

Numerical Study on Radiant Panel Cooling and Heating

【作者】 王丽丽

【导师】 马重芳;

【作者基本信息】 北京工业大学 , 热能工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 地板辐射采暖由于具有众多的优点,在世界各地得到了广泛的应用。目前,国内的地板采暖技术日趋成熟,部分地区已经出台了技术规范,用于指导工程施工,但对于顶板辐射采暖房间和墙面辐射采暖房间的研究很少。对于顶板辐射供冷的研究已展开,但对地板和墙面辐射板供冷的研究远远不够,理论研究还很不完善,真正应用于实际工程的案例很少。辐射板供暖供冷房间内热环境情况是系统设计及运行管理的基础,研究辐射板供暖供冷房间模型对于深入了解辐射供暖供冷特性具有重要的意义。本文在总结前人经验的基础上,分别建立了辐射板采暖和辐射板供冷房间的物理模型,利用商业软件Fluent对采用辐射板采暖系统和辐射板供冷系统房间内的热环境进行了模拟研究,分别得到了辐射板布置在地板、墙面和顶板三种不同方式下的采暖和供冷房间内的温度和速度分布情况。研究表明地板辐射采暖方式是最舒适、节能的采暖方式,辐射板在地面的布置情况对能量消耗有很大影响;顶板辐射供冷加置换通风是三种供冷方式中最舒适的方式,从经济和舒适两方面而言,提高送风速度都是不必要的;辐射板供冷中,辐射作用提50%以上的冷负荷,起主要作用。对地板辐射采暖方式和散热器采暖方式、风机盘管加新风系统采暖方式分别进行了对比研究,研究结果表明地板辐射采暖比其他两种方式节能。对顶板辐射供冷方式和风机盘管加新风系统供冷方式进行了对比研究,研究结果表明顶板辐射供冷方式比风机盘管加新风系统供冷方式节能。通过前面的模拟发现,顶板辐射采暖和供冷共用一套系统可以实现夏季供冷、冬季供暖的要求。

【Abstract】 The radiant floor heating has been widely used all over the world because of lots of advantages compared with conventional heating. Presently, the way of radiant floor heating is growing up in China. Technical codes have appeared in some regions. But the research on radiant ceiling heating and radiant wall heating is still rare. Research on radiant ceiling cooling has been developed in China. Some basic theory isn’t sufficient; few buildings are built where the radiant floor cooling systems could be applied.Thermal environment of heating room is the fundamental of system design and operation. Research of radiant panel heatingand cooling room model plays an important role in understanding the characteristic of radiant panel heatinganf cooling room. This thesis developed physics model of radiant panel heating and cooling room based on previous studies. Computational fluid dynamics software FLUENT was applied to study the thermal environment of radiant panel heating and cooling room. The distributions of temperature and velocity of rooms of radiant floor heating and cooling, radiant ceiling heatingand cooling and radiant wall heating and cooling are gained.Radiant floor heating modes is the most comfortable, energy-efficient heating. The distribution of radiant panel on the floor has an important effect on energy consumption. Radiant ceiling cooling modes is the best. Improving wind speed isn’t necessary. The radiation plays an important role.Radiant floor heating, radiator and fan coil heating are compared.The result is radiant floor heating is the most energy-efficient. Radiant ceiling cooling and fan coil cooling are compared. The research shows that radiant ceiling cooling is more energy-efficient than fan coil cooling.The research shows that ceiling radiant heating and cooling can cool in summer and heat in winter through a set of system.

  • 【分类号】TU832
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】878