

On the Development and Effects of the Kikungshan Summer Resort (1902-1937)

【作者】 张明瑜

【导师】 刘克辉;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 中国近现代史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在不平等条约的保护下,近代西方基督教的传教士们(特别是美国传教士)跟随着商船和军舰昂首阔步来到中国,他们从沿海口岸渗入到内地,河南信阳就是渗入地之一。历史上的鸡公山是一个军事要地,虽然风景优美,气候凉爽,可是上山游览及定居的人并不多。随着近代长江流域的开放和传教士的深入,美国传教士李立生发现了鸡公山适宜避暑,经李的宣传,到鸡公山造屋避暑的西人日益增多。鸡公山避暑胜地的形成与发展离不开中西方的共同努力。早期主要以西方为主,由于特殊的历史背景,这一过程伴随着关于租借地的不断交涉,从而使鸡公山的开发带有某种程度的殖民地色彩。到了后期,在西方人的影响下,中国的一些达官贵人也开始参与其中,尽管他们的动机各异,但都对鸡公山的开发做出了自己的贡献。随着鸡公山避暑地的全面开发与繁荣,鸡公山四大避暑地位最终形成。避暑地的辟建,给鸡公山带来了巨大的变化,旅游经济的高度繁荣使鸡公山变成了“山中城市”,也使鸡公山成为西人在豫南的根据地,同时鸡公山的开发也使它的政治军事地位得以提升。近现代鸡公山开发启动了鸡公山地区近代化进程,使其完成了由一个封闭、落后的中国传统山乡向一个以开放、文明的现代旅游城镇为中心的度假旅游胜地的转变。鸡公山开发促进了当地及其周边地区社会经济的发展,加速了地区近代化进程。此外,基督教在鸡公山的盛行,西方礼俗和教会仪式在山间流行,极大地影响了中国传统礼俗社会。鸡公山开发推动了地区近现代教育体制的确立,教会学校将西方教育理念与教育方式传入鸡公山,新式教育的快速发展使鸡公山很快成为区域性文化教育中心。

【Abstract】 Modern Western Christian missionaries, (especially the American missionaries) under the protection of unequal treaties, along with merchant ships and warships came to China with giant strides. They entered China from coastal ports to the inner mainland, the XinYang city in Henan province was one of the inner mainland cities they arrived in.Kikungshan was a military spot in history. In spite of its beauty and cool climate, it failed to attract as many tourists and settlers in the mountain as it was supposed to be. With the open of the Yangtze River Reaches and the infiltration of modern missionaries,Nelson found Kikungshan an appropriate spot to avoid hot weather in Summer for foreigners. Thanks to Nelson’s propaganda, the number of housing shelters in Kikungshan increased greatly.The formation and development of Kikungshan summer resort was the result of joint efforts of Chinese and the West. In the beginning, the West impacts were dominant. Due to the special historical background, the development process of Kikungshan presented the hue of colonial feature, following the continuing negotiations on the concession. Later, following the West, some Chinese prestigious officials and rich people also began to participate in this process. Although their motives were different, they all made their own contributions to the development of Kikungshan. As the result of the comprehensive development and prosperity of Kikungshan settlement, it eventually formed the status as one of the famous four summer resorts.The formation of the Kikungshan summer resort status brought it tremendous changes. The high prosperity of the tourist economy turned Kikungshan into a "mountain city", and also made Kikungshan a base spot for foreigners in the south of Henan. At the same time, the political and military status of Kikungshan got lifted. The exploitation in modern Kikungshan started the modernization process of Kikungshan areas, which changed the areas from a closed traditional backward hinterland into an open civilized modern tourist town. The development of Kikungshan promoted the advancement in socio-economic improvements of the local and surrounding areas, and speeded up the process of modernization of the region. In addition, because of the prevalence of Christianity in Kikungshan, Western customs and the church ceremony in the mountain became popular, which posed a tremendous impact on China’s traditional social customs. The exploitation in Kikungshan promoted the establishment of modern educational system. The church schools brought the way and concepts of Western education into Kikungshan areas, and the rapid development of modern education in Kikungshan soon made it a regional education centre.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】F592.7
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】260