

Study on the Evaluation and Planning Control System of Waterscape in Kunshan Residential Area

【作者】 聂小明

【导师】 王云;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 风景园林, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,现代居住小区的环境水景观因其特有的文化、景观、生态优势,一直具有重要的地位,在小区的开发中能体现出很高的经济价值。目前各地居住小区建设、建筑周边环境设计中,都加大了水景、水体的应用。水是人类与自然联系的纽带,水景是景观设计中最富有魅力的要素,小区中的水景是人与自然和谐共生、持续发展的集中表现。文中阐述了昆山市居住小区水景建设发展状况,并简要介绍了水景观应用的形式及特点。从水景观的功能性要求、整体性要求、水景与其他构景要素的搭配、人性化设计、文化特色要求及生态要求等方面进一步阐明了昆山市居住小区营造水景观的原则及设计要求。以昆山市居住小区中淀湖桃源、康城等五个有代表性的水景楼盘为主要调查研究对象。调查结果表明,昆山市居住小区在水景规划、营造、管理过程中存在许多问题:水景开发层面盲目上马,缺乏生态系统理念;政府管理层面政策引导不够,规范管理薄弱;规划设计层面需要科学规划、统筹设计;公众参与层面评价方法单一,参与层次低下。故本文拟以综合评判法对昆山市居住小区水景进行评价分析,并在此基础上建立政府主导、企业运作、公众参与的居住小区水景规划控制的管理框架,结合景观效果设计目标,运用先进的理念和技术,最终实现以合理的投资建设环境优美、运行经济、社会效益良好的水景项目。

【Abstract】 Because waterscape owns the specific advantages of culture, landscape and zoology, it can always reflect high economic value in living site developing process. More and more waterscape is applied in external space in Kunshan in current years. The living area waterscape represents the harmoniousness as well as the sustainable development relationship between human being and nature. Waterscape is the special feature of modern residential area.This article analyzed the development of waterscape residential area in Kunshan, And briefly introduced the character and form of applying for waterscape design in living area. Combination of static waterscape and dynamic waterscape can create special site, Then interpreted the principle which can be used in natural community constructing.Choose 5 typical waterscape living site as investigative objective. The results indicates some problem exist in waterscape design、constructing and administration: Waterscape development level blindly launched, the lack of ecosystem concept; government management level policy guidance not enough, and standardize management of weak level of planning and design needs of scientific planning, design and Manpower; level of public participation in a single method of evaluation, lower-level participation . This article is intended to be comprehensive evaluation method for evaluating tool, the Kunshan City Residential Area Waterscape evaluation analysis, and on this basis to establish a government-led, operation of enterprises, public participation in the residential quarters Waterscape control of the management framework for planning, landscape combined effect Design objectives, the use of advanced ideas and technology and eventually achieve a reasonable investment in building a beautiful environment, economic operation, social benefits, good Waterscape project.

  • 【分类号】TU985.125
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】192