

A Study on the Framework of Marketing System for Cooperation of Tobacco Industry and Commerce Based on SOA

【作者】 于振梅

【导师】 郑明春;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 面向服务架构SOA是当今IT界备受关注的主题,也是未来的发展趋势。目前,SOA已经成为企业IT系统实施的一个时尚,无论是对旧有信息系统的改造,还是对企业新IT架构的设计,面向服务的体系架构都往往成为首选的方案。信息技术的迅速发展和日趋激烈的市场竞争,对烟草企业信息化建设提出了新的挑战。烟草企业一方面要保持原有应用系统的稳定运行,又要考虑现状对整个系统的IT架构进行改造,这就给烟草系统的信息化建设提出了更高的要求。协同营销平台是跨接烟草系统商业和工业的桥梁,是双方互通信息的通道,在整个烟草IT系统架构中处于基础架构平台的地位,因此,此平台实施的成功与否会直接影响到整个企业的业务运行。引入SOA来构建企业IT基础软件架构平台,可以实现数据和业务共享,提高市场响应速度;可以解决“信息孤岛”,使业务流程自动化,逐步建立一种标准性、开放性的的企业架构。这也是本论文要探讨的重点。论文包括如下部分:1、分析了目前企业采用SOA架构的背景、烟草行业信息系统的现状及其存在的问题,和对工商协同营销系统的迫切要求,提出了解决之道就是采用SOA架构,指出了本文研究目的和意义。2、分析了SOA架构的概念、特点,演进、国内国外的发展状况及其目前的相关产品,最后分析了SOA的技术原理;3、研究了与企业SOA架构相关的四个关键技术:标准通信协议(其中分别介绍了XML、Web services、SOAP、WSDL、UDDI和SOA的关系),企业服务总线ESB,企业进程管理BPM,业务活动监控BAM;以及采用它们后的优势,最后总结归纳了企业实现SOA的三种途径。4、对工商协同营销信息系统进行了具体分析与设计,给出了基于SOA的解决方案,这是本论文的重点,具体包括以下4点:①介绍系统的应用背景,分析了当前IT系统的总体特点和企业IT系统复杂性的来源,提出了只有在工商之间建立起更有效的协同营销机制,才能进一步优化供应链中的业务流程,提高效率,进而提高烟草盈利水平和市场竞争力。②根据工商协同营销的内容提出系统建设目标,给出了系统架构要素和指导原则。③对本系统进行功能需求分析,其中网上配货功能是实现“订单供货”向“订单生产”延伸的重要环节,也是本烟草工商协同营销信息平台建设的重要突破。④研究了采用SOA的优势及其当前存在的问题、面临的挑战,给出了系统建设方法,提出了SOA的解决之道就是构建复合应用,解耦架构元素,提高系统灵活性,进而给出了系统逻辑架构和体系架构。⑤描述了实现本系统带来的积极效果。5、总结和进一步的工作。

【Abstract】 Service-oriented architecture (SOA) is a key concern in the IT industry, and also a future development trend. At present, the SOA has become the popular implementation of enterprise IT systems. It is often a preferred option not only in the renovation of old information systems but also in the design of new enterprise IT architectures.There is a great challenge on building information system of the tobacco industry because of the rapid development of information technology and the increasingly heavy competition in the market. The tobacco industry, on the one hand, has to maintain the stability of the original application system, and on the other hand, has to consider the infrastructure of the system, which causes a higher demand to the tobacco construction of the information system. The cooperative marketing system is the bridge between the commerce and the industry, and is the channel to exchange information between them. Therefore, this system is very important for tobacco IT infrastructure. The implementation of this platform will directly affect the success of the whole enterprise operation. Using the SOA to build enterprise IT infrastructure framework can achieve operational data sharing, enhance market response speed, solve the problem of "islands of information", make business process automatic, and gradually establish a standard and open architecture of the enterprise IT system. This is the focus of this thesis.The thesis includes the following parts:1. Introduction. It analysis the background of the enterprise IT system using the SOA, the status and the problems in the existing systems, and the urgence for the tobacco industry to implement the system of marketing cooperation of tobacco industry and commerce (MCTIC). It also points out that the solution is to use the SOA, which is the purpose of this thesis. 2、This section introduces the framework of SOA. It first explains what the SOA is. Then it analyzes the characteristics of the SOA framework, the evolution of the SOA, and the related products. Finally, it discusses the technical principles of the SOA.3、This section studies four key techniques related to the SOA: standard communication protocols (XML, Web services, SOAP, WSDL, UDDI, and the relationship between SOAs), enterprise service bus (ESB), business process management (BPM), business activity monitoring (BAM), and the advantages to use them. Finally, the three ways to implement the SOA are given.4、This section proposes the SOA solution to the MCTIC system and is the focus of the thesis.①It analyzes the current status, characteristics, and the complexity, and points out why to propose the MCTIC system.②It defines the goal, framework elements, and guiding principles of the MCTIC system.③It analyzes the functional requirements of the MCTIC system and points out how to tackle the problems.④It discusses the advantages of using the SOA and its problems, and the challenges of the system construction. It proposes the SOA methods for constructing composite applications, decoupling the structure elements, and increasing the system flexibility. Then it gives the logic structure and architecture of the MCTIC system.⑤It describes the positive results that the MCTIC system achieves.5、Summary and future work.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
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