

A Preliminary Study on Nidification Habitat Selection and Niche of Ardeidae Birds

【作者】 邓天鹏

【导师】 郑合勋;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 生态学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 2006年4月~6月,在豫南低山丘陵山地区(河南省确山县),对四种鹭科鸟类(池鹭Ardeola bacchu、白鹭Egretta garzetta、牛背鹭Bubulcs ibis和夜鹭Nycticorax nycticorax)的营巢地进行了野外调查,并对四种鹭类的巢位结构进行了研究。针对鹭鸟的营巢地的一般特征,选取了乔木数量、乔木高度、乔木胸径、树冠高、树冠半径、灌木数量、灌木盖度、坡向、坡度和坡位等10类生态因子,在比较不同鹭类利用生境内各因子平均值的基础上,利用两个样本同质性的t~检验的方法,分别研究四种鹭类对各个环境因子选择性,得出了以下结论:1.在次生阔叶林中,池鹭(Ardeola bacchu)对乔木高度、乔木冠高、树冠半径、乔木胸径和坡位的选择性强,均达到极显著水平(P<0.01),倾向于选择具有高大、冠幅和径级较大的乔木和下坡位的生境;而对乔木数量、灌木数量、灌木盖度、坡向和坡度的选择性较弱,均未达到显著水平(P>0.05);在人工针叶林中,池鹭对乔木高度、乔木冠高、乔木胸径、灌木数量、灌木盖度、坡向、坡度和坡位的选择性较强,均达到极显著水平(P<0.01),倾向于选择高大和径级较大的乔木、灌木数量较少、阳坡和下坡位的生境;而对乔木数量和树冠半径的选择性较弱,均未达到显著水平(P>0.05)。2.在次生阔叶林中,白鹭(Egretta garzetta)在营巢时对乔木高度、乔木冠高、树冠半径、乔木胸径和坡位等生境因子的选择性较强,均达到极显著水平(P<0.01),倾向于选择乔木高大且冠幅较大和中下坡位的生境,而对乔木数量、灌木数量和盖度、坡向和坡度等因子没有明显的选择性,均未达到显著水平(P>0.05);在人工针叶林中,白鹭对乔木的数量、高度、冠高和胸径,灌木盖度,和地理性因子(坡向、坡度和坡位)等生境因子的选择性较强,均达到极显著水平(P<0.01),倾向于选择乔木数量相对较少而单个乔木比较高大、灌木盖度较大、阳坡、坡度较小和下坡位的生境。3.在次生阔叶林中,牛背鹭(Bubulcs ibis)在营巢时对坡位有很强的选择性,达到极显著水平(P<0.01),全部选择下坡位的生境,对其它生境因子(乔木数量、乔木高度、乔木冠高、树冠半径、乔木胸径、灌木数量、灌木盖度、坡向和坡度)的选择性较弱;在人工针叶林中,对树冠半径这一因子无明显的选择性,未达到显著水平(P>0.05),对坡向有一定的选择性(0.01<P<0.05),而对其它生境因子(乔木数量、乔木高度、乔木冠高、乔木胸径、灌木盖度、坡度和坡位)有较强的选择性,均达到极显著水平(P<0.01)。4.夜鹭(Nycticorax nycticorax)在营巢时对乔木数量、乔木高度、乔木冠高、乔木胸径、坡向、坡度和坡位等因子有很强的选择性,均达到极显著水平(P<0.01),而对树冠半径灌木数量和灌木盖度三项因子的选择性较弱,没有达到显著水平(P>0.05)。在了解了鹭类营巢地选择的基础上,进一步对四种鹭类的巢位空间分布情况进行了研究,分析了不同鹭类的巢在水平方向和垂直方向上的位置,并与筑巢树木的冠层对比,研究鹭鸟巢位的空间分布与冠层的相对关系,得出以下结论:1.在天然次生阔叶林中池鹭(Ardeola bacchu)的巢位一般比在人工针叶林中更倾向于较高大的乔木,而且其巢一般距筑巢树木的主干的距离也比针叶林远;同时,池鹭对营巢树木的分支状况也有一定的选择;次生阔叶林中主要选择在4级分支筑巢,而在人工针叶林中则选择在2~3级分支筑巢。在天然次生阔叶林中,池鹭的巢主要位于栓皮栎上,相对于乔木冠层来说,在水平方向上池鹭的巢主要位于灌层的内部和中部;在垂直方向上,其巢主要位于树冠的上部。在人工针叶林中,则主要营巢树种为油松,水平相对位置的内部,垂直相对位置的中上部。2.白鹭(Egretta garzetta)在次生阔叶林林中的筑巢高度在10~13m,在人工针叶林中的筑巢高度为5~10m;巢位所在树木具体分支状况在两种森林群落中也不相同,次生阔叶林中为5~8级分支,而在人工针叶林中则主要位于靠近主干的部分。在次生阔叶林中,白鹭主要在栓皮栎上筑巢,其具体的筑巢位置主要在乔木冠层水平方向的中部及竖直方向的上部;在人工针叶林中,主要在油松上筑巢,具体位置主要是冠层水平位置的内部及竖直方向的中上部。3.牛背鹭(Bubulcs ibis)在天然次生阔叶林中,巢度主要为8~12m,巢位主要在距离乔木主干越80cm处,即3~7级分支;在人工针叶林中,其筑巢高度主要为8~11m,巢主要筑在紧靠乔木的地方,即一级分支部分。在天然次生阔叶林中,牛背鹭在筑巢时对树种没有明显的要求,水平方向上其巢主要位于乔木冠层的内部,完全没有位于外部的巢,在竖直方向上则主要位于树冠的上部,完全没有位于下部的巢;在人工针叶林中,所有的巢均筑于油松上,主要筑巢位置为树冠的内上部。4.夜鹭(Nycticorax nycticorax)巢多位于高度在9~11m的高大乔木上,巢的平均高度为8.7±1.1m,其巢距离树木主干的平均距离为0.5±0.5m。夜鹭的筑巢树种主要为油松,其巢位在乔木冠层相对位置为水平方向上的内部和竖直相对位置的上部。

【Abstract】 During April to June in 2006, in the hilly area, south of Henan Province (Que Shan country), four Ardeidae birds′(Ardeola bacchus, Egretta garzetta, Bubulcs ibis and Nycticorax nycticorax) nidification habitat and nest~like structure were investigationIn allusion to the general characteristics of ardeidae birds nest,10 categories ecological factors,number of trees, tree high, tree diameter at breast height, crown high, crown radius, the number of shrubs, bushes cover, aspect, slope gradient,slope location,were select. First,to compared the difference of average about ecological factors which were selected by ardeidae birds. Used the same t~test method of two samples, to study the four ardeidae birds categories selective various to environmental factors, drew the following