

Experimental Research on Sport Decision-making in Simulation of Basketball Situation

【作者】 常金栋

【导师】 梁建平;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 决策是什么,什么是决策?本研究从社会现象中发生的重大决策事件出发,通过事例阐述了对决策的重要性,结合学术界给决策下的各种定义,进一步加深了对决策的认识和理解,研究认为:决策就是有针对目标的最优化选择。接着,从运动决策的认知心理学方向、运动决策的视觉和知觉预测和运动决策的过程和信息加工研究三个方面,对运动决策的研究现状进行了综述,对各学派的研究成果进行了梳理,证实了运动决策中存在认知决策和直觉决策两种不同的决策类型。提出了当前研究中存在的研究方法上缺乏生态学效度;研究设计上因素单一,能够区别差异而不能解释差异;运动决策理论体系尚未形成等问题。通过对运动决策研究成果的综述,理顺了研究思路,采用了“专家——新手”的研究范式,结合运动水平的差异,添加中手组作为对照,以获得更多的决策信息。确定了测试篮球运动员进行运动决策的反应时和准确性作为判断运动决策的指标,同时结合被试在测试时心理状况,增加了测试被试决策时的自信心水平,以期获得更多的研究信息。通过对文献资料的整理和实验构想,运用E-prime认知和直觉测试软件,自行修改设计的《模拟篮球运动情境运动决策测试系统》,经测试证明该系统具有较高的可信度和有效性,能够满足实验测试的要求。运用描述统计、相关分析、多因素方差分析等方法,对实验测试的数据进行了处理。研究结果显示:专家决策具有合理性、直觉性和稳定性的特点;新手不具备直觉决策的能力:而在运动决策准确性方面,运动水平从高到低呈现出决策能力逐渐下降的趋势。本研究未证实“决策速度与决策准确性成相互制约的反比关系”这一论断,对其提出了质疑。研究证实了两类不同决策任务的存在,认为两者在运动过程中是密不可分的,在简单与复杂的运动情境中可以相互转化,而不同运动水平和个体的运动决策准确性不同,专家在认知决策和直觉决策任务上都要优于新手。研究结果显示:专家自信心水平与决策准确性相一致;而“决策速度和决策准确性在一定程度上存在着相互制约关系”,但在不同运动水平上差异较大,还有待于进一步验证。本研究提出了“专家决策的稳态”这一概念;研究认为:当专家经过多年的系统训练后,其运动水平达到一定的稳定状态后而不能继续提高,而决策的准确性也处于相对稳定的一个状态,我们将这一状态称为“专家决策的稳态”。

【Abstract】 What is the decision-making, what is the decision? This study social phenomena in the event of major policy decisions through the examples of decision-making on the importance of academics to the decision-making under the definition of decision-making to further deepen the awareness and understanding of the study: decision-making is that targeting the most optimized. Then, from the movement of the decision-making direction of cognitive psychology, sports and decision-making visual perception and movement forecasts and the decision-making process on three aspects of information processing, decision-making on the campaign reviewed the status of the school’s research results were combing , Confirmed the existence of awareness campaigns in the decision-making and decision-making intuitive decision-making two different types of decision-making, at the same time, put forward in the current research on the lack of ecological validity of the method; research and design of a single factor can distinguish differences can not explain differences in movement Decision theory has yet to take shape, and other issues.Based on research results of the movement of the decision-making, rationalizing research ideas and adopted the "experts - Novice" research paradigm, with the level of the difference, add in the hand as a control group, to get more information for decision-making. Basketball Players determine the exercise test the response to the decision-making and accuracy of decision-making as judge movement indicators, with the psychological test in the testing conditions, an increase of test examination of the decision-making confidence level, in order to obtain more information on.Through the collation of information on the literature and experimental concept of using E-prime test of cognitive and intuitive software, then modify the design of a "mock campaign decision-making situations basketball Testing System", the test proves that the system has high reliability and effective, to meet the requirements of laboratory tests. Use descriptive statistics, correlation analysis; multi-factor analysis of variance methods such as the experimental test data were processed.The results showed that: experts with reasonable decision-making, intuition and stability of the characteristics of novice does not have the intuitive decision-making ability and accuracy of decision-making in the campaign, the movement from high to low levels of decision-making capacity gradually showing a downward trend. This study did not confirm that the "decision-making speed and accuracy of decision-making as mutual checks inverse relationship" This thesis brought into question.Two different studies confirmed the existence of the decision-making tasks that in the course of the campaign the two are inextricably linked, in the simple and complex situation campaign can be transformed into each other, and different individuals and the level of accuracy of the movement of different decision-making, experts cognitive intuitive decision-making and decision-making tasks must be better than novice.The results showed that: experts with the confidence level of accuracy of decision-making in line, and "speed of decision-making and decision-making accuracy to a certain extent, there is a mutual restraint." However, the level of different larger difference, but also to be further verified.This study proposes a " steady-state of expert decision-making " concept on that: When experts after years of systematic training after the campaign reaches a certain level of stability after the state can not continue to improve, but also the accuracy of decision-making in a relatively stable one state, we will be known as the state of "expert decision-making steady."

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】G841
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】409