

A Study on Wheat from the Pre-Qin Period to Han Period

【作者】 张振兴

【导师】 徐难于;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 中国古代史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 中国自古以农业立国,在经济发展中农业处于基础性地位。作物的种植在其发展过程中始终处于核心地位。中国远古时期以黍、粟等作为人们传统的粮食作物,小麦种植很少,但是到魏晋时期开始普及,特别是在唐宋之后,小麦已成为人们普遍种植的粮食作物。先秦秦汉时期既是农业起源、发展时期,也是小麦起源、发展的一个重要历史阶段。那么小麦是何时开始种植的?种植在哪些地区?地位如何?基于此,笔者结合文献资料和出土的考古材料,运用历史学、地理学等相关学科的研究方法,力图展现这一时期小麦的种植情况,回答上述提出的问题。全文包含前言和正文两大部分。针对以上问题,正文又可分为三大主题。具体如下:前言部分在概述学术研究动态的基础上,阐述了本文的研究意义。正文部分以三大主题为核心,分别论述以下几个方面的问题。第一部分简述小麦的起源。结合学术界的诸多观点,认为在目前证据不足的情况下,小麦更有可能为本土起源。第二部分论述了先秦时期小麦种植的情况。特别是对殷商和西周的小麦种植进行了考证,认为先秦时期我国确实已有小麦种植。第三部分为全文的核心部分,论述了先秦秦汉时期小麦种植的地域分布特征。认为西周春秋时期小麦的种植区域主要集中在黄河几大支流附近地区。到秦汉时期,在秦岭、淮河以北,包括华北地区,已普遍种植了小麦。第四部分针对第三部分小麦种植的区域特征,论述了小麦种植的区域差异,进而分析导致这种差异的原因。认为小麦种植区域的扩大,与当时的自然环境、耕作技术进步、统治者的提倡、水利事业的发展等诸多因素有密切关系。因地域差异,在小麦推广的成因中各有侧重。第五部分简要论述了小麦在粮食作物中地位的演变。认为小麦在粮食作物中的地位经历了一个由次要逐渐走向主要粮食的发展过程,并且在汉代逐渐出现了面食。不过对此应保持审慎的态度。最后部分为结语部分,主要是对前面几部分的总结。

【Abstract】 Agriculture is the basic of economic development of China, a traditionary agricultural country. In this developing process, crop planting is always the most important thing. In remote antiquity, millet and grain were main grain crops for Chinese people and it was uncustomary to plant wheat. However, wheat planting became popular from the Wei-jin period, especially after Tang and Song Dynasties. The time from Pre-Qin to Han dynasty is an important period both of the origination and development of agrculture, as same as to wheat planting. But when did people begin to plant wheat? In which area it was planted? How is wheat’s importance? With the help of abundant documentations and archaeological discoveries, using relative subjects’ research methods such as history’s and geography’s, the author takes an historical and geographical approach to reveal the scene of wheat planting in that period, and hence gives answers to above-mentioned questions.There are two parts of this article: preface and text. The text can be divided into three subjects to above-mentioned question. The details are as follows:On the basis of summarizing the trends and movements of the research, the author explains the meaning of this study in the preface.Around these three subjects, this article discusses several questions as follows in the text:The first part tells the origin of wheat. The author checks a lot of academical opinions, argues that local origin should be much more possible than foreign’s, especially with scarce evidence.The second part discusses wheat planting in the pre-Qin period, especially in the Shane and the Western Zhou Dynasties. The author argues that Chinese people actually had already planted wheat in the pre-Qin period.The third part, discussing the geographical distribution traits of the wheat planting from the pre-Qin period to Qin and Han Dynasties, is the core of this article. The author argues that during the Western Zhou Dynasty and the Spring and Autumn Period, the main regions where wheat grew were concentrated in the area around the several tributaries of the Yellow River. In Qin and Han Dynasties, the north of the Qinling Mountains and the Huaihe River, including Northern China, had already planted wheat generally.Based on regional features which are depicted in the third part, the regional diversity of wheat planting is dissertated in the fourth part. The reasons of this diversity are expatiated in detail. It is concluded that some factors such as natural environment, advancement in cultivating techniques, advocating from government, and evolution of irrigation works account for the extension of wheat-planting area’s. But those factors take different effects on the spread of wheat-planting in different region.The evolvement of the position of wheat in crop is concisely explained in the fifth part. No longer only as subsidiary food, wheat became one of the staple foods as time goes by. In Han Dynasty, food made from flour appeared and got spread gradually. But a prudential attitude should be held on this viewpoints.The finally part is epilogue. It is a summarization of aboved points of view.

【关键词】 先秦秦汉时期小麦地位
【Key words】 the pre-Qin and Han periodWheatStatus
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】S512.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】284