

A Qualitative Research of Communication in Chemical Classroom

【作者】 吴晗清

【导师】 李远蓉;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着课程与教学论的研究及深入,加之新课程改革方兴未艾,人们越来越关注课堂师生交往。通过有效的课堂交往,可以推动教学认识的发展,促进教学质量的提高,弘扬人的主体性,唤醒学生的主体意识。新课程背景下,研究高中化学课堂师生交往者不多,做质的研究者就更少了。研究新课程背景下高中化学课堂师生交往主要具有以下意义:第一、现代教育思潮呼吁我们关注教学交往。教学交往理念打破了传统教学那种把教学仅仅视为一种特殊认识过程的狭窄的视野,进而把教学看成是一种交往活动,一种沟通与合作现象。教学交往理论为课堂交往研究提供了最直接和最有力的理论支撑。因为没有课堂交往,就不存在教学活动。也就是说课堂中的师生交往是教学的根本途径。同时,研究课堂师生交往有利于教师更深入理解这些新的教育思潮,促进教育理论与实践的契合;第二、达成化学课程标准规定的三维目标必须通过化学课堂师生交往。高中化学课程以进一步提高学生的科学素养为宗旨,激发学生学习化学的兴趣,尊重和促进学生的个性发展;帮助学生获得未来发展所必需的化学知识、技能和方法,提高学生的科学探究能力;在实践中增强学生的社会责任感,培养学生热爱祖国、热爱生活、热爱集体的情操。无庸置疑,这些目标的达成必须建立在有效的高中化学课堂师生交往上。第三、为把新课程理念转化为可操作的师生交往行为开启新的视角。本文通过质的研究,展现大量化学课堂交往的案例,试图为广大化学教师开启新的视角。全文共为四个部分:第一部分:绪论。阐述了笔者作为化学课程与教学论专业的学生所受的思想熏陶和做质的研究的动机;论述了本课题即新课程背景下高中化学课堂师生交往研究的提出及意义;陈述了研究方法的选择,以及资料的收集过程。第二部分:论述了课堂交往的相关概念及理论基础。在化学课堂师生交往的相关概念中,认为交往是围绕教学目标,教师与学生之间以语言或非语言信息为中介的必要的相互作用、相互交流、心灵沟通,最后达成学生对知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度价值观的建构,同时提升教师对相应问题的理解;拟把课堂交往限定在课堂师生交往上,具体包括教师与个别学生的交往和与全体学生的交往,并结合化学学科教学的特点,把研究侧重点放在课堂交往的过程中,即师生在课堂上究竟通过什么形式来交往,是怎样交往的。在论述相关理论基础时,哲学方面包括卡尔·雅斯贝尔斯的生存交往理论,哈贝马斯的交往合理化理论,马克思主义的交往理论;心理学方面包括维果茨基心理发展理论,建构主义心理学;教育学方面主要是教学交往说。第三部分:质的研究——高中化学课堂师生交往实录与分析。这是论文的主体和核心部分。本研究从以下维度来探讨高中化学课堂师生交往:一是师生情感对课堂师生交往的影响,二是化学教学中对话对课堂师生交往的影响,三是化学教学内容的呈示方式对课堂师生交往的影响,四是化学实验教学中师生的交往策略。此部分展示了大量的化学课堂师生交往的案例,并对其进行了深入的质性分析。第四部分:高中化学课堂师生有效交往模式的建构及应用案例。这是论文成果的展示部分。该部分是基于第三部分,通过归纳法而建构的。认为化学课堂师生有效交往需要师生建立稳固的情感基础,需要尊重人格的平等的民主的对话,需要有针对性的简明直观的中介物,需要以“实验”为中心的“教学做合一”。在应用案例部分,提供了《盐类的水解》课堂交往的设计过程,以供参考之用。

【Abstract】 There is an increasing,emphasis throughout the world of curriculum and didactics on the importance of the studies about the communicationin the classroom because the studies of curriculum and didactics have been furthered and the eyeshot has been broadened.Making good use of the effective communication in the classroom to promote the development of instructional cognition,to facilitate the improvement of instructional quality,to develop the human subjectivity and arouse the students’ subjective consciousness.In the new curriculum,the study of communication in the Chemical classroom is not seen to be much,the qualitative research is especially rare.The study of communication in the Chemical classroom has much main value as follows:First,the new educational theory appeals to our attention of teaching communication.There would not be teaching if there is not communication in the classroom.The study of communication can facilitate teachers’ comprehension of the new educational theory and make it easy to combine educational theory and practice.Second,achieving the instructional aim defined by the new curriculum standard requires effective communication in the Chemical classroom.The new Chemical curriculum wants to enhance the students’ scientific abilities,to illuminate the interest of studying Chemistry, to cultivate social responsibility and the devotion to mother country.So there is no doubt that we must make good use of communication in the Chemical classroom.Third,this article shows many examples of communication in the Chemical classroom according by qualitative research.So it attempts to open the teachers’ eyeshot to transform the theory to concrete instructional actions.The whole dissertation consists of four parts as follows: The first part:Exordium.This part shows a simple history of the researcher’s education and the motive of the qualitative research;and indicates the value of the study of communication in Chemical classroom;also states the selection of the research methods and the collection of information.The second part:The concept and basic theory relevant to communication in classroom.Communication is defined as indispensable reciprocity and interaction between teachers and students through language or non- language around the instructonal target.It needs spiritual interaction,and is supposed to construct students’ knowledge and skill,process and methodology,attitude and the view of value.This article mainly points to the process of communication in classroom.The relevant basic theories include:Philosophy which refers to Karl Jaspers,Habermas and Marx;Psycology; pedagogy.The third part:The qualitative research——The record and analysis of communication in Chemical classroom.This is the article’s main body.This article may discuss communication in Chemical classroom around four aspects:Relationship between teacher and students;How to show the instructional contents;The dialogue between teacher and students;The Chemical experiments.This part will show many examples of communication in Chemical classroom and make a deep qualitative analysis.The fourth part:Constructing the pattern of effective communication in Chemical classroom and its applied example.This part is the production of the article.we think the effective pattern shoud include:the steady relationship between teacher and students;the concise and visual materials show the instructional contents;The democratic dialogue between teacher and students;The Chemical experiments which combines teaching,learning and doing.At the same time,it offers a applied example—Hydrolysis of salts.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】G633.8
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】615