

The Influence of Teachers’ Expectation on Students’ School Achievement and Creativity in Junior High School

【作者】 魏翠翠

【导师】 张景焕;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 学校教育的重要目标是促进学生的全面发展,学校教育不仅仅关注学生的学业成就,也开始把促进学生创造力的发展作为教育教学的重要方面。作为初中生生活中的一个重要他人,教师及其期望对学生各方面的发展均有重要影响。据以往研究,教师期望对学生的影响并不是一个简单直接的过程,必须在被学生知觉之后,通过影响学生的内部心理状态才能对学生的行为发生作用。据以往研究结果,成就动机就是一个重要的内部心理状态变量,因此,本研究选取初中生作为研究群体,通过测量与分析,探讨教师期望对学生学业成就及创造力的影响,了解成就动机在教师期望与学生学业成就与创造力关系中的作用,以补充与发展教师期望作用理论,并为初中生的各项发展提供实证支持和专业建议。本研究首先以354名初中生为被试,修订了托兰斯创造性思维词汇测验的评分手册和教师期望量表。然后选取583名初中生被试,施测了教师期望量表、成就动机量表和托兰斯创造性思维词汇测验,并搜集了初中生一次期末考试的语文、数学、英语三门成绩作为学业成就的指标。利用方差分析、相关分析和结构方程模型等统计手段考察了教师期望、学生成就动机、学业成就和创造力的特点,分析了四者之间的关系,得出以下结论:1.教师期望的总体水平中等偏上,三种教师期望的得分由低到高依次为:能力支持、情感偏爱、学习要求。在教师期望总分上,年级因素的主效应显著,性别、地区因素的主效应不显著,年级和地区之间存在交互作用。从教师期望的各维度来看,年级因素在教师期望的三个维度上都有显著差异,表现为在学习要求、情感偏爱维度上,初二、初三学生低于初一学生;在能力支持维度上,初一、初三学生低于初二学生。地区因素仅在教师期望的学习要求方面有显著差异,城市学生知觉到的教师对自己的学习要求低于乡镇学生。性别因素在教师期望各维度上均没有显著差异。2.初中生追求成功的动机高于避免失败的动机。从成就动机总分来看,地区因素的主效应显著,性别、年级的主效应不显著,性别、地区间的交互作用显著。从成就动机各成分来看,成就动机两种成分在性别、年级上的差异均不显著;地区因素对成就动机的影响在追求成功、避免失败两种成分上均有体现,乡镇学生追求成功的动机低于城市学生,城市学生避免失败的动机低于乡镇学生。3.初中生在流畅性、灵活性、独创性三种创造力品质上发展比较均衡。从创造力总分来看,年级因素的主效应显著,性别、地区的主效应不显著,年级、地区间的交互作用显著。在创造力各品质上,年级因素在创造力的三个品质上都有显著差异,表现为在流畅性品质上,初一学生显著低于初二学生,初三学生又显著低于初一学生;在灵活性品质上,初一学生显著低于初二学生,初三与初一之间、初三和初二之间差异不显著;在独创性品质上,初一、初三学生显著低于初二学生,初一、初三学生之间的差异不显著。性别、地区因素在创造力各品质的差异不显著。4.学业成就各组在创造力总分和创造力各品质由低到高均为学业成就低分组、学业成就中间组、学业成就高分组。5.教师期望、学生成就动机总分、学业成就、创造力之间存在显著的相关。成就动机在教师期望与学生学业成就之间起部分中介作用,在教师期望与学生创造力之间起完全中介作用。

【Abstract】 The important target of school education was to promote students’all-round development. Not only showing solicitude for students’school achievement, school education also began to take promoting the development of student creativity as the important aspect of the education. Teachers in the junior middle school, as significant others in the life of students, their expectation had a great influence on the improvement of students. According to the former studies, this kind of influence was not a simple direct course, but only worked when affected the inner psychology of the students and be sensed by them. Achievement motivation was an important inside mental state variable in the past studies. So we chose middle high school students, with the achievement motivation in relation with teachers’expectation, students’school achievement and creativity, to explore their relations and to complete the teachers’expectation theory and supply demonstration supports and specialized advices for the development of the students.The study firstly investigated 354 middle high school students, edit TTCT and the questionnaire of teachers’expectation. And then, investigated another 583 middle high school students, edit TTCT, the questionnaire of teachers’expectation and the questionnaire of achievement motivation, collected the scores of the Mathematics, Chinese and English of one final examination, used ANOVA, correlation analysis and SEM to examine characteristic of the teachers’expectation, achievement motivation, school achievement and creativity. The main conclusions were as follows:1. The level of teacher’s expectation was middle high, which from low to high was the ability support, emotion preference and study request. The main effect of grade factors was remarkable, that of gender and area were not, and there was interaction between the grade and area. From all the dimensions, we could see that, the grade factor had a remarkable influence on the three dimension, the area factor’s influence on the expectation of teachers only showed on the study request. 2. The motivation of the junior high school students pursuing success was higher than that of avoiding failure. On the score of the achievement motivation, the main effect of area factor was remarkable, the main effect of gender and grade couldn’t be obvious; the mutual action between gender and area was remarkable. And from all the elements of achievement motivation, the difference between two of them didn’t appear obviously on the gender and grade; the area factor’s effect on the achievement motivation lied in the success pursuing and failure avoidance, the scores of the city was higher than the town on the motivation of success pursuing, and reversed on the failure avoidance.3. The level of the students’development of the characteristics of fluency, flexibility and originality in junior high school was balanced. On the total score of the creativity, the main effect of grade factor was remarkable, that of gender and area could not be obvious; the interaction between grade and area was remarkable. Grade factor had remarkable influence on the three characteristics of creativity, which showed on the characteristic of fluency, grade two was obviously higher than grade one, grade one was higher than grade three; on the characteristic of flexibility, the score of grade two was higher than that of grade one, the difference between grade three and grade one, grade three and grade two was not obvious; on the characteristic of originality, grade two was obviously higher than grade one and grade three, the difference between grade one and grade three was not remarkable. The factor of gender and area did not have obvious influence on creativity.4. The order of the score of every group and the total of the creativity were high score group, middle score group, low score group.5. There was obvious relationship among teachers’expectation, achievement motivation score, study achievement and creativity. Achievement motivation had partly mediator effect between teachers’expectation and school achievement, had wholly mediator effect between teachers’expectation and creativity.

  • 【分类号】B844.2
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】1811