

Study on a Rural Vocational School’s Rise and Fall

【作者】 陈建茹

【导师】 孙振东;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 教育学原理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 职业教育是我国教育事业的重要组成部分,是促进经济、社会发展和劳动就业的重要途径。在大力发展职业教育的当前,把握农村职业教育发展的规律,总结其发展过程中成功的经验和失败的教训,有助于推动农村职业教育健康、可持续发展。河北省望都县职教中心是中国成千上万所农村职业学校中的一所,它从建立至今的发展过程也是整个中国农村职业教育在此阶段发展状况的一个缩影。望都县职教中心的发展历程可划分为三个阶段:初创及其迅速繁荣阶段、衰落阶段、转型继续发展阶段。通过对该校兴衰的历史考察,发现十几年来,望都县职教中心在政治、经济、观念等方面的影响下发生了巨大变化,表现出职业性、市场化、自主性、开放性、去农化、升学性等特征。影响该校发展的因素很多,其中外因方面主要有政府职能的转变、经济结构的调整、经费投入的不足、社会观念的误区、人口结构的变化、民办学校的冲击六个方面。内因主要有定位不准确、师资力量匮乏、教学质量和信誉较差、与行业企业合作力度不够四个方面。由于“人为”因素较为明显,该校在发展过程中出现了种种问题,如脱离当地经济社会发展需要、招生对象单一、培养形式死板、规模小、效益差等,为该校的健康发展埋下了隐患。当然,这些问题不仅出现于望都县职教中心,而且在整个农村职业教育的发展过程中也逐渐显现出来。农村职业教育发展是一个长期的过程。只有在准确定位的前提下,灵活地选择农村职业教育的办学模式,并且明确政府在发展农村职业教育中的地位和作用,才能保证农村职业教育健康、可持续发展。

【Abstract】 Vocational education is the main component of our national education, which is the important channel of promoting the development of economy and society and employment. Currently with the vigorous development of vocational education, grasping the rule of the development of rural vocational education and definitizing the experience and the lessons in this process are propitious to the healthy and sustainable development of rural vocational education.Wangdu vocational education center of Hebei Province is one of the thousands of vocational schools in China. Its process represents the entire process of the development of rural vocational education. The process of Wangdu vocational education center can be divided into three stages which are initial and prosperous stage, declined stage and transformed and developed stage. It has been changed a lot under the influence of politics, economy, conception and other aspects by the field work since more than ten years on the research of its rise and fall. These changes make it has its own typical characters such as vocational, market-oriented, independent, open, agriculture-weakened, promotional and so on. There are many factors influencing the development of the school. The main six internal factors are the transformation of government functions, the adjustment of economic structure, the lack of financial input, the inaccuracy of social conception, the change in the structure of the population, the impact of private schools. The main four external factors are the inaccurate position, the lack of qualified teachers, the poor quality of teaching and credibility, the cooperation of the industry and enterprises have not done enough. Because of too many artificial factors, there are so many problems in the process of development, such as aberrancy of the local development of economy and society, single of enrollment object, rigidification of training form, the small scale and weak efficiency. These result in hidden dangers to the healthy development of rural vocational education. Certainly, these problems do not only exist in Wangdu vocational education center but also commonly exist in the development of the whole rural vocational education.The development of rural vocational education is a long-term process. Only accurating its position, flexibly choosing the mode of running schools of the rural vocational education and definitizing the status and position of government during the development of the rural vocational education, the rural vocational education could be developed healthily and continuously.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】G719.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】163