

On Aesthetic Qualities of Yoga’s Samadhi

【作者】 何俐

【导师】 赵伶俐;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 美学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在当今中国以及世界范围内,瑜伽已经成为一种美化身体的手段而流行开来。然而,在国内,对于瑜伽的研究主要集中在传统的宗教哲学研究和新兴的体育医学研究上。瑜伽作为美化和锻炼身体的一种技术手段,已成为体育医学研究的一个热点课题,并开始涉及到了瑜伽的审美价值问题。然而,在我国的美学研究领域,瑜伽尚未作为一种审美现象而被纳入美学研究的视野。由于体育医学研究自身领域的局限,它无法对瑜伽的审美性及其审美价值进行详尽地阐述,这一任务必须要由美学研究来完成。因此,本文开创性地提出了瑜伽三昧境界的审美性问题,填补了我国美学研究领域的一个空白。瑜伽以达到三昧境界作为自己的终极追求。这一境界是一种超越时间,超越死亡,“个我灵魂与宇宙精神浑然无分之境”。它不可言说,不可捉摸,超越了人生在世的有限性,是精神极大自由的无限喜悦的境界。瑜伽自其诞生之日起就以三昧境界为自己的旨归。尽管它经历了原始瑜伽、前古典瑜伽、古典瑜伽、后古典瑜伽、近现代瑜伽的发展,产生了王瑜伽、诃陀瑜伽、智瑜伽、坦多罗瑜伽、业瑜伽、赖耶瑜伽、军陀利尼瑜伽和奉爱瑜伽等诸多派别,但其对于三昧境界的追求从未改变。其实践方法——八支行法,更是清晰地体现了达到三昧境界的循序渐进的过程。瑜伽这种心灵的自由与解脱的境界与审美的境界有着极大的相似性。通过与马斯洛高峰体验的印证,指出,瑜伽三昧境界在自我的状态、“我”与客体的关系以及悦乐感上与审美状态具有一致性。在瑜伽三昧境界中,自我通过忘我而达到了更为真实博大的“我”,有着空灵无滞的胸次而与宇宙万有同一,这正是审美状态的特点之一。与此同时,我”与客体融合为一,并在这种一体关系中,获得了对客体的本真认识。这是一种不借助于概念与理智的“全观”与洞察,而这也正是审美状态的特点。此外,在瑜伽的三昧境界中,主体获得了一种平静中的狂喜,这是一种终极的、绝对的快乐,超越了平常的痛苦与快乐的对立,是一种无条件的快乐。这一特点也是与审美状态的一致的。通过与庄子“心斋”、“坐忘”理论的印证,指出瑜伽三昧境界具有空、静、明、喜的审美特点。瑜伽的三昧境界超越了生理与物质的欲望,达到了身心的纯净化,从而获得了一种虚空的心灵,这是无执无我的真我的达成。这一状态与庄子所说的“坐忘”、“心斋”的状态是一致的,而这种虚以特物的态度正是一种超然的审美态度。虚空的心境体现为一种宁静的状态。然而,这种宁静并非死气沉沉的死寂,它有三个特点,一是极静,二是专注,三是极动。这种极静是思维与情欲活动的止息,唯此才能谛听宇宙生命无边的妙音。但它同时又是精神的高度集中与专注,表明了意识的指向性和集中性,使得对事物的深入洞察成为可能。瑜伽三昧境界的静寂,是极静中之极动,是生命的极度活跃与灵动。在这里,“我”获得了无限的生命能量,产生了无限生命力的勃发。它是宇宙生命创化的源泉,是生命创生之极动。在虚空宁静的心灵中,自我与万物都获得了本真的存在,以其本来面目呈现出来,这是一种“我明”、“物明”的“朝彻”、“大明”的光芒四射的大光明之境。在虚空静明的心境中,“我”体验到一种无上的喜悦感。这是一种发自生命深处无以言说的喜悦,它即是恬静的,又是狂喜的。它超越了寻常的苦乐对待,是在宁静的生命之本源中体验到的无极而永恒的欢乐。此外,鉴于当代许多学者指出现代文明给现代人带来了许多生存困境,还探讨了瑜伽三昧境界在个体身心和谐、人际关系和谐、人与自然和谐关系上的独特的审美功效与贡献。瑜伽并不反对人类必要的物质生活,但同时更注重对于精神与灵魂的追求,这可以使我们超越自身有限的物质存在,从而从过度的物欲追求中抽离出来,回复到物质生活与精神生活、身与心的平衡与和谐。瑜伽在通往三昧境界的修行过程中必须要遵守一系列道德的规范,这种道德是是自性的最高神圣律则,是宇宙万物之主——“梵”的律则的显现。只有在三昧境界中,它才会成为个人真情实感的自然流露,从而最终带来社会的道德化以及社会人际关系的改善。在瑜伽思想中,“梵”是世界万物的本体,“梵”具有精神性,它产生万物又推动着万物向前发展,万物的一切情状都是“梵”的显现。人与世界万物,与自然在本质上是同一的。在三昧境界中,人达到了与一切其他众生万物为一之同一性,人与自然的对立消除了。由此,人与自然的紧张关系得以消除,人不再视自然为自己攫取的对象,而是与之同体的一部分。总之,瑜伽三昧境界有着不可忽视的审美价值,它可以融入我们的生活中,消除现代人莫名的焦虑,烦躁,无聊,郁闷,带来审美化的人生,使我们获得平淡而真实的幸福生活。

