

Performance Analysis and Design of Campus Network Based on OPNET

【作者】 王玉兰

【导师】 刘希玉;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 我国的校园网大都在九十年代中后期建成,受当时资金和技术条件限制,节点少,带宽低,运行业务简单。随着各学校规模的不断扩大,需入网的节点迅速增加;现代化教学手段的运用,使多媒体业务需求也迅速增长,许多早期建成的校园网因无法满足日益增长的应用需求,需要重新规划设计。为提高规划设计过程中决策的科学性,降低网络投资风险,需要一种有效的手段对当前校园网的性能进行分析,对拟采用的设计方案进行评估预测。通过数学建模对网络性能进行分析的方法过于复杂,实际测量法又只能针对已经建成的网络,从而使计算机仿真方法成为当然的选择。本文的主要研究任务就是如何利用仿真软件OPNET对我校原有校园网进行性能分析,找出影响校园网性能的主要因素和网络“瓶颈”,在此基础上提出新的校园网设计方案,然后对方案可行性进行评估预测。本文的研究对改善校园网性能,提高网络运行的安全性和可靠性具有指导意义;本文可以为校园网的规划设计提供客观可靠的定量依据,提高网络设计的科学性,缩短网络建设周期,降低校园网络投资的风险,因而也具有一定的工程应用价值。

【Abstract】 Most campus network of China was built at the middle of 90s. Limited by the fund and network techniques, a few nodes, low bandwidth, simple traffic running were the symbol of the time. Now, many of them need to be upgraded or redesigned to meet the needs of modern education and enlargement of campus dimension. In order to improve the scientificity of decision and reduce the risk of investment, an effective method need to be adopted to evaluate the performance of existing network and to predict the feasibility of planning scheme. Mathematical representations of system are complicated and measurements can only measure a built network, simulation technique is an ideal selection.The main task of the paper is evaluating the performance of our existing campus network, finding out the main factors affecting the performance and the bottleneck of the network, redesigning a new network scheme and predicting its performance comparing with the existing network.The research results of this paper are meaningful for the improvement of performance and reliability. The research is also significant for engineering because it can provide scientific data, shorten the period and reduce the risk of investment.

【关键词】 校园网OPNET性能分析与设计
【Key words】 Campus networkOPNETPerformance analysis and design
  • 【分类号】TP393.18
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】884