

The Establishment of Virus-free Breeding System for Strawberry by Combining the Heat Treatment with the Stem Tip Culture

【作者】 刘健

【导师】 寿森焱; 杨悦俭;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 农业推广, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 草莓(Fragaria ananassa.Duch),是蔷蔽科(Rosaceae)草莓属(Fragaria)多年生草本植物,在园艺学上属于小浆果。草莓果实鲜艳亮丽,风味酸甜适中,芳香浓郁,营养丰富,是世界上七大水果之一。我国草莓生产近年来发展很快,栽培面积也不断扩大。而金华属中亚热带季风气候,热量丰富,雨量充沛,四季分明,干、湿季明显,适宜草莓栽培。近几年来金华草莓栽培发展迅速,但草莓属无性繁殖作物,在生产过程中易感染病毒,据统计,草莓因病毒感染的种性退化一般减产30%-80%。用化学药物对病毒病进行防治效果甚微,故生产上多采用无病毒种苗来控制病毒病的蔓延。草莓热处理结合茎尖培养是获得无病毒植株的重要途径之一。本文参考了有关文献,简述了国内外、省内外及金华地区草莓生产概况;同时对草莓热处理结合茎尖培养脱毒技术进行了一系列的试验研究,研究的主要结果如下:1、把草莓茎尖分别置于35℃、40℃、42℃、45℃、50℃水浴中处理4h,观察其成活率,鉴定其脱毒效果,综合考虑,确定热处理的最适宜温度为40℃。2、经过试验,筛选出草莓茎尖脱毒诱导芽分化时,选用BA2.0,NAA0.2(mg/L)的激素组合是比较合适的。而在继代的不同阶段,随着继代代数的增加,要求激素浓度逐渐降低。在本试验中,继代前期所用BA浓度为2.0mg/L,NAA浓度为0.2mg/L,随着继代代数的增加,BA浓度逐渐降到0.5mg/L,NAA浓度降到0.05mg/L,便取得了良好的增殖效果。而生根培养基以1/2MS+IBA0.5+IAA0.2(mg/L)生根效果最好。3、开展了脱毒苗的低成本培养试验,着重研究生根阶段的低成本培养,试验表明,在草莓试管苗生根培养中使用简化培养基,即采用液体静置培养替代固体培养,用白糖替代蔗糖,凉开水替代蒸馏水,对草莓的生根、移栽成活率并无明显影响,而成本却大大降低,因此,简化培养基可在生产上广泛应用。4、进行了草莓苗移栽基质对比试验,选用最为常见的草炭土、泥土、沙配成不同的基质,筛选出了成本低且成活率高、苗情素质好的最佳基质配比——草炭土:沙=1:1。5、开展了脱毒苗的田间试验,草莓苗经脱毒后,种性恢复,长势强壮,在生长期无病毒病发生,脱毒苗在植株鲜重、次生根数、叶片数、叶面积、茎粗方面比对照表现出正向优势,产量比未脱毒苗增加23%以上。

【Abstract】 Strawberry is perennate herbacecous plant which belongs to rosaceous Branch ,Fragarial herbs and is called small berries in horticulture, The strawberry fruit has bright color , moderate sour and sweet flavor, rich aromatic and nutrient. It’s one of the world’s seven famous fruits. China’s strawberry production has developed rapidly in recent years, the cultivation area has been expanded. Jinhua has the subtropical monsoon climate, abundant energy, abundant rainfall, four distinct seasons, obvious dry and wet season, which are good for strawberry cultivation. In recent years strawberry cultivation developed rapidly in Jinhua, but the strawberry tend to be infected by the virus because it’s an asexual reproduction plant. According to statistics, strawberry degradation reduction is 30% -80%because of infection. Using chemical drugs to cure the disease have little effect, the virus-free seeding are generally used to control the spread of the virus in production. One of important ways to get virus-free strawberry plants is to combine the heat treatment with the stem tip culture. This article outlining the strawberry production of home and abroad ,inside and outside province and jinhua on the base of much reference, while making a series of studies on the detoxification breeding technology of strawberry by combining the heat treatment with the stem tip culture. The main conclusions are as follows:1. The strawberry stem tips were placed in a water bath of 35℃, 40℃, 42℃. 45℃, 50℃for 4 h, observed the survival rate and identified the detoxification results ,determined the most appropriate heat treatment temperature is 40℃.2. BA2.0, NAA0.2 (mg / L) is more appropriate choice during virus-free strawberry stem tip-induced bud differentiation in experiment. In different stages of subculture, the concentration of hormones is gradually reduced with the subculture increased. During the experiment, the BA concentration is 2.0mg / L, NAA concentration is 0. 2mg / L before subculture, with the increasing subculture. BA concentration gradually reduced to 0.5 mg / L. NAA concentration dropped to 0.05 mg / L, we get a good multiplier effect. And taking 1 / 2 MS + IBA0.5 + IAA0.2 (mg / L)as rooting medium gets the best effect. 3. Carrying out the low-cost training experiment of a Virus-free seeding, focus on the rooting stage .The test showed that using simple medium which has the liquid but solid, sugar but sucrose, cold water but distilled water. This medium has no apparent impact on rooting and survival rate for transplanting, and the costs are greatly reduced, therefore, the simple medium can be widely applied in production.4. Make a comparative test of transplanting the strawberry seeding to different base material, we mach the most common material, peat soil, mud, sand to form different base material, filtering out the best base material which has low cost and high survival rate, and the seeding grows well with it—peat soil: sand =1:1.5. Carrying out the field experiment with virus-free seedlings, the virus-free seeding can recover nature, grow strongly, has no virus disease in growing stage, the virus -free seeding has more positive advantages than the contraposition in weight, the root number, the leaves number, the leaves area and stem diameter ,and the production of was increased by 23 percent at least.

【关键词】 草莓脱毒热处理茎尖组织培养
【Key words】 strawberrydetoxificationheat treatmentstem tiptissue culture
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】S668.4
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】619