

Study on Bilingual Teaching of Xiao Mao Po Primary School

【作者】 张芳欣

【导师】 孙振东;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 教育学原理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 民族的语言即民族的精神,民族的精神即民族的语言,本民族语不仅是最好的认识手段和学习其他语言必不可少的基础,而且是发展逻辑思维能力唯一可靠的立足点。这是我国在少数民族地区开展双语教学的一个重要原因。双语教学在我国少数民族地区开展了较长的一段时间,对双语教学的研究也是一个旧问题,但是由于各民族地区的差异性和双语教学本身的复杂性和多样性,在对双语教学的研究中应因时因地制宜。小茅坡营小学,是在建国初期创办的民族学校。这一小学的近五十年双语教学的发展历程也是整个中国少数民族双语教学在此阶段的一个缩影。这一小学双语教学的发展历程可划分为四个阶段:初创阶段、曲折阶段、发展阶段和低谷阶段。在这些发展阶段中,影响这一小学双语教学的因素很多,内因主要有师资方面、生源方面、教学内容和方法、苗语本身的因素,而外因主要有社会变革、人口流动、家庭变迁、苗语生存环境和价值观念变迁。这一小学的双语教学在提高学生认知和思维发展、促进民族认同、传承民族文化方面也取得了一些成绩。近几年,随着学生数量的锐减,双语环境和语言价值观的改变,加上双语教学缺乏科学完善的管理和评价体系,这一小学的双语教学举步维艰。现在,建立并完善有效的双语教学管理和评价制度、培养合格的双语教师、建构沉浸式双语教学模式是这一小学双语教学急需解决的问题。此外,在双语教学过程中,要注意把双语的习得看成一个创造的过程,培养学生双语习得环境,充分调动学生习得语言的积极性和主动性。要用系统论的观点来对待双语教学,把它放在双语系统中观察和研究。双语教学不仅仅是学校的事情,也足少数民族地区社会各界需要关注的问题。双语教学的开展不仅需要国家在人力、物力和财力上的支持,还需要更多有志者投入到双语教学的研究中来,共同构建一个适合我国国情的双语教学体系。

【Abstract】 The language of ethnic group is the spirit of one group, the spirit of ethnic group is the language of one group. Mother tongue is not only the best means to cognition and the necessary foundation of learning the other languages, but also the only and credible stand of developing the logical ideation. That’s why bilingual teaching has always been developed in the ethical areas of our country. Bilingual teaching has been exercised for a long time in the ethical areas in China. The research on this topic is not a new issue. Due to the difference of the ethical areas and the complexity and diversity of the bilingual teaching, the research of bilingual teaching should adapt to the times and adjust measures to local conditions.Xiao Mao Po primary school is an ethical school established in the early days of foundation of China. The course of this school’s nearly fifty years’ bilingual teaching is a reduction of the whole bilingual teaching of China in this period. The process of this school can be divided into four stages which are initial stage, twisted stage and developed stage and low stage. In these stages, there are many reasons influencing the bilingual teaching. The main internal reasons are the aspects of teacher resource, student resource, content and method of teaching and the Miao language. The main external reasons are the aspects of society transform, population movement, family variance, variances of living environment and value conception of Miao language. The bilingual teaching of this primary school has obtained some achievements in the aspects of improving student cognition and ideation, promoting the ethical identity and developing the ethical culture. With the rapid decreasing of the students and the change of the bilingual surroundings and language valuation and the shortage of scientific management and appraisement systems, the bilingual teaching of this school has stepped into a hardship time over the past few years. Nowadays, constituting the effective management and appraisement systems of bilingual teaching and training the eligible bilingual teachers and conceiving the mode of infiltrating bilingual teaching are the urgent needs of bilingual teaching of this school. Besides, learning bilingual should be regarded as a process of creativity in the process of bilingual teaching. And training environment of learning bilingual can adequately mobilize the positivity and go-aheadism of students.The viewpoint of system should be used to looking on the bilingual teaching which observed and researched in the system of bilingual. The bilingual teaching is not only a matter of school but also an issue needing the concern of all circles of society in the ethical areas. The development of bilingual teaching not only need the enough devotion of manpower, material resources and financial resources of our country, but also need more people join in the research of bilingual teaching. Combination of these can constitute the bilingual teaching system being suitable to the situation of our country.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】G622.0
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】337