

Research on Branding on Overseas Markets of Chinese Retail Enterprises Based on the Culture

【作者】 彭清云

【导师】 张德鹏;

【作者基本信息】 广东工业大学 , 企业管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 国际化经营是经济全球化的基础,零售企业品牌全球化随着全球经济一体化发展越来越受到关注。与此同时,随着中国经济的高速发展和零售市场的全面开放,中国零售企业开始国际化经营,海外市场营销问题已成为造就中国跨国零售企业的重要课题,而海外市场品牌塑造更是其中的关键问题。随着跨国公司品牌全球化范围的扩大和程度的加深,理论界和企业界的人士发现文化差异及其敏感性成了制约品牌塑造的重要因素之一。因此,零售企业海外市场品牌塑造,即是在不同文化下塑造零售企业品牌。这不仅成了零售企业高度关注的问题,而且也成了值得探索的理论问题。本研究以中国零售企业为对象,以塑造中国零售企业品牌为目标,从不同文化角度研究中国零售企业海外市场品牌塑造的策略。首先对有关零售企业海外市场品牌塑造的文献进行回顾和整理,并对这些研究存在的局限性进行评述和总结。其次从中国零售企业海外市场品牌塑造的现状入手,分析了中国零售企业海外市场品牌塑造的有利条件和障碍。再次分析了影响零售企业海外市场品牌塑造的核心因素——文化因素。从文化与零售品牌塑造的关系研究入手,指出文化对品牌塑造的影响是全方面的,文化影响到零售品牌塑造的各个层次。因此,零售企业在海外场塑造品牌时必须对文化环境做深入分析,本研究在前人研究的基础上,将世界文化分为东方文化、西方文化和中东文化,为零售企业海外市场品牌塑造的文化分析提供参考。然后,以美国的沃尔玛和法国的家乐福为例,通过比较在不同文化下塑造品牌的成功与失败经验,及在相同文化下塑造品牌的成功与失败经验,为我国零售企业海外市场品牌塑造提供启示。最后,在前文文化分析的基础上,借鉴国际知名零售企业品牌塑造的经验,从不同文化角度,提出了我国零售企业海外市场的品牌进入策略及塑造策略,为我国零售企业海外市场的品牌塑造提供指导。

【Abstract】 International operation is the base of economy globalization, and more and more people pay attention to the access of abroad market of retail enterprises. At the same time, Chinese economy is developing at high speed and enters WTO. The force is the main reason that Chinese retail enterprises are beginning to internationalize, and how to enter the abroad market has been the important subject that is faced by the Chinese retail enterprises, especially the problem of branding on overseas markets. With the winder scope and deeper extent of brand globalization and multinational corporations, both theoretical circles and the business community find cultural differences and sensitivities have become one of the important factors restricting branding. Therefore, the retail enterprises build brand on the overseas market, namely build the retail brand under different cultures. This is not only a problem paid great attention by the retail enterprises, but also became the theoretical issues worth exploring.This research study that Chinese retail enterprises how to create brand on overseas markets from a different cultural perspective, targeted at retail enterprises in China, aimed at creating international brand of Chinese retail enterprises. First of all, this research review and organize the relational document on branding of retail enterprises on overseas markets, and review and sum up the limitations of these studies. Secondly, the study analyses the current station of creating brand of Chinese retail enterprises on overseas markets, including the current station, the favorable conditions and obstacles. Thirdly, the study analyses the core factor which influent branding of Chinese retailenterprises on overseas markets------cultural factors. Beginning with the relationshipbetween culture and branding of retail enterprises, this section thinks that culture impacts on every levels of branding of retail enterprises. Therefore, retail enterprises should do in-depth analysis about the cultural environment when branding on overseas market. Then this study defines three types of culture—Eastern culture, Western culture and the culture of Middle East, based on the domestic research. Fourthly, this essay compare and analyzes experience on creating brand on overseas markets of Wal-Mart and Carrefour, and provide reference for the development of Chinese retail enterprises on overseas markets. Finally, the research gives entering strategy of brand, the specific strategies of branding based on different culture and the noticed issues for Chinese retail enterprises.

  • 【分类号】F273.2;F721
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】456