

The Study of Vocational Education Mode of Cooperation between School and Enterprise

【作者】 李海燕

【导师】 曾继耘;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 教育管理, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 随着我国社会经济的快速发展,大力发展职业教育己成为我国教育改革和发展的重要决策。职业教育的根本目标是实现为社会经济发展提供应用技能型人才,而应用技能型人才的培养则必需贴近社会经济发展实际。对于处在社会经济体制转型期,且自身处于探索阶段的我国职业教育,走校企合作教育之路,对高职院校的发展和技能型人才的培养具有重要意义。大力加强校企合作,成为发展我国职业技术教育的重要战略选择。本文主要从以下几个方面展开论述:第一部分,提出问题,针对目前我国高等职业教育的发展状况,说明实施校企合作职业教育办学模式的必要性。分析国内外校企合作培养人才的概况,并对国内外研究现状作出综述,简要说明研究方法。第二部分,界定“职业教育”和“校企合作职业教育模式”的概念,阐述它们产生的背景,从而说明实施校企合作的必要性。从实施校企合作学校的构成主体的多样性、专业设置的灵活性、教学计划的全面性、管理过程的开放性和学校文化的多元性五个方面与普通高校进行对比,阐明实施“校企合作职业教育”的高职院校的特点。第三部分,阐明校企合作的重大意义。我们认为这种意义主要表现为:实施校企合作有利于教育与生产劳动相结合的教育方针的贯彻实施;能使校企双方各自发挥自己的优势;实现校企优势互补,资源共享;有利于高职院校办学实力的增强,有利于“双师型”师资队伍的建设;是改变我国教育投资体制的重要措施。第四部分,概括分析校企合作职业教育办学模式的主要类型。国外校企合作职业教育的研究比中国早,其常见模式主要有德国的“双元制”模式,美国的“合作教育”模式,英国的“工读交替”模式,日本的“校企合作”模式。这些主要模式都对中国的职业教育办学模式起了推动作用。潍坊科技职业学院在借鉴国内外合作教育经验的基础上实施了多层次、多种类的校企合作职业教育办学模式,本文以此为例阐释校企合作的主要类型。第五部分,分析了当前实施校企合作的过程中遇到的常见问题,并从政府、学校和校企各方面对这些问题进行研究,提出了对策和建议。首先,政府应在政策上给予支持并建立完善的法律机制;其次,学校应该协调和巩固学校、企业和学生三方面的利益;最后,校企双方应各自利用自己的管理优势提高教育的效率和效益。

【Abstract】 Along with our country’s speedy economic and social development, to vigorously develop vocational education has become an important strategy for the educational reform and development. The ultimate target of vocational education is to cultivate applied and skilled talents for the development of our society and economy, of which the reality must be considered when performing this cultivating practice. In the transformation period for our the social and economic system of our county, the vocational education is still in an exploration stage, so following the way of cooperation between schools and enterprises is of great significance on for the development of vocational colleges and cultivating applied and skilled talents. To strongly strengthen the cooperation between vocational colleges and enterprises has become an important strategy for developing vocational education in our country.The several aspects that the paper covers about this topic are as follows:In the first part, the paper brings forward the question according to the situation of vocational schools in our country, and then explains the necessity of putting into practice the“vocational education mode of cooperation between schools and enterprises”. The paper analyzes the general situation of talent cultivation in schools by cooperating with enterprises at home and abroad, and summarizes the status quo of the study in China and explains briefly the researching method.In the second part, the paper defines the“vocational education”and“cooperative vocational education between schools and enterprises”and gives a brief explanation to the background of their coming into being, and then explains the necessity of implementing the practice of cooperation between vocational colleges and enterprises. By making some comparison work with non-key universities, the paper then make clear the characteristics of cooperative vocational colleges: the diversity of their composing elements, the flexibility of their specialized subjects, intergrity of their teaching plan, the openness of their management course and the diversity of campus culture.In the third part, state the great significance of vocational education mode of cooperation between school and enterprise. We think that such a major significance for the performance: This practice can follow the guideline of combining education with labor work, exert the advantages of both schools and enterprises and they can gain benefits from each other and share their resources, this practice, which can strengthen the ability of vocational colleges to run a school and can help the advance of the“dual-teacher-type”staff, is an important measure of shifting the educational investment system of our county .In the fourth part, summary and analysis the main modes of this cooperation work. the paper covers some aspects as follows. Some foreign countries go ahead of China in the study of cooperative vocational education between colleges and enterprises, and some common modes are the“duel-system”mode in Germany, the“cooperative education”mode in American,“sandwich course”mode in the UK and“cooperation between school and enterprise”in Japan and“educational factory”in Singapore, all of which promote the development of vocational education mode in China. Using the reference of experience both at home and abroad on cooperative vocational education, Weifang Science and technology Vocational College adopts a multi-modes system relating the cooperation work between vocational colleges and enterprises. Taking this as an example, this paper covers the main modes of this cooperation work.In the fifth part, the paper analyzes some common problems that arise during the course of carrying out the practice of cooperation between colleges and enterprises; makes some research into these problems from several aspects, such as government, schools and school-owned enterprises, etc.; and puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions. Firstly, government should provide supportive policies and perfect the law system. Secondly, schools should coordinate and solid the interest among the school, enterprise and students. Finally, both sides should make full use of its management advantages to improve the efficiency and benefits of education.

  • 【分类号】G718.5;F279.2
  • 【被引频次】40
  • 【下载频次】4756