

Reports on Disaster of TIME

【作者】 刘杨

【导师】 李建伟;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 新闻学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 从2001年到2006年,《时代》周刊对9·11恐怖袭击事件的连续报道根据不同时期美国社会的具体情况,采取了不同的报道方式与写作方法,充分运用各种传播学技巧,起到了构建社会主流文化、维护社会价值观的宏观效果。可以说,《时代》周刊对9·11的报道是美国灾难新闻报道的典范。《时代》周刊对9·11的报道有什么特点和经验?这套经验能否泊来,为我所用?如果不能直接应用,应根据中国国情作出怎样的调整?本文选取《时代》周刊5年来不同时期对9·11事件的报道为研究对象,总结出《时代》周刊灾难新闻报道方法、技巧等,并依据中国国情,取其精华、弃其糟粕,将有用的东西拿来为我国灾难新闻报道服务。本文主体分为四个部分:第一部分:灾难新闻概说。界定了灾难及灾难新闻的含义,指出灾难新闻不同于一般新闻的特点——突发性、破坏性、紧迫性及所需信息的不充分性。第二部分:介绍了美国《时代》周刊及其对9·11事件的报道,界定2001年9月14日《时代》周刊对9·11恐怖袭击报道专刊、2002年9月9日《时代》周刊纪念9·11一周年专刊及2006年9月11日《时代》周刊纪念9·11五周年专栏为文本分析对象,并指出其对9·11事件的报道是西方灾难新闻的代表。第三部分:文本分析。全面深入地分析了《时代》周刊对9·11事件的报道内容,总结出其所运用的“议程设置”、“两面提示”、“诉诸感性与诉诸理性”等传播技巧与“注重细节描写”、“体现人本位”等写作特点。第四部分:《时代》周刊对9·11事件的报道为我国灾难新闻报道提供的可供借鉴之处。本部分依据中国国情,指出了《时代》周刊为中国灾难新闻报道提供的可供借鉴之处,论证了一味的正面报道或“负面”报道可能产生的正负两方面的传播效果,强调了灾难新闻报道中媒体的文化建构功能,探讨了灾难新闻要促进民众心理健康、推进社会和谐发展。

【Abstract】 From 2001 to 2006, those reports on TIME concerning 9·11 applied various methods of reporting and writing, using different principles of communication to report this disaster, according to different social situation of different time. Those reports try to promote American social culture and keep the whole society in control. Those reports are good examples for disaster reports in America.What methods and techniques of reporting dose American reports on disasters have? Do we need learn these techniques of reporting from America to develop our own reports? Are these experiences applicable? If not, what can we do to make them work for Chinese reports on disasters? This paper analyzes TIME’s reports from 2001 to 2005 concerning 9·11, trying to find out its methods of writing and techniques of reporting, in order to take those useful experiences for improving our reports on disasters.There are four parts in this paper:First Part: outline of report on disaster. This part defines disaster and reports on disaster, point out those reports’unique characteristics, such as outburst, destroy, urgent, and incomplete access to necessary message.Second part: This part introduces TIME and its reports on 9·11 and defines the texts which is to be analyzed in this paper, which are TIME September 14th ,2001,TIME September 9th ,2002 and TIME September 11th ,2006. This part also illustrated that the chosen texts represent the reports on disasters in American press.Third part: text analyzing. This part conducts deeper analysis on the chosen texts and summarizes the techniques of communication as well as writing skills, such as agenda setting and detail description. Fourth part: The experience TIME can provide to improve our reports on disaster. According Chinese culture environment, this part illustrates different methods of reports can have various, even opposite affects, emphasize the culture developing function the reports on disaster have, while pointing out that reports on disasters should promote people’s psychological health as well as accelerate our society’s development of harmony.

【关键词】 《时代》周刊灾难新闻9·11
【Key words】 TIMEreports on disaster9·11
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】G212
  • 【下载频次】1132