【Abstract】 Nowadays,the yoga has become a popular means to make our body beautiful and slim in the world.However,domestic studies on yoga mainly focus on traditional.religious and philosophical perspective,and newly physical training and medical science.By way of a hot topic in the scope of physical training and medical science,yoga has stretches to its aesthetic value However,in China, yoga has not yet brought into the field of aesthetics research as an aesthetic phenomenon.Because of the limits on physical training and medical science research,it can’t explain the aesthetic qualities and values of yoga which must be complete by aesthetic study.Therefore,this study opens a new dimension by putting forward the aesthetic qualities of yoga’s Samadhi,and filling up a blank of domestic esthetics research.Samadhi is yoga’s ultimate reality.Samadhi is a state of surpassing time and death,in which the spirit of Nature and human being’s soul become the one.As a state of unlimited freedom with immeasurable joy,it can’t be spoken out by even a word.Yoga aims ultimately at Samadhi since it came into being and never gives up this pursuit during its development.All kinds of group of yoga all take Samadhi as their own ultimate aim.Ashta-anga-ynga——the process of practice,clearly reflect how to achieve Samadhi step by step.This free and moksha state of yoga is similar to the aesthetic state.Comparing with Maslow’s Peak Experience,this study find that Samadhi is same with aesthetic state in the "ego" state,the relationship between subject and object and the sense of joviality.First,by losing himself,the subject achieves a real self and become the one with Nature spirit.Second,the subject integrates with the object.And in such relationship of integration,the self gain insight into the object not by means of concept and reason.Third,the subject feel a feeling of rejoice in a quiet mood.This is a kind of ultimate end and absolute happiness,a kind of unconditional happiness,surmounting the opposition between usual pain and happiness.By comparing with aesthetic theory of Zhuang Zi,this study points out that the aesthetic features of Samadhi are emptiness,quietness,clearness and joy.Samadhi surmounts the physiological and material desire,makes the body and soul pure,and acquires an empty heart.The subject finds his own real nature.This state is in accordance with "Xin Zhai","Zuo Wang" of Zhuang Zi.This empty heart is very quiet and peaceful,which is deferent from deathly stillness by its three characteristics--- extremely quiet,concentration,extremely dynamic.The extreme quietness means withdrawal from reason and passion,only by this can the wonderful music of the universe be heard.At the same time,the extreme quietness also means the high concentration of mind which indicates the direction and concentration of consciousness,and makes insight possible. The peace of Samadhi is extremely quiet with exceeding dynamic of life.Here,the subject gains unlimited energy of life and becomes more creative.The empty heart makes appear the real own nature of the subject and the object.Then,the subject steps into a state shining and light and experiences a kind of joy coming from the source of life.This joy is the ultimate and eternal happiness.In addition,in consideration of the living predicament brought by modern civilization,this study approaches the aesthetic effect of Samadhi on the harmony of individual body and soul,the harmony of interpersonal relation,and the harmony of human being and nature.The yoga is not object to material,but pays more attention to the spirit and soul,which make us surmount our material existence and withdraw from excessive material desire,therefore,revert to the harmony of material life and spiritual life,of body and soul.Practicing yoga must obey a series rule of morality, which is the appearance of the law of Brahma.Only in the state of Samadhi can it be the natural revelation of individual true feelings,which ultimately bring about a moralized society and improvement of interpersonal relationship.In the theory of yoga thought,Brahma is noumenon of the world.It is spiritual,produces everything and pushes everything to develop forward.Everything is the presentation of Brahma.So,human beings have no difference from other things in essence.In the state of Samadhi,the individual achieves Brahma and is same with all living things.Therefore, the opposition between human being and nature is eliminated,and the harmony of them returns.All in all,the aesthetic value of Samadhi of yoga should not be neglected.It can be melted into our daily life,dispels modern people’s anxiety,fidgety,boring,gloom,and brings an aesthetic life for us,give us the mild but real happiness.

【关键词】 瑜伽三昧境界审美性研究
【Key words】 YogaSamadhiaesthetic characters
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】G806
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1260