

A Comparative Study on Curriculum Standard Elective Chemistry Textbooks for Senior High School

【作者】 盛连蔚

【导师】 毕华林;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 教材作为课程改革的物化产物,它既是课程标准的具体体现,又是教师和学生开展教学活动的重要资源和媒介,在课程改革中占有重要的地位。随着《普通高中课程方案(实验)》以及高中各学科课程标准在2003年正式颁布,2004年普通高中新课程试验正式实施。目前,经国家中小学教材审定委员会初审通过的普通高中课程标准化学教材共有三套,分别由人民教育出版社、江苏教育出版社、山东科学技术出版社正式出版,并于2004年秋季开始在山东省、广东省、海南省和宁夏回族自治区四个试验区进行教学试验。新课程中提倡的教材多样化发展给教材研究带来更多课题,如何使教材更好地为教学服务,如何提高教材编写的质量成为新课程实施中亟待解决的问题。本论文通过对这三套教材中的必修化学教材的分析,希望为广大教师科学地选择和实施新教材提供依据,也为教材编写者提供借鉴和启示。本论文内容主要由四部分组成。第一部分是研究的意义,结合高中化学课程改革以及高中化学教材编制的要求,阐述了论文选题的背景、研究的目标和方法以及文献综述。论文综述了中学化学教材的研究现状,包括国内外对教材编制的研究、对教材分析评价的研究、对教材比较的研究以及课程标准对教材设计的要求。第二部分是论文研究的理论基础,构建了教材分析模型。即教材结构决定其功能的实现,结构合理,功能优良;反之,功能低劣。中小学教材结构是由教材内容、教材程序和教材形态三个层次的子结构有机构成的,三者相互制约,共同实现教材的整体功能,即促进学生的个性发展。其中化学教材的内容结构处于教材系统的最深层,它指导程序结构,并与程序结构一起共同决定形态结构;化学教材的形态结构处于教材系统的最表层,它表现内容结构和程序结构;化学教材的程序结构处于教材系统的联络层,是内容结构和形态结构的中介,它调控内容结构和形态结构,因此,教材结构的设计必须要注意三个层次子结构的系统优化。第三部分是教材分析部分,这也是本论文的重点。按照我们所构建的教材分析模型,对三套高中课程标准化学必修教材进行了具体的分析。对于教材内容选择的分析,从两个角度入手,一是按照课程标准中规定的内容标准主题对三套教材逐一进行分析,列出了教材正文中体现该内容标准主题的具体知识点和栏目名称,并且指出了三套教材在内容选择上与课程标准不一致的地方。对于教材内容的组织,一方面分析了教材的体系,另一方面选择典型内容(包括有机化学基本理论、具体有机物的性质、STS内容、实验内容)对其具体组织思路进行分析。对于教材内容呈现,主要从栏目、插图、习题和编写体例四个方面进行了分析。第四部分是结论和思考。在全面分析的基础上,总结了三套教材各自的特点,并对教材编制进行了如下反思:(1)如何看待教科书的滞后性;(2)如何处理知识繁多与课时有限间的矛盾;(3)如何使教科书做到因材施教;(4)如何培养学生的创造性;(5)如何发挥教科书各栏目的作用;(6)如何设计合理的习题。

【Abstract】 Textbooks as the materializing stuff are the material embodiment of the curriculum standard as well as the important resource and medium for teachers and students. With the publishing of the new curriculum program for senior high school and curriculum standard for every subject in 2003, the senior high school curriculum experiment is put into practice. Until now, textbooks of three editions have appeared. They are separately published by People’s Education Press, Jiangsu Education Press and Shangdong Science and Technology Press. And they have been put into practice in Shandong Province, Guangdong Province, Hainan Province and Ningxia Province. The diversification of textbooks proposed in the new curriculum setting will bring us more questions to study. How to make full use of the textbook in teaching and how to improve the compiling of the new textbook have become the problems needed to be solved urgently in the practice of the new curriculum.We hope that we can offer this thesis for teachers in their choice and implementation of the new textbook as well as offer reference and enlightenment for the people who compile textbook.The paper consists of four parts.The first part puts forward the problem, the aims, tasks and methods of the study and includes literature review. the thesis summarizes the current situation of the high school chemistry textbook. It includes both domestic and international research on the textbook compiling, analysis and evaluation of textbooks and the compare on textbooks along with the requirement for textbook design under the curriculum standard.The second part is the thesis study base. The paper constructs the model of textbook analysis, that is, the structure of the textbook decide on the realization of its function. If the structure is good, then the function will be good. Structure of textbook for primary and middle school students consists of three sub-structure, namely, the content structure, procedure structure and presentation structure of textbooks. The three restrict one another and realize the total function of textbooks---- that is, improving students’personal development. Among them the contents structure of textbooks is the basis of the whole system, which instructs procedure structure and decide on presentation struction together with the latter. The presentation structure of textbooks lies in top of the whole system, which shows the content structure and procedure structure. The precedure structure combines the content structure and presentation structure and is the medium of them, which also controls the other two. Therefore, when we research into the design of structure of textbooks, we must focus on the optimization of these three sub-structures.The third part, which is the emphasis of the paper, is the analysis of the textbook. According to the model, this part analyzes the three editions concretely. For the analysis on the choice of the content, the thesis lists the concrete content and the columns in the textbook which embody the content standard, it also points out the inconsistency between the textbook and the curriculum standard. For the organization of the content, on one hand, the paper has analyzed the system of the textbook, on the other hand, the paper has analyzed the concrete organization idea of the typical content, including basic organic chemical theories, important organic compounds, STS content, experiment content. As for the showing of the content, the paper has analyzed it from the following four aspects column, illustration, exercise and the style of writing.The fourth part is the conclusion and introspection. On the basis of analyzing in an all-round way, the paper summarizes the characteristics of the three editions respectively, and introspect as follows: 1) how to consider the lagging-behind of textbooks; 2)how to solve the contradiction between too much knowledge and limited class time; 3) how to teach students in accordance of their aptitude with textbooks 4) how to cultivate students’creativity; 5) how to exert the function of each column of textbooks; 6) how to design suitable exercises.

  • 【分类号】G633.8
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】1037