

Study on Disdinguished Protection of Public Figure’s Personality Right

【作者】 易嘉

【导师】 张新民;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 民商法, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 自上个世纪六十年代以来,随着大众传媒的快速发展以及社会利益的多元化,“公众人物”这一概念逐渐出现在人们的视野当中,并引发了一些新的法律问题。虽然这一概念在我国出现较晚,但近年来,随着公众人物人格权保护纠纷的层出不穷,如何划分公众人物人格权与知情权、言论自由的权利界限,平衡它们的价值冲突,已经成为法学界一个亟待解决的问题。由于承担的社会责任不同,公众人物与普通公民在人格权的保护上应有所不同。目前,在我国有关公众人物人格权的差别保护问题还停留在个别的司法判例和理论研究层面,在法律上并没有形成统一的立法原则和标准。有鉴于此,本文拟通过四个方面对公众人物人格权的差别保护问题进行分析和论述,从而为我国立法提供切实可行的制度设计。第一部分主要介绍了与公众人物人格权差别保护相关的基础理论问题。通过对公众人物概念、特征和分类的阐述,将公众人物这一特殊的人格权主体与普通大众区分开来。该部分还对公众人物人格权差别保护中出现的权利冲突进行分析,阐明了法律对公众人物人格权实行差别保护的原因。最后,介绍了公众人物人格权保护的历史发展,以期从中得到借鉴。第二部分对公众人物人格权的差别保护进行法理分析。公众人物人格权的差别保护问题,集中体现了它与言论自由等权利相关的价值冲突。本部分首先运用价值分析的方法分析了公众人物人格权和其他权利产生冲突的原因,然后通过对法的正义性以及人的价值、本性的阐述为公众人物人格权与其它权利的划分提供了法理上的支持,从而为公众人物人格权的差别保护奠定了理论基础。第三部分是对公众人物人格权差别保护的比较研究。本部分旨在通过对两大法系英、美、法、德四个国家公众人物人格权保护的立法和实践的比较分析,总结出一些科学、合理的规定和做法,使我国在公众人物人格权保护的制度构建上可以有所借鉴。第四部分是对公众人物人格权差别保护的制度构建。该部分在前三部分理论分析的基础上,从完善立法的目的出发,结合我国对公众人物人格权进行差别保护的现状,尝试着对公众人物人格权差别保护的原则、侵权责任构成要件以及救济方式方面的特殊要求进行阐述,从而在立法层面上提出具体的制度设计。

【Abstract】 In the 1960’s,with the rapid development of mass media and the diversification of social interests, the term "public figure" has entered our horizon and hence became a new legal phenomena. Although this concept appeared in China rather late,personality protection cases seemed to be more and more common in recent years, How do we distinguish public figure’s personality right from the right to know or freedom of expression? How do we balance the conflicts of value among them? Because of the diffrient liabilites to have,the personality right of public figure should be protected diffriently with oral person.These are problems that we need to solve.Now, in China, legal issues related to public figure are still in the stage of individual cases and theoretical research, without any unified legislation standard or principle.Expecting to lay out a practical scheme for the legislation, I will analyse and discuss distinguished protection of public figure’s personality right from four aspects.Part I :This part mainly introduces some basic theories in regard of distinguished protection of public figure’s personality right.From a detailed description of the concept, characters and categories of public figure, we will be able to distinguish the personality right of public figure from that of the mass. It will also discuss the conflict of right shown in the distinguished protection of public figure’s personality right, and the rationale behind it.Finally, from a brief history of public figure’s personality right protection, I hope there is some experience we can draw.Part II :This part mainly focuses on the jurisprudentia of distinguished protection of public figure’s personality right.The issue of distinguished protection of public figure’s personality right shows its conflict with freedom of expression and other legal rights. With a method of value analysis ,this article first educe the reason of conflicts between public figure’s personality right and other legal rights.And then,through setting forth the justice of law,value and essentiality of people, we could offer some legal bases for the differentiation of public figure’s personality right and other legal rights. Besides,we could strenthen the theoretical base of public figure’s personality right protection.Part III: This part is a comparative perspectives on distinguished protection of the public figure’s personality right. By comparing the legislation status related with the personality right of public figure in America,Britain,France and Germany, I hope we could find ways to establish our own system of distinguished protection of public figure’s personality right.Part IV:This part is some suggestions on legislation of this issue.With alalysis of the legislation status related with the public figure’s personality right protection and discussion of the principles, the special elements and remedies of the personality right of public figure,I tried to offer some personal suggestions on legislation and perfection of this issue in China.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】D923
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】379