

Study on the Adverbs in Baopuzineipian

【作者】 单梅青

【导师】 吴庆峰;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 道家是我国古代的一个重要学派。《抱朴子内篇》是重要的道家典籍,其副词现象能在一定程度上反映中古语言的面貌,是研究汉语史的重要文献。目前,学术界多从哲学、美学、文学等方面对《抱朴子内篇》进行了广泛的研究,但是语言方面的研究,现在还没有得到特别关注。因此我们选择《抱朴子内篇》作为研究对象,希望通过对其副词的研究,为汉语史的研究做一些基础性的工作。全文共分为三大部分:第一部分为前言,包括三方面的内容。一是对葛洪和《抱朴子内篇》进行简要介绍,说明研究价值。二是对汉语副词的定义、语法特征、副词与其他相关词类的区分、副词的分类等情况进行介绍。确定本文对副词的认识标准:副词主要是在句中充当状语,对谓语起修饰限制或补充说明作用,表示动作行为或状态性质的各种特征、方式、范围等的词。依据这一标准,将《抱朴子内篇》中的副词分为九大类:范围副词、程度副词、时间副词、情态副词、语气副词、否定副词、谦敬副词、关联副词和指代性副词。三是提出本文的研究方法。第二部分具体分析《抱朴子内篇》中的副词。这一部分是全文的主体。依照第一部分对副词的认识标准,确定了《抱朴子内篇》中的244个副词,并将其进行了具体分类,确立《抱朴子内篇》的副词系统。这一部分主要运用静态描写和分析归纳相结合的方法,对《抱朴子内篇》中的副词进行分类介绍和详细描写,对每个副词从位置、语义、频率等方面进行详细考察。运用统计与列表相结合的方法,在每类副词分析结束后,将每类副词的修饰限制情况进行统计列表分析,以期对副词的用法有系统的认识。第三部分为结语,包括两方面的内容。一是《抱朴子内篇》副词使用情况分析。根据第二部分的考察情况,首先对各类副词的数量和使用频率进行比较分析,接着对副词的出现位置、修饰限制谓语的情况、内部兼类、连用等情况进行分析,归纳《抱朴子内篇》副词系统的特点。二是将《抱朴子内篇》中的副词和《淮南子》中的副词进行比较。从数量、继承发展情况及语法特征等方面进行比较分析,以期发现副词从西汉至晋的发展变化。

【Abstract】 Taoism is our native religion. Baopuzineipian is an important book about Taoism,and to a certain extent,the adverb phenomenon can reflect the situation of middle anciet Chinese. At present,the academic circles study this book mainly from the aspects of philosophy,esthetics,literature and so on.But the language research has not gotten the special attention. Therefore,we decided to study this book. in order to do some foundational work for the research of Chinese history through its adverb study. This article is mainly divided into three major parts:Part I:It is the preface which includes three parts.First,introducing Ge Hong and Baopuzineipian,and explaining the value of this research. Second,introducing the Chinese adverbial definition,the adverbial grammar characteristic,the difference between adverb and the other relative part of speech,the adverbial classifying method.This article provides the standard of judging adverb,namely:The adverb mainly acts as adverbial modifier,modifying,limiting the predicate in the sentence,and expresses the behavior characteristic or the condition nature .And we divide the adverbs into nine parts: Scope adverb,Degree adverb,Time adverb,Manner adverb,Expression adverb,Negative adverb,Medest adverb,Link adverb,and the adverb of indicating substituting. Third,putting forward the method of research .Part II:The analysis of Baopuzineipian’s abverbs. Establishing Baopuzineipian’ s adverbs system on the basis of classifying above. This part is the main part .It mainly probes the classification of the adverbs and analyzes every adverb concretely. Studying the adverb’s position and meaning about grammar carefully,and analyzing the frequency of use. At the same time,analyzing every adverb of each category by statistical list from the perspectives regarding its decorating and explaining to predicate. Therefore,we can have comprehensive understanding to the adverb’s usage.Part III:Conclusion,including two parts.First,the analysis of applying condition of the adverbs used in Baopuzineipian.We compare the adverbs from these aspects:the quantity of every kind of adverb,the frequency of use,the position in the sentence,the situation of concurrent kind, the situation of used together ordinally and so on.Second,we compare the adverbs between Baopuzineipian and Huainanzi. We analyze the adverbs of these two books from the quantity,the inheritance and development,the grammar characteristic and so on,in order to find the general venation from Han dynasty to Jin dynasty.

【关键词】 抱朴子内篇副词比较
【Key words】 Baopuzineipianadverbcomparison
  • 【分类号】H146.2
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】231