

A Research on Effective English Teaching in Senior Middle School

【作者】 高晓娜

【导师】 刘黎明;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 自教学活动诞生之日起,教育实践者和教育研究者就在把教学搞得更好这一动机的驱使下研究和探索它,不断孕育、萌生、形成和丰富了有效教学思想。可以说,有效教学是教育界一个古老而永恒的话题,一直为教育理论与实践界所关注。二十一世纪是一个信息时代,此间世界正经历着全方位的变化。谁掌握了面向21世纪的教育,谁就能在21世纪的国际竞争中处于战略的主动地位。我国建国以来的第八次基础教育课程改革正以令人瞩目的迅猛之势在全国各地顺利开展,然而,在我国的英语课堂教学中却一直广泛地存在着“少、慢、差、费”的尴尬现象。尤其是高中阶段是人生中学习的关键时期,对人一生的后继学习起着决定性的作用。因此,在新课改背景下,研究英语学科特点以及高中生英语学习的特点,开展高中英语有效教学,从根本意义上提高教学的有效性,正是理论呼唤与实践需要的自然产物,有着前所未有的重要意义。本论文从分析源于西方二十世纪上半叶的“有效教学”理念入手。首先引介了“有效教学”的理念,分别对国内外的研究状况做了简要概述。并结合高中英语教学目标、英语教学特点以及高中生英语学习的特点,探讨了高中英语有效教学的实质。然后从建构主义学习理论、英语社会语言学和外语教育心理语言学理论的视角探讨了高中英语有效教学的理论基础。接下来,以此理论为指导,通过深入当前河南省三市、四所普通高级中学真实的英语课堂教学,以课堂观察法、问卷法等研究方法,获取英语教学一线的第一手资料,以案例分析的方式归纳出英语教学过程中存在的各种低效教学现象。最后,立足于课堂教学的微观领域,侧重对教师有效地教的研究,重点探讨新时期高中英语有效教学的策略。具体来说,包括提升教师素养、构建有效教学的环境、进行有效教学的设计、开展有效的课堂管理、选择合理的教学方法、贯彻有效的课堂评价。每一部分策略都结合课堂教学的案例给出了大量的示例,具有较强的操作性,对高中英语教学有重要的启示作用。

【Abstract】 When the teaching activities occur, being promoted by the utilitarian motivation that makes the teaching better, the educational practicians and the education researchers have studied and explored it, which makes the idea of the effective teaching gestate, develop, mold and enrich. So to say, effective teaching, being an old but eternal topic in educational circles, has long been a great concern for educational theory and practice. The 21st century is an information epoch , during which the world is undergoing great changes in all walks of life. Anyone who has grasped the education facing the 21st century will be in the initiative position of strategy in the international competition in the 21st century. The eighth curriculum reform in the field of basic education has been carried out rapidly and smoothly throughout the country. However, in the practice of English classroom teaching in our country, the embarrassing phenomenon: "little, slow, bad, waste" of English language teaching widely exists. The senior high school period is a key period for middle school students to learn, which will determine the quality of further studies in a man’s life. Under this background, it is of unprecedented significance and it is also the result of the theoretical call and practical requirement that we try to study the features of English subject and the characters of high school students’ English learning so as to improve the effectiveness of teaching ,to approach effective teaching and to carry out effective English teaching in senior middle schools.This article starts with the introduction of the principle of "effective teaching" which originated from the western countries in the first half of the 20th century. It introduces the principle of "effective teaching" first, and gives a brief account of the domestic and international research state. And then combing the features of English subject and the characters of high school students’ English learning with the teaching aims of senior high school English, it explores the essence of effective English teaching in senior middle school and tries to analyse its rationality from the perspectives of constructivist learning theory, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics. Next, guided by this theory, by entering the true scenario of senior high school English classroom teaching of three cities in Henan Province , I mainly adopted these research methods such as classroom observation, questionnaire and so on to obtained the first-hand teaching data and by sample analysis I summarized all kinds of problems existing in the inefficient English teaching. In the last part of this article , based on the classroom instruction microscopic domain and just from the teacher’part in teaching, this article proposes the effective teaching strategies of the high school English for the high school English teachers in the new period .To be specific, these strategies include the improvement of teachers’ quality, the construction of classroom environments, scientific teaching design, classroom administration, the choice of the teaching methods and the implementation of teaching assessment. Because there are many vivid application examples to the point given in every part , it is operational and it will be certain to offer a lot of instructions to the effective English teaching in high school.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】25
  • 【下载频次】2429