

Research on the Diagenetic Evolution in Sequence Stratigraphic Framework in the Steep-slope Zone of Halfgrabe-like Rift Basin

【作者】 谭先锋

【导师】 田景春;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 沉积学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 在前人研究的基础上,以沉积学理论、层序地层学理论、碎屑岩成岩作用及成岩演化理论为指导。以东营凹陷北部陡坡带构造、沉积、层序地层为背景,结合铸体薄片分析、扫描电镜分析、粘土矿物X衍射、镜质体反射率分析测试资料。本文开展了东营凹陷北部陡坡带沙河街组成岩作用研究,并结合区内层序地层背景,对层序格架内内的成岩作用、成岩演化阶段、成岩演化、成岩相以及成岩作用与储层发育的关系进行了详细研究,本文取得的主要成果有:在前人研究的基础之上,开展了东营凹陷北部陡坡带沙河街组层序地层学研究,共划分出了3个二级层序界面和3个三级层序界面,二级层序界面分别为SSB1、SSB2、SSB3,;三级层序界面分别为SB1、SB2、SB3;在层序划分的基础上,一共划分为2个二级层序和6个三级层序,二级层序分别为沙四层序和沙三~沙二下层序;6个三级层序分别为SQ1、SQ2、SQ3、SQ4、SQ5、SQ6;并进行了陡坡带层序地层对比,建立了陡坡带层序地层格架,摸清了陡坡带层序发育的整体概况,为层序地层格架内的成岩演化研究奠定了基础。以构造演化、沉积作用和层序地层为背景,根据薄片鉴定、扫描电镜、x衍射分析等资料,详细研究了东营凹陷陡坡带沙河街组成岩作用类型及特征,主要成岩作用为压实—压溶、碳酸盐胶结、石英次生加大、粘土矿物胶结、黄铁矿胶结、硬石膏胶结、交代和溶蚀等成岩作用类型。并详细研究层序格架内成岩作用特征,研究表明,层序界面附近主要成岩作用类型有溶蚀作用、铁碳酸盐胶结以及粘土矿物胶结等成岩作用类型;同一层序内,不同体系域成岩作用特征有所差异,低位体系域主要成岩作用有铁碳酸盐胶结,粘土矿物胶结,高岭石胶结,硬石膏胶结等,湖盆扩张体系域主要为石英次生加大、高岭石胶结和泥岩压实作用为主,高位体系域主要以铁碳酸盐胶结、长石加大胶结和塑性组分溶蚀作用;层序格架内不同沉积体系成岩作用特征不同,影响储层好坏成岩作用有所差异。影响冲积扇储层的主要成岩作用有粘土矿物胶结和溶蚀作用,影响扇三角洲储层的主要成岩作用有压实作用、碳酸盐胶结作用和石英次生加大,影响近岸水下扇储层的主要成岩作用有压实作用、石英次生加大和碳酸盐胶结作用,影响三角洲储层的主要成岩作用有压实作用、石英次生加大和溶蚀作用,影响浊积扇储层的主要成岩作用有碳酸盐胶结和溶蚀作用。以成岩作用研究为基础,铸体薄片中成岩物质特征、粘土矿物分析、镜质体反射率等资料为主要依据,对沙河街组进行了成岩演化阶段划分,共划分出了早成岩A期、早成岩B期、中成岩A期和中成岩B期四个成岩阶段,从SQ1~SQ6层序,成岩作用阶段从中成岩B期~早成岩A期的变化过程;详细研究了沙河街组成岩演化过程,恢复了沙河街组埋藏—成岩史,探讨了控制成岩演化的主要因素;在成岩作用阶段划分和成岩演化的基础上,进行了成岩相的划分,共划分出了5种成岩相和8种成岩亚相类型,5种成岩相分别为早期弱压实成岩相、早期弱胶结成岩相、中期溶蚀成岩相、中期再胶结成岩相和晚期紧密压实成岩相;8种成岩亚相类型分别为塑性组分溶蚀、方解石胶结、(含)铁碳酸盐胶结、石英次生加大、高岭石充填、混层粘土矿物充填、泥青质胶结和硬石膏胶结;在成岩相类型划分的基础上,详细研究了东营凹陷北部陡坡带的层序格架内的成岩相展布特征;最后,建立了北部陡坡带构造—层序—成岩综合模式。成岩作用对储层有很好的控制作用,成岩过程中的压实作用、胶结作用和溶蚀作用都对成岩作用有重要的控制作用;最后,对成岩作用进行了定量的计算,引入了成岩综合指数,初步探讨了成岩综合指数与储层发育的关系,研究证明,成岩综合指数与储层有着很好的对应关系。

