

Evaluation of Reservoir Character of Majiang Paleo-oil Reservoir in Depression of South Guizhou

【作者】 林家善

【导师】 周文;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 油气田开发工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 麻江古油藏在形成之后受到了多期次强烈抬升构造运动的破坏,使其暴露于侵蚀基准面之上,储层及其上覆地层被大量剥蚀或裸露地表,造成麻江古油藏解体,在古背斜的核部已出露寒武系、震旦系地层,储层分布在核部周围,残存于局部凹陷中。勘探实践证实该地区是个高复杂、高难度、高风险的勘探区域。因此,应加强该地区的储层特征研究,指出储层的有利发育带,并评价其后期的保存条件,对于指导下步的勘探开发工作及实现该地区油气勘探的突破具有重大的现实意义。在前人研究的基础上,总结本次研究的野外调查成果,结合已取得的钻探成果,认为研究区的主要储集层为下奥陶统的红花园组灰岩地层及中下志留统的翁项群砂岩地层。从岩性特征、沉积结构及构造、古生物组合等方面入手对研究区主要储层的沉积特征进行研究,并初步划分出沉积相带;在此基础上,进行储层的孔隙空间类型,孔隙度、渗透率特征及孔隙结构特征研究,对储层进行分类,指出储层发育的影响因素,对现今的储层进行分布评价;结合油气地面调查、残余油气饱和度测试结果分析、钻井油气显示分析,对储层的含油性进行分析;从产出地层水及油、气的生产特征及其地化分析,初步评价油气的保存情况。最后,对下一步的勘探开发提出建议。通过以上研究认为,花园组灰岩储集层的主要孔隙类型为溶蚀孔洞,灰岩基质的物性差,压汞实验反应出孔隙结构差。其储层的发育主要受加里东末期都匀抬升运动形成的古岩溶风化壳发育程度的控制。翁项群砂岩储层以剩余原生粒间孔及粒间溶孔为主,为中孔中渗储层,孔隙度平均为11.51%,渗透率平均为69.92×10-3μm2,孔隙结构好到中等。研究区内翁项群砂岩的机械压实作用较为强烈,石英次生加大作用发育,致使储层物性变差。受沉积特征的影响翁项群砂岩储层自东向西明显变差,有利储层主要分布在凯里、丹寨地区。储层的含油性主要受控构造—岩性的控制。翁项群砂岩的残余含油饱和度低,平均为10.07%,其中古油藏北翼凯里地区的残余含油饱和度最高,平均为14.06%。在经受多期次的强烈破坏后研究区呈总体开启局部封闭的特征。在局部保存条件较好的凹陷中仍可能存在有残留油气藏,其中,背斜的翼部由于盖层的剥蚀量少其保存条件往往较好,储层上倾方向由于断层遮挡形成的局部构造保存条件也较好。从已取得的勘探成果来看,虎庄、鱼洞地区的保存条件较好是下一步勘探开发的有利地区,尤其是背斜翼部及由断层遮挡形成的圈闭是勘探的有利构造。

【Abstract】 Due to the impact of multiphase uplift tectonic movement after forming, Majiang paleo-oil reservoir was exposed to the base level eroded, and the upper stratum and overlying formations were denuded or were exposed surface. So Majiang paleo-oil reservoir was broken up, and formation of Cambrian and Sinian had been exposed in the core of the paleo-anticline, where reservoirs were distributed and were remained in the sinks.The exploration practice confirmed that the region is a exploration area with very complexity, difficulty and high risk. Therefore, it should strengthen research of Reservoir character,point out favorable development zone,and evaluate preservation conditions latter. So it is of great practical significance to guide further work of exploration and development and to achieve breakthroughs in oil and gas exploration.On the basis of previous studies, summing up investigation findings and combining findings in exploration drilling,it is concluded that main reservoirs are limestone strata of honghuayuan formation in Ordovician and sandstone formation of wengxiang formation in Silurian, the main sedimentary character is researched, according to the lithology character, sedimentary structure and paleontology combination and so on, and sedimentary facies is divided initially.Then reservoirs are classified after the research of the types of the pore space, the character of porosity and permeability, and the character of pore structure, affecting factors of which are pointed out, and distribution of reservoirs is evaluated. With ground surveys of oil and gas, tests of residual oil saturation, and the discovery of oil and gas in drilling, oiliness of reservoirs is analyzed.The preservation conditions are evaluated, by analyzing the production formation of water, oil, and gas. Finally, the further plan for the exploration and development is proposed. Through studying above, the main pore types of honghuayuan limestone reservoir is dissolution cave,development of limestone reservoir in honghuayuan formation is controlled mainly by crust of weathering of fassil karst formed by uplift movement in the end of the Caledonian. The main pore types of wengxiangqun sand reservoir are the mainly residue original interganular pore and the dissolved pores between grains, the average porosity is 11.51% and average permeability is 69.92×10-3μm2, the pore structure is good to medium. The favorable reservoirs are mainly distributed in Kaili and Danzhai region. Oiliness of reservoir is controlled mainly by the ancient anticline and fault. The residual oil saturation of wengxiangqun sand reservoir is poor, the average of it is 10.07%, the residual oil saturation of Kaili area where is the north limb of Majiang paleo-oil reservoir is the highest the average of it is 14.06%. Region of interest is characterized with opening totally and close partly after multiphase destruction. It is possible to remain reservoir somewhere, and the wings of anticline and the fault screened reservoir are well preserved..From the results of the exploration made, the Huzhuang and Yudong are the best area for exploratory and development, and wings of anticline and the fault trap are the favorable structure.

  • 【分类号】P618.13
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】368