

The Research of Inquiry Learning in Junior Middle School Through Moral Qualities Lesson

【作者】 李兆峰

【导师】 郭永军;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 学科教学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 新一轮课程改革,伴随着新世纪的脚步,走进了校园。本次新课程改革的核心理念是促进每一位学生的发展,倡导学生主动参与,乐于探究,勤于动手,培养学生的多种能力。目前,在新课程的实施中许多学校都在实施探究式学习,逐步改变了广大教师的日常教学行为和学生的学习方式。本文基于文献研究,结合初中思想品德课教学实际,考察了探究式学习的含义、特点,以及在初中思想品德课教学中实施探究式学习的重大意义,并结合教学实践和学科实际,研究了课堂教学中实施探究式学习的实际操作问题。本文通过观察法、走访谈话法、问卷调查法、实地考察法等形式,分析总结出了当前初中思想品德课教学中存在的问题,并简要指出了对策。论文共分三部分:第一部分论述了初中思想品德课探究式学习的现状、概念、理论依据。第二部分具体分析了初中思想品德课中实施探究式学习的必要性。本文指出,实施探究式学习适应了时代发展的要求,是新课程改革的要求,也是素质教育和终身教育的要求,是初中思想品德课学科发展的要求,是初中生自身成长规律的要求。第三部分研究了探究式学习在初中思想品德课教学中的实践操作问题。首先论述了初中思想品德课探究式学习应遵循的原则,着重论述了初中思想品德课探究式学习的具体操作步骤,并对教师、学生提出了具体要求,为了更好的开展探究式学习,师生必须共同处理好几方面的关系,并注意解决几个现实问题,以利于探究式学习有效而顺利的开展。论文分析了初中思想品德课教学中存在的不良现象,并提出了在思想品德课教学中实施探究式学习的实现对策,实现了新的教学理念与教材的紧密结合,为初中思想品德课教师转变教学观念和教学行为提供了指导方法,为提高初中思想品德课的实效性提供了具体方法。本文结合教学案例和教学实际,提出了初中思想品德课探究式学习比较系统的思路和方法,有利于指导初中思想品德课的教学实践,促进学生的健康成长和全面发展,有利于课堂教学理论的深入和课程改革取得实效,为一线初中思想品德课教师实施探究式学习提供了一定的借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 The new turn curriculum reforms entered the campus, following the new century’s footsteps. The new curriculum core idea is to promote each student’s development, to initiate the students to participation in their own initiative, to be willing to inquire, to be industrious in activities, to cultivate students’many kinds of abilities. at present, in the new curriculum’s implementation, Inquiry Learning has been developing in the very many schools ,which has changed the general teachers’daily teaching behavior and students’learning way.On the basis of literature research and the practice of junior middle school politics moral teaching, the paper pointed out the meaning feature and the great significance of the Inquiry Learning, Then the paper proposed the practical operate problem of realizing the moral teaching and analyzed the problems of high school moral teaching through the observation method, interview method, questionnaire method, spot investigation method etc.The paper contains three parts:The first part elaborated the current situation and the concept and the theory basis of Junior Middle School Though Moral Qualities Lesson.The second part analyzed specifically the significance of developing the Inquiry Learning in Junior Middle School Thought Moral Qualities Lesson. The paper pointed out that .the Inquiry Learning meets the new development of times, the need of new curriculum reform, the quality education and lifelong education and the practice of junior middle school politics moral teaching,the need of the law of the middle school studentsThe third part studied the practical operate problem on Inquiry Learning in Junior Middle School through moral qualities lesson. It first elaborated the principle of Inquiry Learning in Junior Middle School Thought Moral Qualities Lesson, and emphatically elaborated the concrete steps of Inquiry Learning in Junior Middle School Thought Moral Qualities Lesson as well as the specific request proposed to the teachers and the students. For the better development of Inquiry Learning, the teachers and the students must deal with the relation in several aspects, and pay attention to solve a few actual problem in order to favor the effective and smooth development of Inquiry Learning.With the new turn curriculum reforms entering the campus, the politics teacher should change his ideas to adapt to the new curriculm. Besides, with the penetration of reform and increase of competion, to improve students’quality has become the theme of education facing 21st century. Therefore, politics teacher should improve his own quality, at the same, he should make full use of every effort to lead teaching to quality education, practice and bring forth new ideas in class teaching, social practice and examination merchanism.On the other hand, the research on Inquiry Learning of Junior Middle School Though Moral Quality Lesson can be emphasized, too. As politics teacher, we place more attention on creative education and develop students’ability to be creative. It cause for the teacher to be creative and adhere to student-oriented teaching and make use of their princilpe role.

  • 【分类号】G633.2
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】534