

The Relationship among the School Creative Organizational Climate, Teachers’ Creative Motivation and Teachers’ Creativity

【作者】 权月彤

【导师】 张景焕;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 个体取向的创造力研究者认为,个体的内在特质(如动机等)是创造力的动力来源;社会心理学取向的研究者认为,社会环境因素对个体创造性行为的产生起根本的驱动作用。心理学的研究认为,个体的创造性特质具有相对的稳定性,而激发创造性的环境因素则比较容易发生变化。所以探讨影响创造性的环境因素及其作用机制,有助于我们在现实生活中激发创造性的行为,提高个体的创造性水平。教师是学校的一员,他们所感受到的学校组织创新气氛与其自身特质一样都会影响到其创造力的发挥,那么,作为外部环境因素的组织创新气氛以及作为个体特质的创造动机是如何影响创造力的,它们共同发挥作用的机制又是什么,这就是本研究要阐述的问题。本研究系统梳理了国内外关于教师创造力影响机制的研究,同时对该领域已有研究存在的问题和不足进行了分析,进而提出了本研究要考察的问题。研究选取了1459名初中教师为被试,采用问卷调查法,利用方差分析、相关分析、结构方程模型和多层线性模型等统计方法考查了初中教师的创造力、创造动机以及学校组织创新气氛的特点以及三者之间的关系。研究的主要结论如下:1教师创造力的五个维度得分总体差异显著,其中教师利用资讯科技进行教学的能力表现最差,灵活教学能力表现最高。方差分析结果发现,在教师创造力各维度及总分上均存在学校类型差异,县办中学均明显高于乡镇中学,差异显著;在前瞻能力、知识创新能力、灵活教学能力、多元评价能力等维度以及教师创造力总分上,山东地区的教师比河北的教师创新教学能力高,差异显著。在灵活教学和知识创新维度上,教龄长的教师得分明显高于教龄短的教师,差异显著。在知识创新、资讯科技、灵活教学等维度上,本科学历的教师得分明显高于大专学历的教师,差异显著。2学校组织创新气氛整体水平中等偏上,其中教师感知到的团队运作和组织领导行为最为强烈。方差分析发现,学校类型和学校所在地区存在交互作用,在镇办中学中,山东的学校与河北的学校没有显著差异,在县办和城市中学中,山东学校均高于河北的学校。此外,教师对创新气氛的感知并不受其教龄、学历等影响,其差异主要体现在任教于不同年级的教师身上,毕业班教师所感知到的创新气氛明显低于低年级教师。3内部动机的寻求挑战开放维度得分明显高于奔涌体验得分,差异显著。外部动机中他人认同和他人回馈维度得分明显高于报酬和控制竞争维度得分,差异显著。教师创造内部动机各维度得分在学校类型、地区、教龄上均存在显著差异,县办中学高于镇办中学,山东高于河北,教龄长的教师高于教龄短的教师。外部动机的方差分析发现,男性比女性更喜欢竞争,经济较好地区的教师更喜为其创造提供更高的报酬。4从个体知觉层面来看,教师内部创造动机在学校组织创新气氛和教师创造力的关系中起完全中介作用;教师创造增益性外部动机在二者关系中起部分中介作用;非增益性外部动机不利于创造力的发挥,所以不起中介作用。增益性外部动机可以转换为内部动机而促进创造力的发挥,而非增益性外部动机削弱内部动机而不利于创造力的发挥。5从学校层面来看,内部动机正向预测了教师创造力,而非增益性外部动机负向预测了教师灵活教学能力。整体的学校组织创新气氛能够增强内部动机与教师创造力之间的关系。

【Abstract】 The creativity researchers of individual orientation believe that the inherent characteristics of the individual (as motivation) are the power sources of creativity. Social psychology researchers believe that the social environmental factors are the fundamental driver on the selection of individual creative activity. Psychological studies have suggested that the creative characteristic of the individual is of relative stability, but the environmental factors to inspire creativity are more prone to change. So discussing the influence of environmental factors on creativity and the mechanism of it will help us inspire creativity in real life, raising the level of individual creativity. For teachers, the creative organizational climate of school will affect the exertion of their creativity as well as their individual characteristics. So how does the creative organizational climate of school and the creative motivation play on creativity? The mechanism of it will be discussed in this thesis.First, the studies about the impact mechanism on teachers’creativity were discussed and the existing problems and deficiencies in this field were analyzed. Then the thesis presented the issues that would be checked. 1459 junior high school teachers had been selected to do the questionnaire survey. The main methods used in this research were ANOVA, HLM, correlation analysis and SEM. In this thesis, the relations among the teachers’creativity, teachers’creative motivation and the creative organizational climate of school would be discussed.The main conclusions are as follows:1 The five dimensions of teachers’creativity were significantly different. Research showed that junior high school teachers’ability to use the information technology was worst, while the ability of flexible teaching performed highest. The analysis of variance results showed that teachers in different kinds of schools performed different creativity. The teachers in country had lower creativity. In the dimensions of the forward-looking ability, knowledge innovative capability, flexible teaching ability, and multiple evaluation ability, teachers in Shandong performed better than teachers in Hebei. The teachers who had taught long scored higher on flexible teaching abilities and knowledge innovative capability than others. In the knowledge innovation, information technology, flexible learning, and other dimensions, college-level education teachers scored significantly higher than tertiary level education teachers, and the difference was significant.2 Research showed that overall the school creative organizational climate was of middle-level, in which the team operation and the action of leadership were perceived most strongly by teachers. Through analysis of variance, the school creative organizational climate was affected greatly by regions. The backward region had significantly lower creative organizational climate. In addition, the years of teaching and the education didn’t affect the perception of teachers on the school creative organizational climate. While the differences were mainly embodied in different grades of teachers. The perception of senior grade teachers was significantly lower than low grade teachers.3 Teachers particularly preferred seeking challenges. And the teachers who had rich and skilled teaching experience were more inclined to seek new challenges. The findings of extrinsic motivation revealed that teachers preferred to seek recognition and feedback from others, disliked competition or as a reward to measure their creative activities. In addition, analysis of variance found that men liked to compete than women and the teachers from rich areas asked for higher pay than poor areas.4 At the level of individual, teachers’intrinsic motivation had complete mediator effect between the school creative organizational climate and teachers’creativity. Teachers’synergic extrinsic motivation had partly mediator effect between the school creative organizational climate and teachers’creativity. But the non-synergic extrinsic motivation was bad for the performance of creativity, so it didn’t have the mediator effect. Teachers’synergic extrinsic motivation could change into intrinsic motivation and accelerate the exertion of creativity, while the non-synergic extrinsic motivation would weaken intrinsic motivation and block the exertion of creativity.5 At the school level, internal motivation positively predicted teachers’creativity. But the non-synergic extrinsic motivation negatively predicted the teachers’flexible teaching ability. The overall school creative organizational climate enhanced the relationship between the intrinsic motivation and the teachers’creativity.

  • 【分类号】G451.1
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】749