

The Application of Task-based Approach in College Oral English Teaching

【作者】 王开容

【导师】 黄宇;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 教育技术学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 任务教学法是20世纪80年代外语教学研究者经过大量研究和实践提出的一种具有重要影响、强调“做中学”的语言教学方法。任务型语言教学旨在把语言教学真实化,使学生在有目的的交际活动中来学习和应用语言。目前,国内大部分任务型教学研究侧重于该教学模式在英语阅读和写作方面中的运用,却很少有涉及任务型教学在英语口语教学中的应用。因此,本文旨在探讨如何在大学英语口语教学中有效地应用任务教学法,提高学生的口语能力。本文采用的研究方法是文献综述法、实验法和问卷调查法。全文共分为六章。第一章分析了我国大学英语口语教学的现状,提出了本文的研究问题及其意义。第二章回顾了传统教学法在英语口语教学中的应用,重点阐述了外语教学的一种新理念——任务教学法,本章还就国内外任务教学法的理论进行了综述。第三章介绍了任务教学法的重要理论基础——建构主义理论。该学习理论认为,知识建立在学生主动理解建构的基础上,教育者应为学生提供一定的外部条件,由学生从中主动建构知识。同时还提出了一个教学过程的建构主义模式,该模式的四个基本要素为:老师、学生、任务和情境,它们处于一种动态变化的过程。第四章简述了以建构主义理论为指导的任务型教学在口语课上的运用,提供了口语课堂教学范例。第五章阐述了建构主义理论指导下任务型口语教学改革实验的实施途径和过程,对学生的口语水平进行量化评价,并对实验结果进行了分析和讨论。第六章对全文进行总结。实验班与对照班口语考试成绩的对比分析结合问卷调查结果的统计分折,表明建构主义理论指导下的任务型教学是一种以人为本的、有效的教学方法,能有效地提高学生的英语口语能力,激发学生学习口语的兴趣和调动他们的积极性,从而提高他们的英语综合能力。

【Abstract】 The task-based approach (TBA), which is based upon a great deal of research done by foreign language teaching researchers, has been one of the most effective language teaching methods since the 1980s. The core of TBA is "learning by doing". TBA emphasizes the importance of organizing a course around communicative tasks that learners need to do outside the classroom, and facilities learners to do tasks required in language use.In China, many current books and articles have been written on the adoption of TBA in the teaching of reading or writing, yet few of them have a systematic study of the application of TBA to oral English teaching. What this thesis focuses on is the application of the task-based approach to oral English teaching in Colleges. The research methods of this thesis include literature review, empirical research and questionnaire.This thesis is composed of six chapters. Chapter One is an introduction to the present research and its significance, and discusses the general level of students’ oral English competence in China, drawing attention to the distressing ineffectiveness of oral English teaching today. Chapter Two presents a literature review of the application of traditional teaching methods in oral English teaching, while laying emphasis on a new teaching approach, task-based approach. This chapter also investigates domestic and international research on the theory of TBA. Chapter Three is the theoretical background in which the theory of constructivism is introduced, which has been one of very popular teaching and learning theories in western countries. Also, we present a constructivist model, with four elements that we consider to be the key elements of a constructivist learning process, i.e., the teacher, the individual, the task and the learning context. These four elements influence each other and form a dynamic equilibrium. Chapter Four applies TBA based on constructivism to oral English lessons. A sample lesson plan is given here. Chapter Five includes a description of the experimental hypotheses, procedures, analyses and discussions related to the findings of the experiment. Chapter six draws conclusions based on the experiment.The experiment on TBA under constructivism shows that this kind of teaching approach is effective in enhancing the students’ oral English competence, arousing college students’ interest and initiative in oral English learning, thus improving their comprehensive abilities in English learning.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】H319.9
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1033