conclusions:1.In secondary forest, the tree height, tree crown high, crown radius, trees diameter at breast height and the slope location have strong effect for Ardeola bacchus, and have reached prominent levels (P <0.01), tend to choose a tall, larger crown tree,bulky trees and lower slope to inhabit; There is a weak selective of the number of trees and shrubs, shrub cover, aspect and slope. did not reach prominent levels (P> 0.05); In the artificial coniferous forest, the tree height, tree crown, tree diameter at breast height, the number of shrubs, bushes cover, aspect, slope gradient and slope location have strong effect for Ardeola bacchus, and have reached prominent levels (P <0.01), tend to choose tall and large trees, smaller shrubs, Sunny and lower slope as the Habitat;But there are not obvious selectivity to the number of tree crown radius, not reached prominent levels (P> 0.05)。2.In secondary forest, the tree height, the height of tree crown, crown radius, diameter and the slope location have strong effect for Egretta garzetta, when they nidificate,have reached mighty prominent levels (P <0.01), tend to choose tall,crown larger trees and on the lower slope .The number of trees, shrubs and the number of cover, slope and the slope, and other factors not obvious choice, did not reach prominent levels (P> 0.05);In artificial coniferous forest, the number, height, crown height and diameter of tree,shrub cover and the geographical factor (slope, slope gradient and slope position) strong effect for Egretta garzetta when they nidificate, have reached a very prominent Level (P <0.01), tend to choose a few of trees and a single tall tree, shrub cover better, eutropic, glacis and lower as the habitat.3.In secondary forest, the slope location have strong effect for Egretta garzetta, when they nidificate,to achieve a prominent level (P <0.01). All the of nidification habitat on the low sople. Others factors (the number of trees, tree height, tree crown, crown radius, diameter tree, shrub amount, shrub cover, aspect and the slope)is less to be selected;In artificial coniferous forest, the crown radius of this factor had no obvious selectivity, did not reach prominent levels (P> 0.05), and there is a little selective about aspect (0.01 <P <0.05),But have obvious selectibe about others factors (the number of trees, tree height, the height of tree crown, diameter tree at breast height , shrub cover, slope and slope position), have reached prominent levels (P <0.01)。4.In artificial coniferous forest, the number of trees, tree height, tree crown height, tree diameter at breast height, aspect, slope position have strong effect for Nycticorax nycticorax. have reached prominent levels (P <0.01).But three factors,crown radius,the number of shrubs and bushes cover have weak effect when they nidificate, did not reach prominent levels (P> 0.05)。On the basis of to understand the selection of nidification habitat about four. A further research about nests in a spatial distribution of the Ardeidae birds′was study. the different kind of nest Ardeidae in the horizontal and vertical distribution was analysis,and contrast to tree canopy. To study the relative relations about nest in the canopy and the spatial distribution of, Ardeidae birds′. draw the following conclusions。