

The Research on the Teaching Strategies in Middle School’s History Class in Nan’an District of Chongqing City

【作者】 胡文平

【导师】 郑家福;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 教育管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着基础教育课程改革的深入开展,教师的课堂教学发生了可喜的变化,这种变化不仅表现在教师的教学观念上,也表现在教师课堂教学策略上。教学策略是教育理论联系教学实践的关节点,运用有效课堂教学策略,是衡量教师教学的实效性和教学艺术水平的重要标志。本文首先分析了选题的缘由,对教学策略进行了界定,对国内外教学策略研究的现状进行了综述。其次,根据决定历史学科的主要特点和学生课堂上学习达成度的主要变量,结合教学策略分类,设计出中学历史课堂教学策略观察表,采用行动研究法,对南岸区历史教师课堂教学策略进行调查,找出了新课程理念下,中学历史课堂教学存在的七大误区,即教学三维目标不能有机的结合、课堂教学中存在教材内容的虚化、片面追求学生直接经验的获得、课堂教学中的满堂发问、滥用表扬和赏识、分组讨论无实效、滥用课件和课程资源。这些问题的成因是由于高初中教师、不同学校、不同年龄段的教师对待新课程下的教学策略的运用存在着落差。提出了改善教师课堂教学策略五个方面的建议,完善以校为本的教研制度、在课堂中正确处理预设与生成的关系、正确处理接受性学习与探究性学习的关系,用教学机智最大化地处理课堂中的偶发事件,优化课堂教学策略,提高课堂效率,促进历史课堂教学的健康发展。

【Abstract】 With the development of the world wide education reform, the class teaching has improved a lot, not only the way of teachers’ thinking, but also the teaching strategies. The teaching strategies are the key to relating teaching theory with practice and the core standard of evaluating teaching effect and teaching level. The thesis contains five parts. First of all, it gives the reasons for the selection of the topic, then defines the teaching strategies and summarizes the present situation of the research on the teaching strategies. Secondly, it designs a form to observe the history class under the guide of the new Curriculum . Thirdly, it makes a survey on the teaching strategies used in history class in Nan’an, Chongqing. Fourthly, it analyzes the differences of strategies use in different schools and for different students. It also points out seven mistakes in the history class: the unsuccessful combination of teaching goals, the fictionization of the text, the pursuit of students’ direct experience, the class full of questions, the abuse of prize and appreciation, the invalidity of group discussion, and the abuse of PowerPoint. At last it gives advice on how improving teaching strategies for the development of history teaching, perfecting the research, causing the healthy development of history teaching and handling with all relationships in class.

【关键词】 历史课堂教学策略运用问题对策
【Key words】 History classteaching strategiesapplicationthe problemsthe advice
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】G633.51
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】183