

Study on Characteristics of Sedimentary Facies and Reservoir at Jurassic Xishanyao Formation of Mid Block-3 in Junggar Basin

【作者】 罗洋

【导师】 李德敏;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 准噶尔盆地中3区地处新疆石河子市周边,地质构造部位在昌吉凹陷西段,是老油盆的新区块。在其永1井的西山窑组地层中,测试产油72.07m~3/d、产气10562m~3/d,说明本区西山窑组具有很大的勘探潜力。中3区尚处于勘探、开发初期,仅有9口钻井,其中,钻至西山窑组的只有6口,并且,都在永1井区。因而,本文主要研究了永1井区的沉积相与储层的特征,然后,对其它未知区域做了一定程度的分析。本文采用了姜在兴等(2006)对沉积相的定义,该定义认为沉积相应包括:构造特征、气候特征、自然地理特征、以及沉积介质的物理和化学特征。所以,在前人的研究基础上,本文大量调研了本区的构造与沉积特征演化史:特别的,在前人研究的基础上,结合了本论文的岩石学特征研究,设计了粒度变化趋势图,对车~莫古隆起的演化过程做了一定程度的尝试性的分析、探讨。并认为,车~莫古隆起的演化过程,直接控制了本区西山窑组的物源体系,直接影响了沉积环境演变,并且,对沉积期后的成岩作用、储层孔隙演化和成藏等都有重要的影响。在作沉积相研究时,本文采用了“点~线~面”的立体空间思路进行分析,即,从单井沉积相分析入手,扩展到连井对比,再到平面的沉积相与储层宏观展布特征研究。其中,在作各口单井分析时,本文综合运用了测井、录井和岩心资料,先在单井的岩心和测井剖面上,分析了沉积特征、沉积相序以及高频层序旋回特征,建立了岩~电响应关系,再扩展到测/录井剖面进行研究。结果表明,本区西山窑组发育了湖泊相和辫状河三角洲相,分别包括滨湖、湖沼、浅湖亚相和辫状河三角洲前缘亚相,并认为三角洲前缘亚相的水下分流河道微相,是最有利于储层砂体发育的相带。在上述相分析的过程中,结合了陆相高精度层序地层学(High ResolutionSequence Stratigraphy)理论,基本建立了本区西山窑组的等时沉积格架。从下到上,将其划分为4个四级层序(中期)沉积旋回:MSC1、MSC2、MSC3和MSC4,并认为MSC3和MSC4的构造及气候变动最明显。在此格架中,全面展开了对沉积相与储层宏观展布特征的研究。然后,分析了薄片和物性资料,研究了成岩作用对深部储层特征的影响,探讨了次生孔隙的成因机理、分布特征及其跟储层物性的关系,基本刻画出了储层的微观特征。分析结果表明,本区西山窑组的储集空间以原生孔隙为主,次生孔隙对本区储层总孔隙的贡献可达30%左右,具有至关重要的作用;孔隙类型,以粒间溶蚀扩大孔为主。继而,联系油田的勘探、开发实践,结合油气测试情况,以物性资料为主,将本区西山窑组的储层划分成了三级四类,即Ⅰ类、Ⅱ1类、Ⅱ2类和Ⅲ类。而且,最终回归到测/录井剖面上,分析了有利储层类型在测/录井中的响应特征,还分析了有利储层与沉积相及高频层序旋回的对应关系。结果表明,最有利的储层,综合表现为“永1型”Ⅱ1类储层。最后,作出了有利储层发育区带的评价和预测,并认为2砂组的永1井~永3井一带,是有利储层的最佳分布区带。此外,本文在论述过程中,出于整体恢复、动态分析的需要,基本解释了前人存在分歧或阐述得不够清晰的3个问题:1,关于西山窑组下部,作为烃源岩的煤层组,在层序划分中的等时性问题;通过分析后本文认为,煤层组的上下界面,至少可以作为四级层序的等时界面;2,关于西山窑组上部,作为盖层的广泛分布的褐红色厚层泥岩,其成因沉积相模式问题;本文引用了“扩张湖”模式,很好的解释了此问题;3,关于2砂组和3砂组之间的分界问题;本文认为,可以用MSC3的湖泛面作为分界面。

