

Investigation and Analysis of the Present Situation of Chinese Comprehensive Study and Research on Teaching Strategy in Junior High School

【作者】 曾敬

【导师】 朱德全; 龚春燕;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 教育管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 “语文综合性学习”是与“识字与写字”、“阅读”、“写作”、“口语交际”并列的五大学习领域之一。作为一种崭新的学习方式和课程组织形态,它在开展的过程中还存在着很多问题。本文聚焦语文综合性学习开展的现状,笔者通过问卷调查、实地考察、个案分析等方法对重庆市南岸区七、八年级师生语文综合性学习开展的现状进行调查。结果分析显示:语文综合性学习已带来了初中语文教师教学观念和学生学习方式的共同变革。教师认识到语文综合性学习对学生的有益影响,注意培养学生的自主、合作精神;学生对语文综合性学习也有很大的参与热情。但在实施的过程中存在的问题也不少:各级主管部门不太重视;培训层次不高且流于形式;评估体系没完全建立起来,缺乏具体的评估标准和评价措施;教师对语文综合性学习的理论认识模糊、课程设计简单,本地课程资源开发不够,对探究意识强调不足等。这些现象说明重庆市南岸区语文综合性学习开展现状并不乐观。对此本文认为:教育行政部门、科研部门、教师培训机构和学校都应树立全新的语文课程理念,从培训、评价两方面加以重视,加大引导的力度。首先,要建立科学、规范的培训机制,加强校本培训,将科研落到实处。其次,要建立并完善新的评价体制,将语文综合性学习作为评价内容引入学生评价体系,在现行考试制度下将评价与考核联系起来。第三,把语文综合性学习的实施作为教师教学任务的一项重要内容来考查,促使语文综合性学习的教学任务落到实处。第四,教育行政部门还要加强对各级各类中学的管理,如严格限制班级人数,杜绝利用双体日及寒暑假补课的现象等。同时,教师要改变自己的教学观念、知识结构和教学方式,强化课程资源意识,变革自己的教学行为,改变学生陈旧的学习方式。注意评价的过程性和多样性。

【Abstract】 Chinese Comprehensive Study is one of five study fields such as learning words and spelling, reading, writing and oral communication, which is spreading as a brand-new study method and course organization form with many problems. This thesis focuses on the investigation of the present situation about the development of Chinese Comprehensive Study in teachers and students in Grade Seven and Eight of high schools in Nan’an district of Chongqing City by ways of questionnaire, on-the-spot inspection and case analysis. The result demonstrates that the Chinese comprehensive studying has brought the same reform to junior high school teachers’ teaching concepts and students’ study methods in Nan’an district of Chongqing. Teachers realize that Chinese comprehensive studying is beneficial to students, and is helpful to build up their self-independency and the spirit of cooperation. Therefore the students are also enthusiastic about the comprehensive study of Chinese. However, in the spreading process there are also some problems: management departments pay little attention to Comprehensive Study of Chinese; The training level is low and often performs as a form; Evaluation system is not set up completely; Lack of the detailed evaluation standard and comment measures; teachers are fuzzy about the theory of Chinese Comprehensive Study and fail to design better course and develop the local course resources fully; The inquiry consciousness is not stressed deeply and so on. These phenomena indicate that the development of Chinese Comprehensive Study in Nan’an district of Chongqing City is not so optimistic.For the sake of the above-mentioned situation, the author of the thesis thinks that educational administration departments, the research departments, teachers training organizations and schools should set up the brand-new ideas about Chinese course, should pay enough attention to both training and evaluation, and strengthen the guidance. First of all, the scientific and normal training mechanism should be set up in order to strengthen school-training and implement the research. Then the new evaluation system should be established, improved and put Comprehensive Study of Chinese as an evaluation standard into the evaluation system so that the evaluation and check should be connected under the current exam system. Thirdly, the application of Chinese Comprehensive Study should be considered as an important teaching task to spur Chinese comprehensive study implement. Fourthly, educational administration departments should strengthen the management of all levels of high schools, such as strictly limiting the quantity of every class, putting an end to the phenomena of making-up lessons during holidays, etc. Meanwhile teachers should change their teaching ideas, knowledge structure and teaching methods, strengthen consciousness of course resources, reform their teaching behavior, change students’ old-fashioned studying method and pay more attention to the process and diversity of evaluation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】18
  • 【下载频次】1287