

A Study on Pre-school Teacher’s Implicit View on Teacher’s Collaboration

【作者】 张鹏

【导师】 刘云艳;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 学前教育学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 教师合作是提高教师专业发展的重要途径,而幼儿教师关于教师合作的内隐观即是指存在于幼儿教师头脑中的关于教师合作的观念,包括幼儿教师对教师合作的定义、价值、影响因素等问题的看法和理解。这些看法和理解未必为幼儿教师本人所意识到,但在教师合作活动中却无时不刻起着作用,影响着幼儿教师在合作活动中的态度、言语、行为,直接影响到教师合作活动的效果。本研究采取访谈法和问卷调查法,编制了《幼儿教师合作的内隐观访谈问卷》和《幼儿教师合作的内隐观调查问卷》,对幼儿教师合作的内隐观进行调查,研究结果表明:(一)在对教师合作的认知取向上,幼儿教师更加倾向于重视教师合作的目的和对象。(二)在对教师合作的意义上,幼儿教师普遍认为教师合作是教育教学中实际问题、提高自己理论素养和专业能力的有效途径,但是幼儿教师所在幼儿园等级越低,对于教师合作的意义的评价越低。(三)在教师合作的内容上,幼儿教师更倾向于对教育教学中的实践问题进行讨论交流,而理论问题则较少进行讨论交流,同时发现学历越高的幼儿教师讨论的理论问题越多。(四)在教师合作的方式上,与本园同事交流讨论是幼儿教师合作的主要方式。幼儿园等级越高,幼儿教师就有越多的机会与更多的教师和专家学者进行合作,教师合作的方式也更多。(五)在对教师合作的态度上,大部分幼儿教师乐意与其他教师互相分享经验资源、互相合作,但仍有少数幼儿教师对此感到的疑虑。(六)在对幼儿教师合作动机上,积极向上的内在动机是幼儿教师参与教师合作的主要动机,另外幼儿园规定或者领导要求也是部分幼儿教师参加教师合作的原因。(七)在影响幼儿教师合作的因素上,合作的条件和环境不好、教师时间精力不足、合作圈子小、合作脱离实际质量不高、个人的专业能力和人际沟通能力是影响幼儿教师合作的重要因素。同时发现,幼儿教师的教龄、学历、职称、所在幼儿园等级对幼儿教师合作的内隐观的各维度有影响。针对调查中发现的幼儿教师对目前教师合作中的种种看法和问题,笔者认为,要促进改善幼儿教师合作现状,提高幼儿教师合作的效率和质量,可以从以下几方面做起:(1)树立正确的合作观,学会分享;(2)为幼儿教师合作提供更好的条件、创造更好的环境(3)让幼儿教师自主选择对感兴趣的内容进行自由组合讨论。(4)训练幼儿教师的人际沟通能力。

【Abstract】 Teacher’s collaboration is a way to improve teacher professional development, the preschool teacher’s implicit view on teacher’s collaboration is the point of the preschool teacher about what the teacher’s collaboration is and its definition, value, influence factor, etc. These view may not be noticed by preschool teachers, but they’re always working when the preschool teacher collaborate with other teacher on the behavior, attitude, speech, and they may influent the efficiency of the teacher’ collaboration.By using of the methods of questionnaire and the interview, the author designed the questionnaire of preschool teacher’s implicit view on teacher’s collaboration and the interview of preschool teacher’s implicit view on teacher’s collaboration. Based on the data analysis and finding derived whereby, the thesis arrives at the following conclusions:(1) On the view of the preschool teacher’s collaboration, the preschool teachers pay more attention the objectives and the partners.(2) On the view of valuable of the teacher’s collaboration, most of the preschool agreed that the collaboration is a effective way to improve them on practice and theory, but the teacher in the lower rating preschool usually have a lower evaluation on teacher’s collaboration.(3) On the view of the content, the preschool teacher discuss the practice problems more than the theory, and the higher the preschool teacher is, the more they discuss the theory.(4) On the view of way to collaboration, the partner which the preschool teacher collaborate with is less, they collaborate with the same preschool’s teacher more. The better the preschool is, the more chance the teacher could have to collaborate with more other teachers and researchers, and they have more ways to collaborate.(5) On the view of attitude of teacher’s collaboration, most of the preschool teachers would like to share these experience with the other teachers, but there are some teachers wouldn’t like to do.(6) On the view of motivation to teacher’s collaboration, most of the preschool teachers collaborate with each other in order to improve these ability, and some teachers do this because their leader order them to do.(7) On the views of the influencing factor of the teacher’s collaboration,In order to solve these problems, the author thought may start from the following tactics: (1) Learn to share with each other. (2) Provide the preschool teacher more to make their collaboration better (3) Let the preschool choose the most interesting theme to collaboration. (4) Train the preschool teachers to communicate better.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】G615
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】657