

Learning Burnout among College Students and Its Correlation with Epistemological Beliefs

【作者】 贺泽明

【导师】 司继伟;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 现在已有越来越多的学者开始关注大学生学习倦怠状况的研究。而所谓“学习倦怠”,是指学生在学习过程中因为对学习缺乏兴趣、动力或因课业压力、课业负荷及其它个人心理层次上的因素,在学生身上出现的身心耗竭、乏人性化、逃避学习以及个人成就感降低等现象。学习倦怠会使学生对自己的学习失去兴趣,丧失学习动力,对学生的学习将产生极大的影响。而认识论信念则是近年来元认知研究领域一个新主题,是教育心理学家从心理学的角度对人的认识论进行研究时所使用的一个概念,是学习者进行学习活动的内在背景,是一套相互独立的信念系统,其中学生的知识观也即学生对知识本质和知识获得的信念是其核心内容,其理论外延还涉及到学生对学习、教学及能力等所持有的信念,它会对学生的认知过程和学习行为起到引导和调节作用。本文对学习倦怠和认识论信念的概念进行了界定,介绍了学习倦怠和认识论信念的国内外研究现状与发展趋势,对大学生学习倦怠、认识论信念的影响因素及其两者之间关系进行了研究,并以大学生认识论信念量表的整合-建构维度、零散-接受维度和总量表的得分为预测变量,以大学生学习倦怠的三个维度和总量表为因变量,进行了回归分析,这将有助于我们进一步了解大学生学习倦怠和认识论信念的现状和影响因素,有助于我们进一步认识学生学习过程的认知机制,通过改变学生的认识论信念来改善学生的学习倦怠状况,为我们当今进行的实际教学和教育教学改革提供一定的理论和实践依据。本研究以聊城大学和潍坊医学院的500名学生为被试对大学生学习倦怠和认识论信念的影响因素及其两者之间关系进行了研究,结果表明:(1)大学生的学习倦怠整体状况虽不至于非常严重,但在相当一部分大学生中存在着比较严重的学习倦怠。其中行为不当得分最高,其次是成就感低和情绪低落。(2)大学生在学习倦怠的情绪低落、行为不当维度及总分上存在显著的性别差异,男生得分高于女生。但是在成就感低维度上不存在性别差异,在认识论信念的零散-接受维度及总分上存在显著性别差异,女生显著地比男生成熟和积极。(3)大学生在学习倦怠上存在显著的年级差异。其中二年级比一年级表现出更多的情绪低落、行为不当和成就感低,整体学习倦怠程度也显著高于一年级;二年级则比三年级表现出更多的行为不当和成就感低,整体倦怠程度也显著高于三年级;四年级比一年级表现出更多的情绪低落;大学生在认识论信念上也存在显著的年级差异,一年级显著地比三、四年级成熟和积极。在整合-建构维度和认识论信念总分上,一年级显著地比二年级成熟和积极。在零散-接受维度和认识论信念总分上,二年级显著地比三、四年级成熟和积极。(4)大学生在学习倦怠和认识论信念上不存在显著的专业差异。(5)除学习倦怠的成就感低维度和认识论信念的零散-接受维度不存在相关之外,大学生学习倦怠的各维度和认识论信念的各维度之间均存在极其显著的负相关。大学生认识论信念总分对学习倦怠的情绪低落、行为不当和学习倦怠总体水平具有较好的预测作用,认识论信念的整合-建构维度对学习倦怠的成就感低维度具有较好的预测作用。

【Abstract】 Learning burnout, an increasingly focused phenomenon involving physical and spiritual exhaustion, dehumanization, resentment against studies and belief recession in self-accomplishment, is attributed to lack of interest and motives in studies, learning load and pressure, and individualized psychological factors. Learning burnout kills students’interest and motives in their studies, and therefore imposes considerable negative impact on their academic expectations.Epistemological beliefs, a newly developed topic in metacognition research and a concept employed by psychologists when conducting epistemological studies in view of psychological perspectives, is defined as the internal surroundings of learners concerned with studying activities. Comparatively an independent belief system, it makes students’knowledge views (beliefs in essence of knowledge and knowledge acquisition) its central concept. With theoretical denotative in relation to students’beliefs in studies, teaching and capability, epistemological beliefs play a instruction and regulation role in students’cognitive processing and learning behaviors.After defining the conception of learning burnout and epistemological beliefs and reviewing contemporary researches and their future directions , the author investigated the factors and relationship between learning burnout and epistemological beliefs. It is conducive to a better understanding of status quo and attributive factors of learning accidie and epistemological beliefs and further acquaintance with cognitive mechanism in students’learning process to deal with regression analysis based on predictive variables (scores deriving from integral-constructive dimension, separated-receptive dimension, and gross index) and dependent variables (sores of three dimensions and gross index of learning burnout among university students). Improving learning burnout through changing students’epistemological beliefs, this research aims at the availability of theoretical proofs to practical instruction and educational reforms.Through the correlative research on factors and relationship between learning burnout and epistemological beliefs with 500 students sampling from Liaocheng University and Weifang Medical College, the results are as follows:(1)Learning burnout, not considerably serious though, existed among some college students, misconduct ranging first, followed by low self-accomplishment and depression.(2)There existed a significant gender difference in view of learning burnout, depression and misconduct, boys scoring higher than girls. However, girls were considerably more mature and active in separated-receptive dimension and total scores in epistemological beliefs, no gender difference being there in low self-accomplishment dimension, though.(3)There is also a remarkable grade difference in the field of learning burnout. Sophomores demonstrated more depression, misconduct and low self-accomplishment, and witnessed more learning burnout than freshmen; sophomores were more of misconduct and low self-accomplishment than juniors, learning burnout of the former being higher than the latter. Seniors are more depressed than freshmen. Grade difference is there in epistemological beliefs, too. Freshmen were more mature and active than juniors and seniors. In regard to integral-constructive dimension and epistemological beliefs, freshmen were dramatically more mature and active than sophomores. As far as separated-receptive dimension and epistemological beliefs, sophomores were more mature and active than juniors and seniors.(4) There was no significant specialty difference in regard to learning burnout and epistemological beliefs.(5)Except the incorrelation between low self-accomplishment in learning burnout and separated-receptive dimension in epistemological beliefs, there exists apparent negative correlation among dimensions in learning burnout and epistemological beliefs. Epistemological beliefs offered reliable predictions to pressure, misconduct and general level of learning burnout, while the integral-constructive dimension served the same function in low self-accomplishment in epistemological beliefs.

  • 【分类号】G642.0
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】1267