

Research and Implementation of Distance Examination System

【作者】 郭衍勤

【导师】 付鹏斌;

【作者基本信息】 北京工业大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 远程教育是我国教育体制的重要组成部分,是终身教育的重要环节,计算机及网络技术的发展、尤其是Internet的应用普及极大地促进了远程教育的发展。考试是检验和促进教育水平的一个重要环节,因为远程教育不同于其它教育形式,传统的集中考试形式己经不能适应远程教育的需求。在新的技术条件下,远程考试的实现成为可能,这种考试方式更加适合远程教育的模式和要求,具有高灵活性、高效率、低成本等特点,已逐渐被接受。本论文实现的远程考试系统通过Internet进行考试,并组织相关考务活动,同时实现了传统考试中的试题管理、试卷组织、学生考试、教师阅卷、成绩管理和分析的信息化。通过该系统,教师可以根据需要进行组卷,学生可以通过Internet进行考试,同时学生还可以根据自己的需要利用教师指定的试题库来进行自测。本文首先对课题背景和国内外网络考试系统发展现状作了介绍,总结出现有系统存在的一些问题和不足,在此基础上确定了本文的研究内容;紧接着分析了当前流行的教育测量理论,确定了以经典测试理论为基础设计系统,并抽象出本系统的数据模型;然后,以系统模型为基础设计实现了远程考试系统。在设计实现过程中,首先确立了系统的体系结构,设计实现了各模块的功能,详细介绍了系统中的组卷策略设计和主观题自动批改等关键技术和算法。

【Abstract】 The distance education is the product of the development of compute rand network technology, especially the wide use of internet. The application of computer network technology has made the distance education one of most popular software industry. This paper aims to research and develop a distance test system which is the important part of the distance education.The main function of distance examination system is to organize and actualize the examination on internet. It makes test questions management、test paper generation、testing on-line、marking management and score management come true. Through the system, teachers can form the test paper that used by examination when need and students can test on-line. In addition, students can use the item pool that appointed by teachers to organize self-test.Firstly, background on issues and the current development of domestic and international network examination was introduced in this paper. Summed up the existence of some problems and deficiencies, on this basis, determine the content of this article. After the analysis of examination theories, I chose the classical test theory as the basic theory. Abstract to the system data model, and on the basis of this design to achieve distance examination system. In the design and implementation process, first of all establish the architecture of the system, design and implementation of the various modules of the function, described in detail in the system test paper strategy design and subjective that automatically correcting the key technology and algorithms.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】118