

【作者】 刘琦

【导师】 马宏柏;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 吴组缃身上积淀着深厚的古典文学学养,民族文学的源头活水滋养了他。在积极的艺术探求中,他更多地立足于民族文学的土壤,汲取中国古典文学传统的艺术营养,其小说呈现出浓郁的民族文学神韵。本文对吴组缃小说与中国史传文学传统的关系作了比较全面的梳理和思考,主要从直面现实的实录写真、美丑毕露的人物描写、暗寓褒贬的春秋笔法等方面展开论述,并对吴组缃传承文学传统的主、客观原因做出分析。对这些问题的论析,不仅能为中国现代文学与民族文学传统之间的血缘联系提供一个具体生动的例证,而且也能丰富与拓宽吴组缃小说研究的内容和领域。论文探讨吴组缃小说的史传笔法,共分为四部分。一、直面现实的实录写真。吴组缃既继承了新文学传统,接受了西方传来的现实主义理论的影响,又承传了中国史传文学“实录写真”的传统,他的小说重视生活的原型和本事,直面人生和社会,理性透视时代的发展趋向,努力达到生活真实与艺术真实的统一。二、美丑毕露的人物描写。吴组缃以人物创造为小说的中心。他从史传文学和古典小说的人物性格描写上得到艺术启发,遵循着美丑毕露的写人原则,力求创造出“活人典型”。他的小说人物描写的伦理色彩具有史传文学注重伦理道德评判的特点,同时又与他的徽州文化背景有着更为内在的联系。三、暗寓褒贬的春秋笔法。这部分主要探讨吴组缃小说“客观冷峻”的特点与史传文学传统的内在联系。吴组缃小说深得春秋笔法的神髓,并能加以创造性地发展。他的小说倾向从“冷峻客观”的场面描写中自然流露出来,既暗合了现实主义的要义,又见出暗寓褒贬的春秋笔法的影响。四、师承传统的原因分析。吴组缃自幼接触传统文化,全面而系统地学习了中国古典文学知识,这直接体现并决定着他的小说创作与古典文学传统联系的程度;传统文化文学影响了吴组缃的个性气质,这种个性气质又反过来影响了他对古典文学的取向;吴组缃对传统文学的择取还受到特定的历史语境的影响。可以说,正是孜孜不倦的艺术探寻与创新精神成就了吴组缃,使他的小说散发出久远的艺术魅力。

【Abstract】 There was deep Chinese Classical Literature sedimentation in Wu Zuxiang’s cultural structure, national literature source has nourished him. Wu based himself upon the fertile fields of national literature, he so actively absorbed artistic nourishments from the classical literature that his novels mainly reflected national literature verve .This article talks about the relationship between traditional history literature and Wu Zuxiang’s novels , it can be divided into four parts.Part 1, faithful record description of reality life. Wu passed the tradition of spreading the faithful record description of Chinese literature including the new-vernacular literature realistic tradition, his novels that reached reality both life and art attached importance to realistic prototype, represent reality life and society on subject, in order to penetrate the rule of historical progress.Part 2, personage portray which bears beautiful and ugly colors. In Wu’ s literary creation, the core was always genuinely focused on“persons" and their fates. Traditional history literature and Classical novels have direct or indirect on his novelistic personage portray and“model theory”. Like Chinese Classical Literature, Wu’s novels possessed ethical colors, his novelistic personage portray chased ethical angle which was also influenced by Wu’s Huizhou cultural background.Part 3, Succinct and Implicit Narration. Wu learned artistic soul from Succinct and Implicit Narration and developed it. His novels expressed serious subject by means of polt and scene. This mainly was influenced by traditional history literature and the realism literature .Part 4, There are three reasons. Wu Zuxiang began to study traditional culture and has accepted overall and regular education of Chinese Classical Literature from a child. Chinese traditional culture indirect influenced Wu’s characteristic which in turn affected the tradition inheritance orientation. In addition, his tradition inheritance orientation also was influenced by the history language atmosphere of ages he lived and created.In a word, Wu Zuxiang aspired after novelistic art tirelessly and produced excellent works. They have magic charm and will be remembered for ever.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 02期