【Abstract】 Located adjacent to Shihezi City, Xinjiang, with its geographical structure attached to west part of Changji depression, Mid Block-3 in Junggar Basin is a new block in an old Oil Basin. Tests at strata of Xishanyao Formation of Well Yong 1 show oil output is72.07m3/d and gas 10562m3/d, which indicates great potential of exploration at the block.Since the exploration and development of Mid Block-3 remains its early stage, only 6 of the 9 wells reach the Xishanyao Formation confined to area of Well Yong 1. Thus, the study mainly concerns Characteristics of Sedimentary Facies and Reservoir of Well Yong 1 and involves some analysis of other unknown parts.The definition of Sedimentary Facies by Mr. JiangZaixing, etc. was adopted in this papers that Sedimentary Facies is supposed to contain features of Structure, Climate, Nature and Geography as well as physical and chemical characteristics of sediment media. Based on the results of renowned experts, a large number of materials of structures of the block and evolution of sediments were researched, and especially, with the research on petrology, the trend draft of Grain Size was designed as well. Further research was made on the evolution process of palaeohigh at Che-Mo, which is believed to directly control the sediment source of the block and influence the sediment environment and furthermore the diagenesis of sediment period, pore evolution of the reservoir and accumulation.The Point-Line-Face approach, i.e. from the analysis of single well to compare of a well tie and finally to the macro study the Characteristics of Sedimentary Facies and Reservoir, was employed when the research on Sedimentary Facies was made. When the analysis starts with the single well, materials of well logging and core were carefully and comprehensively applied. First, on the section of core and logging, characteristics of Sediment, facies sequence sediment, high frequency sequence cycle were studied with great care so as to build rock-electricity pattern and then on the section of logging. The results show lacustrine facies and braid delta facies were developed in the formation, respectively including lake shore, lake swamp, shallow lake subfacies and braided delta-front subfacies, and subaqueous distributary channel of the delta-front subfacies is thought to be the best facies belt to develop reservoir sand body.During the analysis of mentioned facise, High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy was taken into consideration to basically build the equitime sediment frame of the formation. From the bottom, four Fourth-order sequence (middle time) sediment cycles, namely, MSC1、MSC2、MSC3 and MSC4, the structure and climate change of the latter two are most obvious. And in this frame, the complete study on sedimentary facise and reservoir’s macro distribution characteristics was made.Then, analysis was done on thin sections and physical property and also on the influence of rock formation on the further reservoir characteristics, meanwhile made was the exploration of association of the cause of formation of secondary pore, distribution features with reservoir physical property in order to illustrate the micro characteristics of reservoirs. The results indicate primary pores dominate in the reservoir pores, and however the secondary ones are critical too for they account for 30% of the total pores. And intergranular dissolved expanded pores take the majority among the pores.The practical exploration and development of the field, as well as the result of the oil and gas tests were studied when classifying the reservoir into three ranks and four categories, i.e. I, II1, II2 and III. And, finally, research was made backward to the sections of the loggings, e.g. the analysis of response properties of various productive reservoirs in well loggings and the analysis of corresponding relation between productive reservoirs and Sedimentary facies and high frequency sequence cycle. The results show the most productive reservoir is Yong 1 * II1.Eventually, evaluation and prediction of the productive development belt were made and the Well Yong 1 ,as well as Well Yong 3 of Sand Bed 2 is supposed to be the best distribution area of productive reservoir.In addition, in the papers, three suspending problems due to disputes and ambiguous illustration were explained. First, at the lower part of the Xishanyao Formation, as coal measures of hydrocarbon source rock, the isochroneity of classification of sequence; according to the analysis of the papers, interfaces of the coal measures can be used as the equitime interfaces of the four sequences. Second, at the upper part of the Xishanyao Formation, the formation mode of thick mudstone as cover rock; this is well elaborated by quoting mode enlarged lacustrine. Finally, the interface between Sand Bed 2 and Sand Bed 3; in the papers, it was posed that flooding surface of MSC3 can be taken as the interfaces.

  • 【分类号】P618.13
  • 【被引频次】3
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