

Enhancing Township Government: A Case Research into Constructing Service-Oriented Government

【作者】 王勤芳

【导师】 谢岳;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 公共管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 服务型政府是一种新型的政府管理理念,在国内理论界已有诸多研究,取得了不少成果,但大多关注中央、省、市层面,在乡镇政府方面的研究则较少。乡镇政府作为中国行政管理体制中最基层的政权组织,不仅面临着财政供给不足的压力,而且还承担着全方位为农民搞好服务的政治责任和社会压力,承担着众多的公共管理和公共服务职能,对地方乃至国家的政治稳定,经济发展,社会安定起着举足轻重的作用。而且,随着国内外环境的变化,尤其是农村地区各项事业改革的进一步深入,加之传统体制下建立和发展起来的管理体制本身所固有的弊端,使得我国乡镇政府的管理体制越来越难以适应时代的要求,成为阻碍农村社会事业发展的重要因素,乡镇政府职能转型是客观情势的必然。本文以服务型政府为研究视角,针对当前乡镇政府体制改革所面临的职能转型问题,展开了一系列的分析和研究。第一部分为绪论,主要阐述本文所要研究的问题、研究的意义以及研究的方法和思路,并简要介绍了“强镇扩权”的含义及背景。第二部分,理论地阐释服务型政府的内涵、特征和政府职能转型的内涵,为后续分析研究乡镇政府职能转型的定位和依据提供清晰的理论视角。第三部分,分析了在社会转型期,乡镇政府职能转型的内在动力,重点着重分析了“管制型”乡镇政府职能的缺陷和其职能转型期面临的困境。第四部分,阐述了乡镇政府职能要从“管制型”向“服务型”转变。首先明确提出了从管制向服务转型是乡镇政府职能转型的基本值取向。然后,提出乡镇政府职能转型必须进行体制创新。最后结合乡镇面临的新形势,提出了社会转型期乡镇政府的职能定位。第五部分,全面分析了目前乡镇政府职能向“服务型”转变所面临的行政体制、财政体制和考核体制三个障碍,从而为下一步提出职能转型的路径提供依据。第六部分,以浙江省余新镇的实践为例,进行个案分析,对推行强镇扩权,构建服务型乡镇的体制创新与突破、取得的成效和存在的局限性作了实证分析。第七部分,根据实证分析的结论,提出强镇扩权是建立服务型政府的有效途径,重点从突破行政体制障碍、创新乡镇财政体制和改革乡镇考核体制三个方面进行职能转型,从而构建服务型乡镇政府。

【Abstract】 Service-oriented government is a new type of government administrative idea. There have been a lot of researches and achievements by theorists in the domestic field, but most of these researches are limited to the macro-level, like the whole nation, the province, and the big cities. The researches about the town governments are still weak or blank. The town governments are regarded as the lowest unit among the administrative management system. They not only face the pressure of insufficient financial supply, but also bear political responsibility and social pressure of serving the peasants well, and numerous public management and public service functions. They also play an important role in maintaining the local and whole nation’s stability and developing economy. What’s more, with the changes of environments of both home and abroad, especially the further deepening reforms of all causes in the countryside, and due to the inherent shortcomings of traditional administration system in the countryside, township governments have found it more difficult to meet the requirements nowadays and become one of the important factors hindering the social causes’development in villages. In that case, the township governments’function transformation is becoming a must-be.From the visual angle of service-oriented government, this thesis set out to analyze and research into the problems facing the reformation of the township government administration system. Part one is an introduction, introducing the problems this thesis is going to deal with, its significance as well as the studying methods and briefly introduces the meaning and background information of“enhancing the township government.”Part two theoretically expounds the connotation and characteristics of the service-oriented government, as well as connotation of government function transformation, providing theories for the later analysis and research on the government functions. Part three analyzes the driving forces of township government function transformation in this social revolution, and analyzes the function defects of the“controlling”government and difficulties in the function transformation. Part four sets forth that the township government function types must change from“controlling”to“service-oriented”. Firstly, it puts forward the fundamental values of the function transformation. Secondly, it suggests we must carry out system innovation in the transformation. Finally, according to the new circumstances facing the township government, it suggests the function position of the township government in this social transformation. Part five analyzes the three obstacles in the administration, finance and checking systems, providing basis for the route suggestion of the function transformation. Part six takes the practice of Yuxin Town of Zhejiang Province as an example, analyzing its progress and limitations in the progress of enhancing township government and constructing service-oriented government. Part seven suggests that enhancing the township government is an effective approach to building a service-oriented government, based on the conclusion of the example analysis. The function transformation can be carried out by breaking the obstacles of administration system, innovating the finance system and reforming the checking system.

  • 【分类号】D625
  • 【被引频次】3
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