

Research on Attitued and Chirogrpahy Detected Instrument of Handwriting Pen

【作者】 刘喆

【导师】 李德胜;

【作者基本信息】 北京工业大学 , 测试计量技术及仪器, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 作为计算机信息录入的一种重要方式,手写输入越来越受到人们的重视,开始出现在生活的方方面面。最常见的手写输入方式是使用手写笔在手写板上输入信息,通过手写板将采集得到的数据传送至电脑并进行处理,属于二维空间信息录入。本文的目的是研究三维信息录入技术,应用手写笔在三维空间随意书写,并将书写的笔迹信息重现。手写动态采集系统使用安装于手写笔上的加速度传感器、磁场强度传感器及角速度传感器采集手写笔的动态信息,通过A/D转换将得到的数据由串行通信接口传送至计算机进行处理。本文由姿态检测系统的搭建出发,逐步阐述了三维空间手写输入系统实现的可行性。对实现笔迹重现的技术方案进行了论证,后重点阐述了系统的软硬件结构,并通过对航向角误差理论的研究,得到了可以改善笔迹重现效果的有效算法,随后的实验中分别采用加入姿态角补偿算法的手写笔和未加入姿态补偿算法的手写笔进行绘图,结果表明加入补偿算法后系统能够较准确地反应书写轨迹。系统达到了预期的设计功能,基本完成了设计目标。本文还针对实验中发现的不足,指出了需要进一步改进的地方,为系统的完善提出了一些建议。

【Abstract】 As an important way to input information to computers, people begin to pay more and more attention to handwriting and this inputting method exist in everywhere in our life. Using a pen writing on a handwritten panel is the most usual way to input information. And information is adopted and transferred to computers and then solved. This information method is 2D-space information input. In this paper, it is the aim to research 3D-space information input method. It can use handwriting pen to write in 3D-space arbitrarily. And then the chirography can be reappeared in computers.Micro-accelerometers、Micro- magnetometer and Micro- gyro mounted on the pen are used in this dynamic handwriting features acquisition system, and data is transmitted to computer for data processing and feature analysis through serial port after A/D conversion.The paper begins with putting up attitude detection system and then it discusses the possibility of establishing the handwriting inputting system in 3D-space. First the paper demonstrate the technical scheme of chirography painted and then the structure of software and hardware are emphatically discussed. After that ,through researching of the error theory about heading angle, we find an effective algorithm to improve the results of chirography. The experiment adopts attitude angle compensation algorithm and general algorithm to paint chirography. The result shows that the compensation algorithm can paint chirography accurately.The system reach the aim of expected design function. At the same time, the paper points out the shortcomings of the system and advices some improvements according to them.

  • 【分类号】TP274
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】175