

Research on the Contents and Forms of IT’s Summative Evaluation in Junior Middle School

【作者】 张存静

【导师】 宫淑红;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 信息技术课程的质量是目前社会及学校普遍关注的问题。教育部颁发的《关于加快中小学信息技术课程建设的指导意见(草案)》为我国中小学信息技术课程的建设指明了发展方向。该文件指明了中小学信息技术课程的任务,对信息技术的课程内容、评价方式等也做出了指导性说明。但是,由于我国信息技术教育起步较晚,新的高中信息技术课程标准刚刚问世,对中小学信息技术教学评价的特殊性的研究及新课程标准指导下的信息技术教学评价实践尚未付诸阙如。通过问卷调查得知,目前我省的中小学信息技术课总结性评价工作做得并不理想:许多学校并不安排任何形式的总结性评价,更谈不到评价的科学性;进行总结性评价的学校或地区在内容和形式上也过于单一、缺乏代表性,不宜在大范围内使用。与此形成对比的是,英国、美国、印度等国外信息技术教育发达的国家在内容和形式及评价结果的处理上要具有许多特点和优势。我们可以借鉴他们的成功经验,用于我们的实际。作者选取初中信息技术课总结性评价的内容和形式为对象,进行了个案研究,希望通过本研究能够对信息技术课的一线工作者提供些许借鉴。本论文仅代表作者对中小学信息技术教学评价理论和实践的些微思考,希望以本文的写作为起点,与广大的信息技术教育的研究者和实践者共同开展严谨的实践研究,探索能促进学生学习和教师教学的信息技术教学评价方式。本文共分六章,既有理论又有实践。在第一章主要介绍了本论文的研究背景、研究目的、研究意义,然后对本文涉及的一些基本概念进行了界定,如评价、总结性评价、信息技术总结性评价等。在第二章中,作者分别介绍了英国、美国两个信息技术发展比较早、比较成功的国家在信息技术教育评价方面的经验,并指出了两国信息技术教育的成功发展对我国的信息技术课总结性评价的相关启示。第三章中,作者尝试使用内容——目标双向细目表的形式对初中一年级的信息技术课提取内容点,细化并明确了具体的评价内容,建构了信息技术课总结性评价的内容体系。第四章论述了信息技术课总结性评价的形式和结果处理方式,在测试形式方面,作者借鉴李艺教授在《高中信息技术新课程总结性评价的研究》中对题目类型的分类方法,结合第三章中对内容点的分析,给出了在实践中所用试题的各题型和分值的对应关系。第五章中,在第三章及第四章评价内容与形式的基础上,设计了针对兖州市第二十中学初中一年级的评价试题。并于2007年12月27日在该校实施了初测。测试结束后,对试卷结果进行分析,找出有问题的题目并进行修改,然后又实施了第二次测试和分析,最终得到一份相对科学的总结性评价试题。在本论文的最后,作者进行了论文理论及实践总结,找出了本论文设计及实践中存在的问题,并简述了今后研究的方向。

【Abstract】 The quality of information technology (IT) curriculum is the hot question that society and schools generally pay close attention to at present. The Ministry of Education issued“Guidance on Speeding up Elementary and Middle schools Information technology Curriculum Construction (Draft)”indicating the development trend for elementary and middle schools information technology curriculum construction in our country. This document has indicated the task of the elementary and middle schools’IT curriculum. It has also given some guidance notes on the content and the appraisal method of the IT curriculum. However, as IT education started late in our country, and the new high school IT curriculum standard has just been published, there is a lack of study on the particularity of IT teaching evaluation in elementary and middle schools, as well as evaluation practice under the new curriculum standard.Based on the analysis of questionnaire, we come to the conclusion that in Shandong Province, the summative evaluation of IT curriculum in elementary and middle schools is not ideal at present. Many schools do not have summative evaluation in any form at all, not to mention the scientific nature of it. Though the summative evaluation is carried out in some areas or schools, it is too unitary and untypical to be widely used. In contrast, in developed countries in IT education, such as England, the USA, India and so on, the summative evaluation has more superiority in the content, form and result processing. Lessons can be drawn from their success to apply to our practice.The author selected the content and form of IT curriculum summative evaluation in junior middle school as research object, and then carried on a case study. I hoped that the research could provide some reference for the teaching staff. The paper only slightly pondered theory and practice of IT curriculum summative evaluation in elementary and middle schools on behalf of the author. Taking this paper as the beginning, I hoped I could carry out the rigorous practical research together with the front line teaching staff and IT education researchers, and explore the evaluation method that can enhance the students’study and the teachers’teaching.The thesis is divided into six chapters, including theory and practice.In the first chapter the author mainly introduced the present research background, the research goal, the research significance. Then defined some basic concepts involved in this paper, like appraisal, summative evaluation, summative evaluation in information technology and so on.In Chapter 2, the author introduced the successful experience of IT education evaluation in England and the USA, pointed out the inspiration that both countries gave us in the deivelopment of IT education evaluation.In the third chapter, the author intended to use the content—goal bidirectional detailed table to withdraw the content spot in IT books of the junior middle school to make the evaluation content concrete and finally construct the content system of IT summative evaluation.The author elaborated the form and result processing of IT curriculum summative evaluation in the fourth chapter. In evaluation form, the author profitted from the research of Professor Li Yi, the title of which is“A Research on Information technology New Curriculum Summative Evaluation in High school”. Based on the analysis in Chapter 3, the author gave out the corresponding relations between topics in test and the minute value.In Chapter 5, the author designed a test paper used for summative evaluation in Yanzhou No. 20 Middle School and also implemented it in this school on Dec. 27, 2007.After analyzing the test results, the author picked out the topics which were not satisfying and did some revision. Then, the test was put into practice for the second time. Finally, a relative science test paper for summative evaluation was obtained.At the end of the thesis, a summary concerning theory and practice, as well as deficiency existing in the process of research were displayed. Besides, the author summarized the future research direction.

  • 【分类号】G633.67
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】550