

An Experimental Study to the Intervening Effect of Group Psychotherapy on the Undergraduate with Lovelorn Crisis

【作者】 江燕

【导师】 郭成;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 失恋是恋爱中遇到的心理挫折与情感危机之一,是大学生常见情感心理问题之一。大学生处于身心急剧变化的时期,情窦初开,异性倾慕之情比较强烈且多为初恋,情感过分专注,一旦失恋便会体验到深切的痛苦,当他们感受到难以忍受的精神打击时,甚至可能产生轻生的念头,导致自杀。许多研究发现,情感挫折是导致大学生自杀的主要原因之一,而且女生更多。由失恋引起的自杀多为情绪性的自杀,情绪性的自杀是相对理智型的自杀而言的,情绪性的自杀进程比较迅速,发展期短,呈现即时的冲动性或突发性。当大学生遭遇失恋的打击后,会产生强烈的孤独感,认为自己在这个世界上是最不幸的,绝望、无助,想以死来解决困境,但实际上,他们很矛盾,想死的同时又渴望帮助。如果每个由于失恋而自杀的大学生在能够在危机发生之前就得到足够的社会支持帮助,悲剧就会避免。因此,从学校心理健康社会工作角度,探索大学生失恋心理危机及其干预,对于有效实施大学生心理健康教育具有重要价值。本研究以大学生失恋问题现状调查为基础,构建了基于团体心理辅导的失恋危机干预模型和方案,通过对8名不同心理健康水平的被试进行了为期8次的团体心理辅导,探讨了团体辅导活动对大学生失恋引起的焦虑、抑郁和总体心理健康水平的影响效应,最后,通过两个典型个案对转变过程,对实验效应进行了进一步验证。通过本研究,得到如下结论:(1)失恋是当代大学生重要的心理危机之一,对大学生身心发展产生了一定程度的消极影响,其失恋后的主要心理异常反应是孤独、对外界事物丧失兴趣、沉默寡言等消极情绪和行为;(2)构建失恋心理危机团体辅导实施方案具有一定的可操作性和实用性,对于改善大学生失恋心理危机具有一定的针对性和有效性;(3)总体上,失恋心理危机的团体辅导活动能够显著改善大学生由于失恋带来的抑郁、焦虑症状,降低其抑郁、焦虑水平;同时能提高大学生的心理健康整体水平,并促使其心理健康各因子发生显著改善。

【Abstract】 Lovelorn is one of the psychological frustration and emotional crisis encountered in love, which is a common problem in undergraduates. Undergraduates are in a period of physical and psychological changes, and more for the first love, they have a comparatively intense of adoring the opposite sex.They focus too much on love, so once they loss love, they will experience profound pain. When they feel the intolerable combat of spirit, they may even have the idea to suicide, especially girls. Many surveys and studies have found that emotional setback is one of the major causes which lead to suicide in undergraduates. Suicide caused by lovelorn is one of the emotional suicide in the most which is called relatively reasonable suicide.This type of suicide have a more rapid, and more short development period, even shows immediate impulse or sudden. When the undergraduates fall into lovelorn, they will have a strong sense of loneliness, despair and helplessness, they may feel that they are the most unfortunate people in this world, and they even may want to suicide themselves to solve the afflicting. But in reality, they are contradictive, they want to suicide themselves, but at the same time also long for help. If people who commit suicide could get enough social support before the crisis, the tragedy will be avoided. Therefore, we have to approach the lovelorn psychological crisis and crisis intervention issue in undergraduates from the angle of school mental health social work. It has very important value to the effective implementation of college student mental health education.The study was conducted in accordance with the following procedures: grounded on a survey of the undergraduates’lovelorn status, I design a lovern crisis intervention model and scheme. Then use this scheme to have group psychotherapy to eight lovelorn undergraduates. Finally, I select two typical cases to make an expection of the experimental affect, which include anxiety, depression and overall psychological health conditions. Conclusions of this study are as follows:(1)Lovelorn is one of the phychological problems to undergraduates which produced kind of negative influence.The main abnormal mentality and reaction after lovelorn are loneliness, being unintreseted in the outside, having few words and so on.(2)The the sheme of lovelorn crisis group phychotherapy is workable and practical; the affct to lovelorn crisis are effective and in point.(3) On the whole, group psychotheropy could prominently improve the depression and anxiety symptoms, reduce their depression and anxiety level which is caused by lovelorn. And also, the mental health conditions of the undergraduates are overall improved, and the factors of mental health have been meliorated greatly.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】B841.7
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】2042