

【作者】 于峰

【导师】 冯学斌;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 自互联网诞生以来,我们的教育工作者就一直在探索如何利用网络资源来更好地为教育服务。但是,学生对这些网络资源所表现出来的注意力却远没有想象中的那么高。与此同时,同样以网络为载体的网络游戏却凭借其巧妙的程序设计、丰富的情境内容和精美的艺术价值深深地吸引着广大青少年学生,成为现代社会的一种文化现象。在线教育游戏的发展越来越成熟,在线教育游戏的概念也逐渐被大家所接受。面对网络游戏引起的诸多问题,在线教育游戏的优势显而易见。人们寄希望于在线教育游戏,希望它能真正做到帮助学习者轻松愉快有效地学习。但不容忽视的是,网络游戏就像一把“双刃剑”,在给社会带来巨额经济利润的同时,也给社会带来许多现实问题。解决这些问题的办法就是进入游戏的研究之中,把网络游戏跟教育结合起来,开发各种适合青少年玩的在线教育游戏。目前的游戏现状,对于在线教育游戏的发展,绝对是一个好机会。如何既能很好的体现教育意义,又能抓住青少年玩家,也是游戏制作者面对的重要课题。本文试图通过对国内外已有在线教育游戏的研究,了解在线教育游戏的现状,同时在此基础上找出其中存在的问题,总结关键点,并结合我国实际情况,为我国在线教育游戏今后的发展提出一些建设性意见,为促进我国在线教育游戏“寓教于乐”教育思想的发展尽自己的微薄之力。文章首先对一些相关概念如游戏、教育游戏、在线教育游戏等进行了界定,并对在线教育游戏的产生和发展以及现有的一些在线教育游戏网站进行了简单介绍。然后文章阐述在线教育游戏的分类和功能,使大家对在线教育游戏有一个清晰的认识。接着文章就在线教育游戏分别从设计和应用两个维度进行分析。设计维度又主要从游戏和教学两个维度进行了分析:游戏维度主要从游戏理论基础、游戏模型、游戏的情感世界和游戏的行为系统四个方面进行分析;教学维度则主要从教学理论基础、学习者、学习目标、教学内容和教学策略五个方面进行阐述。应用维度则分别从家庭教育、学校教育和社会教育三个维度进行了分析。通过对设计和应用两个维度的分析,使大家对在线教育游戏有一个更细致入微的了解。最后,文章列举了现有在线教育游戏当中存在的一些问题并分析其产生的原因,针对这些问题,提出了一些合理化建议。由于各方面条件所限,本研究还存在着许多不足,像试玩的在线教育游戏数量偏少、缺少实地性研究、国外参考文献相对较少等。针对这些问题,在以后的研究中应进一步加强对国外教育游戏的研究并深入到学校实践当中去。

【Abstract】 Since the birth of the Internet, our educators have been exploring how to better use of network resources for education services. However, these students demonstrated by the network resources were far from the attention of the imagination so high. At the same time, online games that using the same network as a carrier deeply attracted a large number of young students by virtue of its ingenious design, rich in content and context of exquisite artistic value, became a modern society and a cultural phenomenon. Online educational games is becoming more and more mature and the concept of educational games is gradually accepted by all. Facing many problems arising from the online games, the advantages of online educational games are obvious. People put hope on online educational games and hope it will truly help learners relaxed and happy during the learning process. But it can not be overlooked is that online games is a double-edged sword. Not only it brought huge economic profits to the community, but also it brought to the community many social issues. The method of solving these problems is to enter the research of the game, combine online games and education, develop online educational games which is suitable for the young people.The current status of the game, for the development of online educational games, is definitely a good opportunity. How can reflect the education better and how to seize the young players, game makers also face the important issue. By the research on the educational games at home and abroad. This paper tries to understand the status of online educational games, and on this basis to identify existing problems, and summarize the key point, and in light of actual situation, put forth some constructive proposals to promote online educational games, make my own modest contribution to promote the development of entertaining in our country.Firstly, a number of related concepts such as games, educational games, online educational games, were defined, and online educational games, as well as the birth and development, some of the existing online educational games website were briefly introduced. Then article described the classification of online educational games and functions, so that people have a clear understanding on online educational games. Then the article analyzed the online educational games from the design and the application. Design includes the game and the teaching two dimensions. The game made an analysis from the theoretical foundation, the game model, the emotional world and the behavior system four aspects. The teaching was analyzed from theoretical foundation, learner, learning objectives, teaching content and teaching strategies five aspects. Application including the family education, school education and social education was analyzed. Through the analysis of the design and application, people have a more nuanced understanding on online educational games. Finally, the article cited the problems which existed in the online educational games, and made an analysis for its causes, and put forward some reasonable suggestions. As a result of these conditions and restrictions, the study still has many deficiencies, such as playing online educational games too few, lacking of field research and references abroad relatively small. In light of these problem and in the subsequent, the study on the educational games abroad should further strengthen and go to school to practice deeply.

【关键词】 在线教育游戏现状发展
【Key words】 OnlineEduation gamesCurrent situationDevelopment
  • 【分类号】G434
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】1796