1. In secondary forest,compare to coniferous forest,the Ardeola bacchus prefer to the higher tree. And generally its nest have a far tree distance between trunk from the nest than in the artificial coniferous forest;And, it is selective for branch of trees. In secondary forest,the nest all most on the four grade branches. But in the artificial coniferous forest,the nest all most in the two to three branches;In the natural secondary forest, Ardeola bacchus nests are mainly located in the Quercus variablis, compared to the tree canopy, in the horizontal direction,the nests are mainly located in the in the internal and central of tree canopy;In the vertical direction, their nests are mainly located in the upper part of the tree crown. In artificial coniferous forest, the main nesting of Pinus tabulae formis, the relative position are in middle the,horizontal direction, vertical relative position in the upper and middle part of the tree crown.2.In the natural secondary forest,The hight of Egretta garzettaˊ s nest between the 10 ~ 13 m, In artificial coniferous forest,it is 5 ~ 10 m. It is different,the nest on branches of the trees in the two forest communities. In secondary forests,it is five to eight branches. And in the artificial coniferous forest are mainly located in truck. In secondary forests, mainly nest are in the Quercus variablis, the specific location,most of them are in the middle,in the horizontal direction,and upper,on the vertical direction of tree canopy;In artificial coniferous forest, mainly in Pinus tabulae formis, he specific location,most of them are in the middle,in the horizontal direction,and upper or middle,on the vertical direction of tree canopy. 3.In the natural secondary forest, The hight of Bubulcs ibisˊ s nest between the 8 ~ 12 m,. the average distence from nest to tree trunk is 80 cm, that is three to seven branches;In artificial coniferous forest, its nest average high is 8 ~ 11 m mainly , most of the nests are close to the tree truck. In the natural secondary forest, the Bubulcs ibisˊ s nest have no obvious requirements fou trees spiece, In the horizontal direction,they nest in the tree canopy within, no one in the outside In a vertical direction,was mainly located in the upper crown, no one in the bottom of tree canopy In artificial coniferous forest, all the nests are built in Pinus tabulae formis, t In the horizontal direction,they nest in the tree canopy within,In a vertical direction,was mainly located in the upper crown.4. Most of the Nycticorax nycticoraxˊ s nest are in high and tall tree (9 ~ 11 m). The average height of nest is 8.7±1.1m, And the average distance is 0.5±0.5m from nest to the tree trunk. Most of the Nycticorax nycticoraxˊ s nest are buring in the Pinus tabulae formis, In the horizontal direction,they nest in the tree canopy within. In a vertical direction,was mainly located in the upper crown.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】Q958
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】330