【Abstract】 Based on the research fruit of predecessor,directed by the sedimentation theory, Sequence Stratigraphic theory and diagenesis theory.based on the research of structure, sedimentary and Sequence Stratigraphic in the steep-slope zone of dongying sag.combi -ning with the body of casting slice,stereoscan photograph,x-diffraction,reflectance of vitrinite atc.combing with the research of the Sequence Stratigraphic,writer detailed researched the diagenesis of shahejie formation in the steep-slope zone of dongying sag.included the reaearch of diagenesis,digenetic evolution phase,digenetic evolution, digenetic facies and relation of digenetic evolution and reservoir in in Sequence Stratigraphic Framework.there are main conclusions and views as follow:Based on the research production of predecesser,writer researched Sequence Stratigraphic.the There are 3 second-order Sequence interface(SSB1,SSB2,SSB3)and 3 third-order Sequence interface are discoveried in shahejie formation.There are 2 second-order Sequence(Es4 and Es3~Es2~下)and third-order Sequence(SQ1,SQ2,SQ3, SQ4,SQ5,SQ6)are distinguished from the shahejie formation.and wirter established the Sequence Stratigraphic Framework.Background of the structurual evolution,sedimentary and Sequence Stratigraphic. based on the body of casting slice,stereoscan photograph and x-diffraction atc.wirter detailed researched the diagenesis in Sequence Stratigraphic Framework.included the compaction-pressure solution,cementation of carbonate,secondary oversize of quartzes,cementation of clay minerals,cementation of iron pyrites,cementation of anhydrite replacement and erosion atc.and detailed researched the diagenesis of the sequence interface,erosion,cementation of carbonate,cementation of clay minerals are found near the the sequence interface.researched the diagenesis in the system tracts, cementation of carbonate,cementation of clay minerals,cementation of kaolinite,cementation of anhydrite are found in the low system tracts,secondary oversize of quartzes, cementation of anhydrite,compaction of mud stone are fund in the expand system tracts; cementation of carbonate,cementation of feldspar,erosion are found in the high system tracts.researched the digenesis of the sedimentary system in the sequence.Different sedimentary system include different diagenesis.The diagenesis influenced the alluvial fan reservoir include the cementation of clay minerals and erosion;The diagenesis influenced the fan-delta reservoir include the compaction,cementation of carbonate and secondary oversize of quartzes;The diagenesis influenced the Nearshore Subaqueous Fans reservoir include the compaction,secondary oversize of quartzes and cementation of carbonate;The diagenesis influenced the delta reservoir include the compaction, secondary oversize of quartzes and erosion;The diagenesis influenced the turbidite fan reservoir include the cementation of carbonate and erosion.Based on the research of diagenesis,according to character of diagenesis substance, clay minerals analyse,reflectance of vitrinite atc.Wirter divided the phase of the Diagenetic Evolution.including subphaseA,B of early stage diagenesis and subphase A,B of late stage diagenesis.And detailed researched the process of the Diagenetic Evolution.Based on the research of phase of the Diagenetic Evolution and Diagenetic Evolution.The paper detailed divided the digenetic facies of the shahejie formation. there are 5thdigenetic facies and 8th digenetic subfacies in the shahejie formation. 5thdigenetic facies include the early stage feebleness compaction,early stage feebleness cementation,indermediate stage erosion,indermediate stage again cementation and advanced stage tightness cpmpation.8th digenetic subfacies include erosion of plastic nature component,cementation of calcite,cementation of carbonate including Fe,secondary oversize of quartzes,cementation of kaolinite,cementation of clay minerals, cementation of asphalt and cementation of anhydrite.then researched the digenetic subfacies in the Sequence Stratigraphic Framework of shahejie formation in the steep-slope zone of dongying sag.in the end,wirter established the synthesis model of diagenesis of the steep-slope zone of halfgraben-like rift basin.Diagenesis partly control the reservoir.included the compaction,cementation and erosion.the paper quantify counted the Diagenesis by the Diagenetic aggregative index number.and pramilinary discussed the relation of the Diagenetic aggregative index number and the reservoir.the research indicate,there are corresponding relation between the Diagenetic aggregative index number and the reservoir.

  • 【分类号】P539.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】441