

Construction Simulation and Relevant Factors Analysis of New Suspend-dome Structure of Badminton Gymnasium for 2008 Olympic Games

【作者】 王敬仁

【导师】 张爱林;

【作者基本信息】 北京工业大学 , 结构工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着国民经济的蓬勃发展,各类工程建设项目规模日益扩大,重大工程项目包括高耸结构、大跨结构、超高层结构以及一些大型复杂异形结构等日益增多,适应工程实际需要的各种新型的结构形式也如雨后春笋。弦支穹顶结构是预应力技术与空间结构体系相结合而衍生出来的新的结构形式,具有良好的受力性能。与此同时,弦支穹顶结构工程规模的扩大和结构体系的复杂带来了施工过程的复杂性和安全性问题。目前,科研人员对此类结构的施工技术及施工过程中表现出的诸多力学问题越来越重视,施工过程分析己成为结构工程设计的一个重要组成部分。2008奥运羽毛球馆是目前世界上跨度最大的弦支穹顶结构,理论研究和体系创新要求高,施工难度大。本文重点将理论和技术创新与奥运重大工程建设需要相结合。本文总结了弦支穹顶结构的特点和国内外研究成果。介绍了弦支穹顶结构施工过程中采用的非线性有限元理论和求解方法。以2008年奥运会羽毛球馆比赛馆屋盖新型弦支穹顶结构和一个自建计算模型为模拟分析对象,分别用有限元分析软件ANSYS和结构有限元设计研究分析软件MIDAS对上述两个模型进行有限元分析模拟。考虑施工过程中结构支座约束条件、网壳结构焊接残余应力和网壳焊接空心球节点刚度和刚域对结构起拱值和内力的影响。通过对模拟分析所得的结果对比分析可知,弦支穹顶结构在施工过程中对边界支座约束条件要求较低;由于弦支穹顶结构属于大跨度空间钢结构,结构本身对温度反应比较敏感,因此结构在焊接残余应力的影响下,施工过程中结构起拱值和杆件内力均发生了很大的变化;焊接球节点刚域同样是施工过程中重要影响因素,本文通过复合建模方法真实准确地模拟出了节点刚域效果,并找出对结构的影响效果;同时对现有索撑节点进行了分析研究,找出造成节点摩擦力大的原因,提出节点改进的措施,设计出构造相对简单、更方便施工操作新型索撑节点。本文的研究成果直接应用于2008奥运羽毛球馆新型弦支穹顶结构施工。

【Abstract】 With the flourishing development of economics of our country, the scale of many types of engineering construction are expanding and the amount of many important projects such as high-rising building, long-span building, super-span building, super-high rising building and some other large scale and complex structure system bring out the complexity and all kinds of new structure have mushroomed to adapt to the actual needs of the various projects. Suspend-dome structure is the product of modern architecture science and technology. Suspend-dome structure is new structure style derived from the combination prestressed technology and space structure, has a good structural behavior.At the same time, for the suspend-dome structure, the size of the project and the expansion of the complex structure has brought the complexity of the construction process and security issues. At present, the research staff of the construction of such structures and construction technology demonstrated in the course of numerous mechanical problems more seriously, the process of structural construction design has become an important part of structure design. The suspend-dome structure of the badminton gymnasium for 2008 Olympic Games is the largest span of the suspend-dome structure at present in the world, Theoretical Study and technological innovation demands highly, the process of construction is very complex. This paper combines theoretical study and technological innovation with the construction of the Olympic project.This paper summarizes the suspend-dome structure research results and characteristics of domestic and foreign. Introduced nonlinear finite element theory and solving methods used in the construction process of Suspend-dome structure. The new suspend-dome structure of the badminton competition gymnasium roof for 2008 Olympic Games and a self-built model was taked as simulation object, finite element analysis software ANSYS and structural finite element analysis design software MIDAS were used in finite element model Simulation analysis process of the two models.In the process of construction simulation, support constraint conditions , welding residual stress of net shell , stiffness and rigid zone of net shell welding hollow ball joint were considered as contribution factor to joints spring value and internal forces of net shell.The following conclusions were got with the results of simulation analysis and comparative analysis. In the course of construction, suspend-dome structure requires low support constraint conditions. As a kind of large-span steel structure, Suspend-dome structure is more sensitive to temperature, therefore spring value and internal forces of structure have changed a lot under the influence of the welding residual stress in the course of construction. Stiffness and rigid zone of net shell welding hollow ball joint was also an important influencing factor in the construction process, therefore a new composite modeling method was used to accurately simulate the effect of rigid zone of welding hollow joints. At the same time, the reason of great joint friction was find out through the analysis of existing cable-strut joint, more importantly a simple and more convenient construction new cable-strut was invented.The research results of this paper directly applied to the construction of the new suspend-dome structure of the badminton competition gymnasium for 2008 Olympic Games.

  • 【分类号】TU394
  • 【被引频次】3
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