

Why Teachers Become Burnt-out: A Critical Study of Teachers’ Professional Stress

【作者】 陈伟

【导师】 吴宗杰;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 学科教学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 教师的职业倦怠是指教师在长期的工作压力下,逐步形成的一种情绪衰竭,人性化缺失和成就感低落的现象。在中国普遍存在着应试教育的重压。为了能应对应试教育的苛求,越来越多的高中英语教师感到身陷重负和面临巨大挑战。他们努力获得工作的愉悦和情感力量不是来自和学生心与心的交流,情感与情感的碰撞,而是被迫挣扎在升学率指标的评价中。长时间的工作和缺少自己和谐的心灵空间也使教师们疲惫不堪。学校的环境也对教师的发展产生重要的影响。如果教师职业生活的环境否认教师拥有对自身职业生活的决策权,控制权,教师之间就无法形成实践共同体,于此同时,教师不认为自身拥有好的教育实践知识,他们远离学生,话题,甚至自身,并且建立了一条内在真理与外在实践之间的鸿沟。教师因为保护自身地位和教师角色而远离同事和学生。这些也势必会造成教师的职业疲惫。在文化,政治和心理的冲突下,本人研究的论文试图回答以下两个问题:(1)目前中学英语教师过着什么样的职业生活?(2)他们为什么从开始的热爱教学逐渐走向职业疲惫?本文首先陈述了我是怎么找到这个研究课题—“中学外语教师职业疲惫的批判研究”,说明是怎样收集案例并以叙述探究的方式呈现出来。再从教师身份的不一样的认识角度,应用中国古代社会对教师身份的理解,还有西方心理学家,如弗洛依德,荣格,拉康,班杜拉以及马斯洛的理论,并且运用了话语分析理论,以个案研究的形式,叙事话语和话语批判研究的形式去反思和解读一位教师的职业生活,希望更好地理解当前教师职业疲惫产生的原因,同样也探索当前教育存在的问题和需要。根据研究结果,在中国高中英语教师职业疲惫现象比较严重,职业疲惫的原因主要有社会,机构和个人造成的。本论文的目的是尝试着去明白当前教师职业疲惫产生的原因,同样也发现当前教育存在的问题和需要。总之,在今天的教育改革中,这项研究是有意义的。

【Abstract】 In China, there are a growing number of in-service teachers in high schools that are overburdened and permanently confronted with severe challenges arising from the demands of the public and external assessment of their jobs. Under this stress, they struggle to maintain the psychic and emotional essential energy to their work. Working for long hours on a daily basis and having no enough space for inner peace and harmony burn them out.The school environment in which they work has a significant impact on their professional development. Due to the conditions of the professional lives, teachers are denied to control over their professional lives. The community of teachers is not constituted as a community of practice in their schools. When the school culture dismisses inner truth and honors only to the external world, the teachers lose heart to teach. They seldom recognize themselves as holders of personal practical knowledge of good teaching. They disconnect from their students, from their subjects, even from themselves. They build a wall between inner truth and outer performance to minimize the danger. We can see that the teachers are tempted to protect their sense of ego behind barricades of status, to withhold themselves from colleagues or students.Against this background, cultural, political and psychological, my research intends to answer the two questions: 1): What is the living condition of the English teachers in high schools nowadays? 2): Why do the English teachers become burnt-out?The theoretical frameworks that are used in the research include teacher identity, Freud’s "Id, Ego and Superego" theory (1998), Jung’s archetype theory (1954), Lacan’s mirror-symbolic-order theory (2002) as well as Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory (1946). From these social theories, I intend to gain some insight into the identity and needs of teachers in China. The research methods adopted in the study are a combination of case study, narrative inquiry and critical discourse analysis. By drawing on western theories on identity, knowledge and discourse as well as Chinese traditional philosophy of education, I intend to portray the life of a Chinese teacher of English and reflect her true life, and then told us the true portrait of a teacher. At the same time, attempts are made to address the current problems and needs of our education in general and Chinese teacher of English in particular.From studies of teacher burnout, we can know in China most teachers endure burnout. We can also see that three aspects influence teacher burnout effectively. They are society, organization and the teacher himself. So we suggest to reduce, to eliminate and to prevent teacher burnout through the three aspects above. To some extent, my study enriches the theories of teacher burnout. In short, my study is meaningful to teaching reform in our country today.

【关键词】 教师身份职业疲惫话语分析职业生活挣扎
【Key words】 teacher identityconflictsdiscoursenarrativestruggle
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】G633.41;G635.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】188