

A Preliminary Analysis on the Functions of Chinese Blog Editor

【作者】 康佳

【导师】 张如法;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 新闻学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 博客是互联网2.0下的产物,它的出现对以往的传播模式带来了很大冲击,它对话语权的配置和重构,使普通民众拥有了自由发布信息的权利。博客传播的出现,标志着在以“信息共享”为特征的第一代门户网站之后,追求“思想共享”为特征的第二代门户——博客托管网站正在蜂拥而起。博客编辑,是指从事互联网博客托管网站内容建设的人员。博客编辑由于其编辑对象——博客的特殊性,也就随之具有了与传统媒体编辑大不相同的新特点和新职能。博客编辑对编辑对象的形式和内容上的编辑干预度降到了最低,在运用“把关”职能时,也只充当了“信息过滤者”。博客编辑的工作更多地集中在对博客用户的人性化管理,对博客信息资源的科学整合,以及发掘优秀博客文章和博客作者,以促使博客健康发展、努力提升品位上面。随着博客的不断发展,它其中的负面问题也不断凸显出来,如博客侵权事件不断发生,博客中色情、暴力内容屡见不鲜,所以,维护博客健康、有序发展的重担就落在了博客编辑的肩上。如何巧妙地通过“把关”、整合和去粗取精等编辑手段引导博客使用者接纳优秀博客文化、摒弃糟泊,是每个博客编辑应该考虑的问题。在工作中博客编辑会遇到一些问题,例如,该如何平衡维护“言论自由权”和对博客内容实行控制,如何调和维护隐私权和对博客进行管理的矛盾以及娱乐性和思想性该如何统一等等。本文将从传播学、编辑出版学的角度,对博客编辑的角色特点和职能作较系统、深入的分析和探讨,并对编辑如何解决遇到的困难和问题提出一些建议。

【Abstract】 “Blog”is a product of the web2.0. It brings big impact to the conventional Mass-communication model. Blog afresh configure the communication rights , made the common people have the rights of issue message. The appearance of“Blog communication”means the seconded portal site which have symbol of going shares thought come forth after the first portal site which have symbol of going shares messages.“Blog editor”is the person who works at the“Blog website”. Blog editor has much new characteristic because his edit object is very especial. The Blog editor to the top of his bent plays down the intervention to his edit object , he becomes a message filter from message gatekeeper. The Blog editor’s main work is humanistic administration to blog users, conformity the blog messages , and find excellence blogger or blog articles. With the Blog evolution , its unhealthful problems appeared , for example there are many tortuous affairs , sex and violence articles in Blog. So how to make the Blog culture develop healthfully is the duty of every Blog editor . The Blog editor should think of how to make the readers accept excellence Blog culture by her edit instrument. In the daily works , the Blog editor may meets some problems , for example how to balance the right of free press with control the unhealthful content , how to resolve conflict between protect intimacy and manage Blog users , and how to consolidate ideology and amusement. In this text , the author develops a deep going study on the Blog editor’s characteristic and functions with visual angles of Mass-communication and Editorial publishing Science. Also the author will give some advices to the problems which the Blog editor meets.

【关键词】 博客博客编辑编辑职能博客传播
【Key words】 BlogBlog editorFunctionBlog communication
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】G206
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】222