

On Research of the Construction of Academic Morality in Chinese Universities

【作者】 张慧

【导师】 邹顺康;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 高等教育学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 学术活动的社会性使学术与人的社会关系相互渗透,从而在学术活动中客观地存在着道德关系和道德价值。学术道德作为一种职业道德,是指学术共同体内形成的从事学术活动所应遵循的道德规范和准则,是学术研究者应遵循的道德底线。学术道德的核心内容是学术规范。高校作为学术研究的主要阵地和学术失范的重灾区,主要表现为种种学术腐败行为,体现于科研活动的诸环节:学术论文、专著写作中抄袭、剽窃他人的研究成果;研究过程中的弄虚作假、捏造事实、伪造数据;申报课题和学术评审中以权谋私、投机钻营、垄断学术资源;学术批评中人身攻击、打击报复等。学术道德失范行为严重污染了学术环境,导致社会良知、道德底线受到严重损害;学术腐败产生的不公平性和科研资源的不合理配置,严重挫伤诚实学者的科研积极性,导致中国学术原创能力的丧失;科学研究的公信度降低,阻碍科技进步,严重影响“建设创新国家”目标的实现,给高等教育事业带来不良影响。造成学术道德失范的因素有很多:随着社会和经济的发展,社会转型期功利和浮躁风气的外在冲击;高校素质教育实践中对学术技能的片面追求和德育教育的片面化;学术管理、评价、监督等制度方面的局限;学术研究者自身的道德修养有待提高等都是导致高校学术道德失范的原因。大力加强高校学术道德建设刻不容缓,实施学术道德建设是推进社会主义道德建设,践行社会主义“荣辱观”的具体体现;是培养合格的研究人才,实施“人才强国”战略的重要保证;是净化社会学术风气,推动我国学术进步和发展的现实需要。加强高校学术道德建设必须要加强科学精神的教育和宣传,用科学精神引领高校学术研究健康发展;加强学者自律,维护学术尊严,创建优良学风,在学术共同体内营造以遵守学术道德为荣,以违反学术道德为耻的良好氛围;加强学术道德教育和学术规范训练,帮助学术新人养成自觉恪守学术规范的行为习惯;改革评价机制和学术管理制度,进一步加大学术失范行为监管和惩处力度,建立道德自律和制度约束并举的学术道德建设和管理模式。

【Abstract】 The socialites of academic activities enable the social relationship between academic and people penetrate into each other. So there exists moral relationship and moral value. Academic morality, a professional ethic, comes into being from academicals community, which is observed as a kind of morality criterion or rule, that is to say, it is the base line which the academic researchers should obey. The core of academic morality is academic criterion.University, as the main position of academic research or the most severest disaster area of academic anomie, present all kinds of academic corruption and exist in all the aspects of scientific activities, for example, the copy in academic paper and monographs, plagiarizing the others’ research fruits, even the fraud, fabricating facts, forging data during research, personal attacks, retaliations in academic criticism. The behaviors of academic morality anomic pollute the academic atmosphere heavily, making the social conscience and the moral base line heavily destroyed. The unfairness and unreasonable allocation in scientific research resource, caused by academic corruption, reversely dampened the honest scholar’s research enthusiasm and result in the lost of Chinese academic innovative ability. The decrease of reliability in scientific research hinders the progress of technology and may be a great barrier to reach the goal "building an innovation—oriented country", which may have a negative effect on higher education.There are many reasons leading to academic moral anomic. With the development of the society and economy, utilitarian and fickle concussions during the period of social transition. There is one—sided pursuit to academic skills and uncompleted moral education in the University’s all—round education practice. There are also some shortcomings about academic management evaluation, supervision. The academic researchers’ own morality also needs some improvements, which may lead to academic moral anomic.Strengthening academic moral construction is urgent. Implementing academic moral construction is the specific expression of pushing forward the building of socialist morality construction and putting socialism "honor concept" into practice, which is also an important guarantee for cultivating qualified talents and implementing the policy "rejuvenating the nation by relying on talents". It is also the practical need for purifying the academic progress and promoting China’s academic progress and development. It is necessary to strengthen academic moral construction to update the moral concepts of the University and add academic moral education to moral education in the University. We should strengthen our self—discipline, defend academic dignity, create a fine study atmosphere, and strengthen supervision and academic criticism, making an atmosphere in which one may feel proud to comply with academic morality and shame to violate academic morality. At the same time, we should strengthen academic moral education and academic training, help new ones consciously obey academic criterion. What’s more, we should reform the evaluation mechanism and academic management system, farther strengthen the supervision of academic anomie behaviors and punishments, and establish moral self—discipline and restraint system for both the academic moral construction and the management models.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】G644
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】1326