

The Development of Chemical Curriculum Resource in Junior High School in Shizhu County

【作者】 郑冬梅

【导师】 李远蓉;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 2007年3—6月本人作为实习带队教师赴石柱土家族自治县进行顶岗实习期间发现,在该县初级中学广泛存在着学生不爱学习、成绩差、半途退学、毕业后升不了学外出打工的情况,经过初步的分析得出:石柱县初中课程存在学生学习期间难以引起学生兴趣、离开学校后无助于学生生活的问题。笔者决定研究石柱土家族自治县初中化学课程资源的开发,以期石柱县初中化学课程资源为石柱县初中学生的发展服务,使其在校内热爱学习,离开学校后成为石柱县“发展优势产业”、“科技兴农”、“三峡库区环境保护”、“土家文化保护”的优势人力资源;并希望本研究能起到抛砖引玉的作用,使石柱县初中化学教师在应用过程中激发自身的创造力,继续立足于石柱县特殊的自然人文环境以开拓进取的精神开发课程资源,为新课程在石柱县真正意义上的生根提供不竭动力。本论文包括以下几个部分:第一部分问题的提出。包括问题的产生、问题的明确。在问题产生的基础上,主要以问卷、访谈调查的研究方法明确了开发怎样的石柱县初中化学课程资源以及怎样开发石柱县初中化学课程资源的问题。调查使用的工具为:石柱县初中化学课程资源开发利用现状的教师调查问卷一份、石柱县教委主要负责人、石柱县初中校长访谈提纲各一份。问卷调查的对象为石柱县初中全体化学教师,访谈对象为石柱县教委主要负责人以及四所初级中学的校长。数据统计得出:石柱县初中化学新课程改革从上到下处在初步模仿、适应阶段。教师在教学利用课程资源方面,更关注校内课程资源,而对校际课程资源、社会课程资源较为忽视。这三类资源中,校内课程资源的建设情况较好,而且随着重庆市全国统筹城乡综合配套改革试验区建设,石柱县初级中学校内化学课程资源的建设将在近期内得到很大的改善;社会性化学课程资源方面,学生对教师在课上渗透、利用适合石柱情况的课程资源很有兴趣,也不会增加他们的学习压力,但处于新课程适应阶段的教师未意识到在教学中充分利用此类课程资源;校际化学课程资源方面,教委、学校领导、教师都没有意识到要改变石柱县课程资源分散、不能高效使用的状况,石柱教育系统没有正式的组织、人员来负责初中课程资源共享问题,学校、教师间只存在无意识的化学课程资源共享。调查还发现石柱县初中教师目前开发适合石柱县情况的初中化学课程资源的主客观条件都不成熟。笔者决定由自己开发石柱县初中化学课程资源,研究重点放在开发石柱县初中化学社会课程资源方面,并对石柱县初中校际化学课程资源开发给予一定的建议。第二部分为文献综述、相关概念的界定与开发原则的确定。笔者查阅了600多篇相关文献,其中“多元文化理论”、“多元文化教育理论”及“多元文化科学教育理论”以及课程资源理论为本研究提供了理论上的依据;关于少数民族的社会、经济、文化、人口发展与教育关系的研究为本研究提供了研究中必须关注的内容;国内对化学电子信息技术资源、化学实验资源、农村中学化学课程资源开发研究对本研究有很大启示;但是针对少数民族特别是土家族化学课程资源开发的研究非常缺乏。界定了“课程”、“课程资源”、“化学课程资源”概念,对化学课程资源进行了分类。确定了开发原则:渗透性原则、兴趣性原则、乡土性原则、理性继承原则。第三部分为石柱土家族自治县初中化学课程资源开发。根据开发的原则,研究针对石柱县目前使用的人教版义务教育课程标准《化学》(上下册)实验教科书部分单元进行了社会类课程资源开发,对其以社会素材性课程资源、社会条件性课程资源进行了分类;对石柱县初中校际化学课程资源开发提出了建议。第四部分为结语,指明了研究的不足与今后努力的方向。

【Abstract】 During the March and June in 2007, as a teacher the researcher found that many students hated learning, had bad performances, and discontinued their studying in Junior high school of Shizhu county. According to the primary analysis, there is a problem that it’s difficult to insights the students’ interest in classroom and it’s useless for their living-life after school. The researcher decide to make a research of the development of Chemical Curriculum Resource in Junior High School in Shizhu County, in order to make students like learning, have good performances, and become good manpower for Shizhu County. Also hope the Chemical teachers explore their faculty of creativity, and then make the new curriculum grow healthily in Shizhu County.The whole dissertation consists of four parts as follows:The first part: Definitude of the problem. It makes clear what to and how to develop Chemical Curriculum Resource in Junior High School in Shizhu County by questionnaire and visiting. Exactly speaking, the questionnaire includes all the Chemical teachers in Junior High School in Shizhu County and the visiting includes four schoolmasters and other main principals. The results indicate that: The new Chemical curriculum reform is in leading strings in Shizhu County; The Chemical teachers pay more attention to Curriculum Resource in their own school than other schools’ and social resource. The researcher herself decides to make a research of the development of Chemical Curriculum Resource. This article makes an emphasis on the social curriculum resource and gives some advice to develop the curriculum resource between schools.The second part: summarization of literature, definition of some conception, and the principles of the development. The relevant theories include multicultural, multicultural education and multicultural scientific education. The relevant literature includes the relation between society, economy, culture, population and education, it also includes Chemical experiments and the development of Chemical curriculum. The principles of the development mainly include penetrability, interest, naturism and rational in heritage.The third part: The development of Chemical Curriculum Resource in Junior High School in Shizhu County. According to the penetrability principle and the Junior High School’s Chemistry textbook, this article have classified and developed the social curriculum resource. It gives some advice for the development of curriculum resource between schools at the same time.The fourth part: Epilogue. This part shows the deficiency of the research and the next work.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】G633.8
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】295