health test data in 2005,the adolescent students’ constitution has showed descending trend in the past 20 years in China.Then,on May 27th,2005,the Ministry of Education clearly put forward that the sports work in colleges and universities is still the one of the weakest links of higher education in the“further suggestions on strengthening the sports work in the college”.The central committee of the CPC and the state council issue“the suggestions about strengthening the youngsters’ sports and improving their constitution”in 2007, hereinafter referred to as“the suggestions”, required students in the colleges and universities to attend the extracurricular physical activities at least 3-4 times per week. University students’ sports communities are the most active student communities in campus. As an important component of the college student communities, university students’ sports communities play a significant role of enriching the cultural life of college students, which they take part in to the extra-curricular sports training. The better development of the university students’ sports communities can improve the college students’ extra-curricular sports training. It will become one of the important forms of the university sports’ organizations and management, as well as the major position for college students developed the habit of life-long physical exercise. Therefore, the research on university sports communities has great significance to enhance youngsters’ constitution and improve the development of university extra-curricular sports.In this paper, the leaders and the members of the single sport communities from 12 different undergraduate institutions, included Henan University, Henan Normal University, Zhengzhou University, Henan Polytechnic University and the Institute of Xuchang etc, are regarded as the research object. The research methods include documental research work, questionnaire, data statistics and logical analysis. Based on the survey, the aims of the research was to explore the management model of higher school sports community in Henan Province from the organizational resource theory.The results of this paper show that:(1) The university sports communities’ action sphere and the related aspects are more and more abroad in the college physical education in Henan Province. Sports community in university is one of the important parts of campus culture,which is an important component of the extra-curricular sports training in college in Henan Province. (2) In Henan Province, the university sports communities have perfect rules and regulations; the community activities have the supervision mechanism; and the association fee is accepted by the majority of the community members. (3) Most of university sports community in Henan Province make the semester / year planning of activities. The activities have fixed time, fixed venues and the rich variety of the content,which can basically meet the requirements of the members at the early stage. (4) According to this survey on 563 students in Henan Province university, 17. 4 percent of them chose to not continue to join communities. There are following reasons for this:the relatively singular content,the small number of the activities, students’ learn pressure and less free time, etc. (5) The main problems of university sports community in Henan Province are the funds insufficiency, the schools’ paying less attention, inadequate of the activity venues,the low enthusiasm the students joined and the lack of the specialized instruction teachers.(6) The factors that restrict the development of university sports associations in Henan Province include the fund, the schools’ recognition degree, the students’ participation, the activities space, the attraction of the activities and the students’ spare time. (7) Based on the investigation and analysis on the current condition, this paper puts forward such measures to perfect the management model about the university sports community in Henan Province, such as perfecting the mechanism for training students cadres, making full use of school sports resources, improving the coordination of associations management departments and the supervision mechanism of the associations management, increasing the associations operating autonomy and improving the management system of the associations funds, enhancing the propaganda of the community and the projects’ characteristics, making the activities planning and the diversified forms of the organization activities.According to the research results, the following suggestions for the better development of university sports community in Henan Province are proposed. (1) The colleges and universities in Henan Province should pay attention to the influence of the sports community in campus culture and the effect of the communities’ self-management. Under the supervision of relevant department in colleges, the sports community should also provide a practical platform for college students to fully display their skills and genius. (2) The university sports communities are the main approach to complete the request about the university extra-curricular sports training, which was proposed by the central committee of the CPC and the state council on“the suggestions about strengthening the youngsters’ sports and improving their constitution”in 2007. The college physical education department should bring the development of the sports community into that of the physical teaching plan.(3) Students cadres are the dominant factors to develop the sports community. As the important part of the sports communities’ development, the universities and colleges should perfect the mechanism for selection, cultivation, engagement and encouragement of the student cadres.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】G807.4
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1341