

The Research on the Education of Vocational Concept in Higher Vocational Institutions

【作者】 王静

【导师】 马永庆;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 思想政治教育, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着科技进步和经济社会的发展,社会需要大量的一线应用型技术人才,我国的高等职业教育由此得到飞速发展,我国的高等教育由精英化阶段进入大众化阶段,高等职业教育作为高等教育的重要组成部分,已占据高等教育的半壁江山。高等教育的发展给职业教育带来了机遇,同时也带来挑战。随着高职教育的发展,很多问题逐渐显现,其中最主要的问题是高职教育的办学特色不鲜明,高职院校学生的职业能力不强,导致社会对高职人才的认同度不高。目前大学生就业难,高职生就业更难。为使高等职业教育良性发展,培养的学生能够顺利就业,职业院校要突出办学的特色—职业性,必须加强职业观教育。本文首先界定职业观的内涵,所谓职业观是人们对职业的基本观点,是对职业本质、意义、目的和评价标准的认识和看法。职业观由职业锚、职业目标、职业道德、职业评价等要素构成。所谓职业观教育就是教育机构根据学生自身的特点,社会发展的需要和职业的发展状况,通过整合学校的教育功能,运用一定的方法、手段,帮助学生正确的确定职业发展方向,树立职业理想,培养自己的职业素养,科学规划自己的职业生涯,全面了解社会、了解自己,为将来更好的适应职业、适应社会做准备的教育活动。界定了职业观教育的内涵后,笔者从三个方面分析了在高等职业院校开展职业观教育的必要性,(一)从社会发展的角度,分析了加强职业观教育对社会发展的影响;(二)从高等职业教育发展的角度,分析加强职业观教育对我国高等职业教育发展的作用;(三)从高职学生自身顺利成长的角度,分析加强职业观教育对高职学生顺利成长的影响。然后,重点探讨了高等职业院校贯彻职业观教育的具体内容。其一,职业知识的传授—职业观教育的基础,在这部分论述了什么是职业知识及其构成;其二,职业能力的培养—职业观教育的关键,分析了什么是职业能力,高等职业院校的学生应具备那些职业能力才能适应社会发展的需要;其三,职业道德教育—职业观教育的核心,论述了职业道德的内涵,以及在职业院校进行职业道德教育的内容。即(1)职业道德规范教育(2)职业责任教育(3)职业纪律教育(4)职业理想教育。其四,开展职业指导—职业观教育的重要一环,论述了职业指导的含义,职业指导理论的发展所经过的两个阶段以及不同阶段所形成的职业指导的理论,职业指导的具体内容包括就业指导和职业生涯规划。最后探讨了高等职业院校进行职业观教育的途径。其一,加强高等职业院校的师资队伍建设-------加强“双师型”教师队伍建设。对于大量已经达到大学学历的高职教师来说,可通过加强实践教学环节提高他们的专业实践技能和技术开发能力,进行双师能力培训;其二,改革高等职业教育的课程设置;其三,强化高等职业院校职业实践活动;其四,搞好高等职业院校的实训基地建设。

【Abstract】 With the scientific and technological progress and economic development, our society is in need of a large number of application-line technical personnel to meet the demand of social development. China’s higher vocational education has developed rapidly. China’s higher education has stepped into the popularization stage from the elite stage. As an important component of higher education, higher vocational education has occupied half of it. The development of higher education brings opportunities to vocational education as well as negative impacts.But with the development of HVE,many problems have appeared gradually,a key prolem in which is lack of remarkable characteristics and the students’vocational ability of higher vocational colleges is not strong,which leads to despise HVE’S talented persons. such as university students’employment difficulties, not to say vocational college students To achieve a sound development of higher vocational education and successful employment of the students, it is necessary for vocational institutions to highlight their characteristics–occupational, and strengthen the education of occupational concept.This paper defines the connotation of the occupational concept, which is thebasic viewpoints people have on occupation and the understanding of the purpose, essence, significance and evaluation standard of occupation. Occupational concept consists of the occupational orientation, goals, ethics, evaluation and other factors. The education of vocational concept is the educational activity conducted by educational institution to help students fix occupational direction, establish occupational ideal, develop occupational quality, design occupational plan scientifically and understand the society as well as themselves totally so as to prepare themselves for adapting to the society in future through integrating the school’s educational function in some way, according to the characteristic of the students, the requirement of the society and the condition of the occupational development. After defining the connotation of occupational concept, this thesis analyzes the necessity of launching the education of occupational concept. (一) From the perspective of social development, analyze the impact on social development through strengthening the education of vocational concept; (二) From the perspective of the development of higher vocational education, analyze the effect on the development of higher vocational education by strengthening the education of vocational concept; (三) From the perspective of the smooth growth of vocational college students, analyze the influence on students’healthy growth exerted by strengthening the education of vocational concept.Then, this thesis mostly discusses the specific content of the education of occupational concept carried out in higher occupational institutions. Firstly, the teaching of professional knowledge—-the basis of the education of occupational concept, which discusses what is professional knowledge and its components; Secondly, the training of occupational ability—the key of the education of occupational concept, which analyzes what professional competence is, and what kind of ability the higher vocational students should have to meet the demands of social development ; Thirdly, the education of professional ethics—the core of the education of occupational concept, which discusses the connotation and contents of professional ethics in vocational institutions, that is (1) the education of occupational ethics, (2) the education of occupational responsible, (3) the education of occupational discipline, (4) the education of occupational ideal. Fourthly, launching vocational guidance—an important process of the education of occupational concept, which contains the meaning, the theoretical development as well as the specific content of occupational guidance including career guide and career design.Finally, this thesis discusses the means of carrying out the education of vocational concept in higher vocational institutions. Firstly, strengthen the team building of the school faculty------strengthening the construction of doudle-professionally-titled teachers.Regarding to a lot of university education HVE’s teachers,strengthening their professional training through these aspects,such as practical teaching link, double一Professionally一ability training; Secondly, reform the curriculum set in higher vocational education; Thirdly, strengthen vocational practice in higher vocational institutions; Fourthly, construct the training bases of the higher vocational institutions.

  • 【分类号】G717.38
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】739